Invite Madalyn's Guides ISIS and Amun-RA to speak at you next seminar or metaphysical gathering.

ISIS and Amun-RA along with Commander Ashtar are Madalyn's main guides and they come through with important messages for the audience attendees. Many other guides can come through also and give their insight of what is happening across the planet and in the cosmos at this heightened time of awareness. Many have personal messages they share with individuals in attendance. The Guides always ask for Questions from audience members. Madalyn will then thank her guides for coming and have a personal sharing time with the gallery for as long as time provides. The Question and Answer periods with the Guides and with Madalyn are always very respectful of the privacy matters which some may wish to keep to themselves. In these cases, private session appointments may be scheduled directly after the seminar or schedule a session appointment through the office.
The messages are powerful, loving and always exactly what is needed to be spoken for each individual seminar. The beings of light know of whence they speak.
Madalyn has facilitated many lectures and seminars in which her Guides bring forth the true messages that is the most prominent to be heard at the time. They always scan the room and send healing and raise the vibrational frequency of the room. The Question and Answer portion is always very enlightening and helps the audience to understand even a deeper meaning of their guidance.
ISIS and AMUN-RA captured in Madalyn's Soul Painting Portrait

Madalyn is so strongly connected to her guides Isis and Amun-RA that they were captured in her private soul portrait session with artist Raven at the Denver Fair.
The two eyes are totally different. Amun-RA is the stronger very intense eye on the Right side of the face and ISIS is reflected on the Left side of the face with sadness in her eye. She is sad at the way men and women have become broken and fight against each other. The male and female must come together through grace and recognize the divine male and female inside each and every one of us separately and then together as a mass consciousness. There is a crystal placed at the third eye. We are all evolving to our light bodies, our crystalline bodies from which we first began. We must decide to release anger, hate, resentment and bitterness against each other in order to help hold the space for heaven (male) and earth (female) energies to become one and be elevated to the 5th dimension and above. This coming of the 5th dimension WILL happen and we can do our part to make it easier on us. We can always choose to ignore this and not do our part but then we will have to hang on and see how these changes will affect our bodies physically, spiritually and emotionally and in all other ways as the planet makes these changes regardless of what we say or do. We are all in for a rude and abrupt awakening if we continue to ignore our true selves and our inner guidance to release all unworthy feelings. Love, happiness and joy are the keys to all of life.
The two eyes are totally different. Amun-RA is the stronger very intense eye on the Right side of the face and ISIS is reflected on the Left side of the face with sadness in her eye. She is sad at the way men and women have become broken and fight against each other. The male and female must come together through grace and recognize the divine male and female inside each and every one of us separately and then together as a mass consciousness. There is a crystal placed at the third eye. We are all evolving to our light bodies, our crystalline bodies from which we first began. We must decide to release anger, hate, resentment and bitterness against each other in order to help hold the space for heaven (male) and earth (female) energies to become one and be elevated to the 5th dimension and above. This coming of the 5th dimension WILL happen and we can do our part to make it easier on us. We can always choose to ignore this and not do our part but then we will have to hang on and see how these changes will affect our bodies physically, spiritually and emotionally and in all other ways as the planet makes these changes regardless of what we say or do. We are all in for a rude and abrupt awakening if we continue to ignore our true selves and our inner guidance to release all unworthy feelings. Love, happiness and joy are the keys to all of life.
Fee Schedule:
- $550 within Houston area for small intimate groups of 20 or less
- $700 within Houston area for groups of 21+
- Outside Houston area fee schedule as above plus travel and lodging expenses.
- Individual Sessions available after seminar at $160 each - limited to 4 - 5 appointments
- Additional Individual Session available on line $160
- Prepaid on-line session scheduled during the seminar $140