The Divine Feminine Emergence - Mortal to Immortal
Return of your Crystalline Light Bodies, Yours and Mother Earths
A Spiritual Intuitives Dialogue and Message of Channeled Teachings from RA and ISIS and Other Master Teachers Shared in Love by Dr. Madalyn Kennedy
This book is valuable for both men and women alike.
The men shy away for anything titled Divine Feminine but they must learn how to recognize
and allow their Divine Feminine aspects and qualities of intuition and
heart center decisions to come to the forefront of their lives.
The men shy away for anything titled Divine Feminine but they must learn how to recognize
and allow their Divine Feminine aspects and qualities of intuition and
heart center decisions to come to the forefront of their lives.
“A beautiful book filled with spiritual wisdom and words of encouragement. It is a wonderful guidebook that instills calmness, reassurance and understanding during this time of change. I highly recommend ‘The Divine Feminine Emergence – Mortal to Immortal, Return of the Crystalline Light Bodies, Yours and Mother Earth’s.’ An excellent book!” - Eva Gregory, Americas Divine Guidance Coach, Speaker,Author of The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, Founder of Leading Edge Coaching & Training, LLC.
Intensify your Experiences with the book by using the
Blessed Divine Feminine Essences and listen to the
Light Being Meditation from Isis recorded
in Madalyn's own voice.
Quote from the book - artwork "Heart Chakra" copyright by Madalyn Kennedy
“Madalyn comes from her heart and with this, her 1st book of guided messages. ‘The Divine Feminine Emergence – Mortal to Immortal, Return of the Crystalline Light Bodies, Yours and Mother Earth’s’ You will return to the words in this book often. It’s an amazing and eye-opening read that everyone needs to add to their collection. Truly a Must Have.” - Lisa Cherney, Juicy Marketing Expert, President, CEO and Founder of
“Madalyn is a clear and powerfully connected channel. She has the deep knowing and wide open trust that allows her to connect and let the wisdom flow through. There is no question in my mind, when I am with Madalyn and her guides, of the source and the power of her connection and information.” - Scout Wilkins, Coach Trainer and speaker, Founder of Your Grandest Adventure, home of the Traveling LIGHT programs