Deep Dive into your Intuition
10 week on line Study Course
10 module course - one module each week
We will be learning how to really deep dive into working with your intuition and how it can help you in everything you do
You will learn about about all 10 Egyptian Pharonic Chakras and their Essences
You will also energetically, vibrationally and visually encounter the energy emanating from one of the channeled chakra paintings each week plus any guided messages or meditation that comes through.
You will also energetically, vibrationally and visually encounter the energy emanating from one of the channeled chakra paintings each week plus any guided messages or meditation that comes through.
You will be guided through a process of tapping into your intuition, experiences and impressions as different high vibrational things are introduced to you of which you will also learn how to experience intuitively.
You will be taken on a journey of all your senses and learn how they all heighten your intuitive capabilities through a process of movement, visualization, sound, and smell. All impressions, feeling, experiences are to be noted in a journal which you will refer to often as you progress through the 10 module course and track your intuitive deep dive progress.
I have never done a class this in-depth and intense before and I know it will be completely guided as to what will be shared with each module and what the activities are to go along with it week by week.
Loads of extras will be included too.
The price will be going up and just know it's totally worth the full amount of $2,220 with all you will be discovering and exploring in yourself as you engage your intuition and work more with your pineal.
You will also have special reduced prices on some of the essences that will be worked with and discussed in the course.
I do hope you register soon. I believe you will not want to miss this.
Loads of extras will be included too.
The price will be going up and just know it's totally worth the full amount of $2,220 with all you will be discovering and exploring in yourself as you engage your intuition and work more with your pineal.
You will also have special reduced prices on some of the essences that will be worked with and discussed in the course.
I do hope you register soon. I believe you will not want to miss this.
One (1) Private Intuitively Guided, Channeled, and Informational session with Rajenaira-Madalyn $222-$230
True Value for all 10 modules -$2,220 - $2,300
Your biggest savings is NOW - First module Release is Monday, July 25
You can register for 10 module course study class for $197 until June 21, 2021
After July 21, the price is still a fantastic value at $997.00
Click the link below to REGISTER Now at only $197 (link good until July 21)