Arch Angel Essences
I have included a brief description of what the Arch Angels have said on how to use them and the Essences they prefer to be used with and why. We cover this in much more detail in the Arch Angel Training.
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The 18 Arch Angels in the
Beloved Essences Collection
Going beyond the previous known about the Arch Angels.
Their new energies, recognized abilities and companion essences they like to accompany them for different experiences or healings.
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Lightest of hearts, courage, bravery, focus, connects to the Faerie Realm and the Water Elementals. Ariel is known as the angel of nature. Ariel says gentleness is beauty and strength of character that is often overlooked. Ariel oversees the protection and healing of animals and plants and supervises the care of natural elements such as water and wind. Ariel inspires human beings to take good care of planet Earth. Arch Angel encourages people to live up to their full potential by discovering and fulfilling their life purpose. . Likes to be used with any of the Fairy and Elemental Essences including Middle Earth and the Dragons.
Warms ones heart. Helps loved ones cross over, Helper of Transcendence– Not just thru cross over but through Phoenix Rising of rebirth & born again Use with Mohammed Essence – Helps males embrace their power. Add RA Essence for drained males. Compliments with Thoth – sees truth. With Thoth & Mohammad – Enhanced Spiritual Connection With Phoenix Rising + Mohammed + Thoth to discover & walk spiritual path in terms to who they are connected.
Strong Protector removes dark negative energies and entities that refuse to leave. Just call for “BA” as he has requested and AA Bashur will ‘yank them up out of here’ his words. He said that now is the time for him to come forth and be recognized where before he did his work with only a select few who handled extreme dark energies regularly. You will not find anything really on AA Bashur on the internet searches as again due to “selection” process He is not to be confused with the channeled entity ‘Bashar’ who speaks through Darryl Anka.
Name means “Speed of God” or “God who Closes” and is the Angel of Serenity and Temperance. Cassiel is considered the Guardian of the threshold between this world and the next. Connects with the moon and all it’s phases and the planet Saturn. Overseer of magical knowledge, obstacles, sacred wisdom, astral plane, real estate, business, limitations and debts including karmic, institutions, banking and death and more. Cassiel like to be used with Ancient Wisdom, Astral Travel, and Main Gate-10th chakra, Aurealia, Midnight Moon, Violet Flame and Golden Flame Essences.
Angel of Relationships…Helps heal the heart through Love. Protector, Light blue, Enveloping, Embracing, Extreme Peace, Beloved, great for Business People, teamwork. Use with Phoenix Rising to transcend negative group dynamics.
Helps you to stand in your truth, to speak with power, applies for all, larger level of influence. Helps the Messengers for the earth. Helps tap into Gods love Helps create miracles. Twin Flame to Lucifer Use with Paul the Venetian for removing creative blocks, all kinds of creative blocks Use with Mohammed – messenger of God
Courage, gentleness, fragility – strongly, delicate, Like plants & flowers, botanicals. Arch Angel Haniel is the angel of joy, courage, gentleness and fragility. Similar to Arch Angel Ariel in this deeper understanding of gentleness and beauty. Arch Angel Haniel can change your mood from one of great hopelessness to one of great joy and is able to turn barren ground into something fertile and productive. Likes to be used with Maitreya Essence to facilitate and help awaken your own true Divine Christ Consciousness that resides in us all.
Look at ourselves in a broader perspective life review, comforting, perspective on direction and where you are going. WITH Phoenix Rising – to help you through the dark night of the soul. Use with Mary Magdalene, AA Raphael, Mint & Eucalyptus for hearing.
Escort to the Divine, gentle, nurturing, peace, calming, bonding like connecting, cleansing, like earth after rain. Likes sacred geometry, family unit, detoxing, physical & etheric detoxing, animals, communicate, empathy, help enhance, melodic, time, sacred, geo, melody, time & rhythm, with life beat. Hope, enhancing, help find renewed sense of self, purpose of being.
