* Do you ever wonder what is your purpose?
* Do you want to learn how to channel and how to trust yourself?
* Are you new to channeling and wondering how you can integrate it into your life and maybe even your business?
* Are you wondering where to start to spread your messages?
It is no accident that you are on this page and reading this. I don't believe in accidents.
I let go of that belief years ago. Everything in our life happens for a reason.
We just need to understand what that is and what are we to do with it.
Then we start to live our life with purpose on purpose. How Amazing is that?
I let go of that belief years ago. Everything in our life happens for a reason.
We just need to understand what that is and what are we to do with it.
Then we start to live our life with purpose on purpose. How Amazing is that?
My Story
Hi, I'm Dr. Madalyn Kennedy and I work
with individuals and business owners that are spiritually minded, metaphysical intuitive and channels,
who want to do what they love and even make a living at it. I channel many Ascended Masters and beings from the higher realms of light. My main guides are Amun-RA, ISIS, and Lord Maitreya and they have taught me how to be courageous enough to step out in trust and verbally channel their messages of wisdom and support of which we as humans need at this crucial time earth evolutionary stages.
I have been traveling to the ancient land of Egypt for more than 18 years. Each time I was there, I would get impressions and feelings that I could not understand. All I really understood from the beginning was that I knew something was calling me back and that I would return again and again. I have always been intuitive (which is another word for your psychic abilities) and extremely empathic. Logically trying to understanding these strange feelings would always confuse me. Now I can simply say that Egypt was in fact calling me home to remember my truest self, the essences of what I am. After I went through my personal healing at the crystal alter in the Egyptian desert, I was to awaken my long sleeping cellular structure to clear and heal past emotional and karmic wounds so that I could be ready and prepared to help others do the same.
For more about Dr. Madalyn click here |
Juicy Benefits that our Clients Experience are:
- Short cut the learning curve on how to best see yourself as a channel, healer, clairvoyant, metaphysical healer.
- Understand how to stand out of the way so everything and flow with ease
- Show you ways to make a living doing what you love as a channel, healer, clairvoyant, metaphysian.
- Learn ways to reach out and explain to others how you can help them.
- Better understanding of the Universal laws including the law of attraction and how it they always work for you
- Help you pull the previous learned channeling classes, courses or practices together to best advance your self and/or your business.
- Exclusive Mentor-ship program with one on one private sessions and weekly teleconferences.
- Wants to learn how to Channel or are already a Channel and loves doing it.
- Wants to make a difference
- Wants to help others
- Ready to share their messages in a big way
- Willing to be open and flexible in their thinking
- Excited and willing to learn
- Want to develop their channeling abilities for themselves or as a business.
- Open to a different spiritual based type business model.
The Chakra paintings were channeled through me by my different guides. After a period of patiently waiting for the 9th and 10 chakra art pieces to be created, RA showed up to paint the 10th chakra painting and Isis actually painted the 9th chakra painting. Thank you my beautiful, loving and amazing guides!!!
This is a 6 month intensive study
If this sounds like you, then we invite you to fill out the attached application and send your completed application to [email protected]. We will set up a 1-on-1 call with Madalyn to determine whether this is a fit for you right now, and if you qualify, discuss the program and determine payment option that best suits you.
How Magical!!
I so enjoyed our session over the telephone with you and your Guides. How magical. The dots are beginning to connect, and whenever I "get" something, I laugh out loud. Thank you so much for everything, and please thank your incredible Guides for me as well. I browsed through your web site. I had no idea before I spoke with you, as to what you do... and WOW. :) I am checking in with my Angels and Guides as to the next steps on my Journey. It would be fantastic if I am able to come to Egypt.
I will definitely keep in touch.
With Love,
Tasnim M
Thank you very much for the session. Awesome! The more I hear the mp.3, the clearer the message is. It resonates very well with what I am, where I want to go
and what I have to change.
Ana C
I will definitely keep in touch.
With Love,
Tasnim M
Thank you very much for the session. Awesome! The more I hear the mp.3, the clearer the message is. It resonates very well with what I am, where I want to go
and what I have to change.
Ana C