Going beyond the previous known about him. Repetition, instinctual vs. work or chore. Higher energetic pattern. He held to that pattern as the path to practice to save us. Repetition, process thought patterns that change cellular structure so it becomes us. (Yin/Yang). People need to understand applied sacred geometry. Do not forget Feminine Sacred geometry, the energy of the Divine Feminine not linear, not forceful, its yielding. USE with Divine Feminine – because we all under estimate force. Enhances openness, flexibility, bending. Metatron goes with anything to enhance unblock all the clairs, see those patterns. Use with RA & Isis Essences – Balance back to powerful men & women not power over relationships that are out of balance. Shedding a new light on Metatron. Balance of Yin/Yang- he is that line of perfect harmonious balance.
Difference between Michael & BAshur. Individually but can function as one group or collective. Be everywhere all at once. Have to ask permission for them to work with us. BA & Michael – BA strong in your confidence. Negative and own self-defeating talk. BA helps us. Considering the darkest of the dark, dimensional and multi dimensionally. Michael helps homeless, mental ill. Has sense of humor. Trying to make us laugh. It will change our key thinking on angelic realms. Laughter and humor. Like Aurelia's humor.
Laughter is the best medicine. Emerald green color with added idea of Lemurian green. It’s him-luscious. Healed when united with the one. He will always be with us. Become one with source (God) and then one with him. Heals on all levels through time, space dimensions. We have to want to be healed and then we can heal. Believe it in your heart. USE High Heart & Mary Magdalene & AA Raphael for the stubbornness & challenging people. Use Maha Chohan for Will with Raphael.
Battery to energize you. High level etheric alchemist. Arch Angel of relationships too. Angel relationships. Helps with sight of the light. Light ties our DNA to a Divine Grid spreading & channeling Divine energies. New DNA activations bring in more connectedness to the Divine, more than we think. Become more sensitive to energies moving past our etheric bodies. Recognizing our other body skills. The higher you get to source the more the other bodies experiences will be explained. Phoenix & Raguel good together.
Wisdom - Ancient Knowledge. Helps to get in touch with clairs, helps to enhance them. Bright, luminous, awakening self-discovery – closer to our pure light. For esoteric connection use Raziel, Akashic Records & Galactic Soul
ARCH ANGEL Sandalphon
Role model for ascension. He and his brother (AA Metatron) ascended in human form; Jesus resurrected, they ascended. Remember he ascended with his body. He is an important Holy model. We are about to do that in mass (stages). Sandalphon helps with ascension. Helps our physical bodies prepare for it. Sends downloads. Divine timing for each. Likes to be used with Ascension & Serapis Bey; also with tantric & Lavender Royal Amber. Use with AA Chamuel in Romance Collection (pot of Gold for finances) help you find your soul mate, your love, true love, peace. To find anything, set your intention
Merlin is an aspect of Uriel. Angel of veterinarians. Helps with healing along with Raphael. Seems to be diverse and broad healing includes humans, earth grids & animals. Healing the planet. Heals things that block us in our knowingness, our clairs, psychic empaths all work with Michael at lot. Teacher of cutting cords & things we call Michael in for. Use with Dragon essence for animals –horses will respond well to that larger animal of all of them.
Hearing is grander than any other senses. Helps us to hear what we don’t want to. What we don’t want to know, see. Delude ourselves with - clears away delusions. Helps us discerning thru minute senses starting with our 5 physical senses and building on them. Helps us realize our dreams. Be expansive in our power and Knowing of the one-ness. Not connected to it but we are IT. Like, We are GODS with amnesia. Soul – all that we have gone through when we connect with know we are the One. We will have a language more than we know. Set intention and any Angel essence will work. Zadkiel & Phoenix enhances soul development over ego development.
Zaphkiel means knowledge of God and is the archangel of understanding. Zaphkiel is also known as Shekinah, the female aspect of Metatron, or the divine feminine, from which all life is born. Teaches you about unconditional love and surrendering to it. The alchemist of life creating a wonderful mix of compassion, ecstasy, romance and creation in your everyday living. Shows you how to connect with your inner beauty and the inner beauty of all life which surrounds you.