B.eloved E.ssences A.ncient M.aster S.pirit
B.E.A.M.S. Ambassador Certifications
Consultant Practitioner Level 1
Consultant Practitioner Level 2
Representative Practitioner
Senior Practitioner Level 1
Senior Practitioner Level 2
Senior Therapeutic Practitioner
Master Therapeutic Practitioner
Expert (Elective Type ie. Animal Communicator, Shaman) Practitioner
B.E.A.M.S. Consultant Level 1 Training Details
Introductory Foundational Training for Consultant Level 1 is Offer at a Limited Time at a Special Reduced Introductory Price of only $697.
Training is only offered
2nd or 3rd week of January, June, October
2nd or 3rd week of January, June, October
Upon Completion of Consultant Level 1 - You will be Certified by Beloved Essences in the Understanding the Collections of:
The Ten Egyptian Pharaonic Chakra System and
The Aromatherapy - Care & Cure & New Race of Children
Training INCLUDES:
- 4 ml Spray Set of the 10 Egyptian Chakra Essences $487.50
- 4 ml Spray Set of 7 Aromatherapy Care & Cure Essences $334.25
- 4 ml Spray Set of 7 All Time Favorites Collection $334.25
- 4 ml Spray Set of 4 The New Race of Children $191.00
- Personal Coaching for: Being Open to Newness, Worthiness, Abundance, and Manifesting Releasing Blocks with through different modalities $350/hr
- Spiritually Guided Life Coaching via the Ascended Masters $350/hr
- "The Divine Feminine Emergence Mortal to Immortal" pdf by Dr.Kennedy $7.95
- Balance Your Chakras Channeled Meditation .mp3 download by Dr.Kennedy $15
- "Your Amazing Power Portals" Book pdf by Dr. Kennedy $7.95
- Galactic Portal Opening Download Session with Chakra Vibrational Painting $220.00
- Training Videos $800
- Personal Training with Dr. Kennedy $350/hr weekly calls for 4 weeks
- Included on Beloved Essences website as Beloved Essences Level 1 Consultant Practitioner
- Featured on Beloved Essences website as Beloved Essences Certified Master Therapeutic Practitioner and Distributor in their state. (upon completion of all 6 training levels)
- Certificate upon completion of each training level
- OPTION 1 Included all as listed above- $2,200 Minimum Value $3,798
Option 2 -- $697
Required additional purchase on your own will be your Essences (any size), Books, Workbooks, meditations and Reiki, Karuna, per level. Sekhem Training optional.
Required additional purchase on your own will be your Essences (any size), Books, Workbooks, meditations and Reiki, Karuna, per level. Sekhem Training optional.
$40 Beloved Essences credit when you register at least 6 week in advance
On- Line Workshop Schedule - 4 weekly teleconferences
In Person training 5-6 hours
Dates: Nomally starts the 2nd or 3rd week of Jan, June & October
On- Line Workshop Schedule - 4 weekly teleconferences
In Person training 5-6 hours
Dates: Nomally starts the 2nd or 3rd week of Jan, June & October
To thank you for investing in your Beloved Essences education and help you build your personal Essences Collection as a Consultant Level 1 & 2, Representative, Practitioner, Therapeutic Practitioner, Master Therapeutic Practitioner, we offer a very special discount. Once you have registered and paid in full for a Beloved Essences Workshop, you will receive 10% off all the collections you purchase from that time through the end of the workshop.
REGISTER NOW - Be sure you are in this training before it fills up. This price point is limited to the 1st 20-25 participants that register.
Tuition Due at registration
- $697 |
Training is only offered
2nd or 3rd week of January, June, October
Level 1 Training only: $2,200 US Value $3,798
Level 2 Training only: $1,800 US Value $3,513.45
Level 1 and 2 Training together special: $3,250 US
Value $7,311.45
Or ask about our Installment plan
Level 2 Training only: $1,800 US Value $3,513.45
Level 1 and 2 Training together special: $3,250 US
Value $7,311.45
Or ask about our Installment plan
January 2016 Level 1 4 week Training Details
Brief Summary of Levels 2 through 6
Certificates upon Completion of each Level
Completion of the Foundational Workshop is a prerequisite to taking any other Beloved Essences Training Levels.
Upon Completion of Level 2 -
You will be Certified by Beloved Essences in:
Pineal Activation
Beloved Essences Arch Angel Training
Beloved Essences Middle Earth Training
Beloved Essences Usui Reiki Practitioner Level 1
- Pineal Gland/Kings Chamber Essences and Activation Value 4 ml spray $280
- Detailed Training for the Arch Angel Collection (16 Arch Angels) 4 ml spray $767.20
- Set of 3 Light Beings & Angels $143.25
- Set of 12 Middle Earth Collection with Adama of Telos $573.00
- Reiki 1 Attunement or Re-Attunement using the Pharaonic Egyptian Beloved Essences $350 - Optional along with Preferred Reiki Attunment- Angelic is probably the best choice here
- 4 teleconference training with Dr. Kennedy $1,400
- $1,800 True Value of $3,513.20
- or One Payment of $697 - Your own purchase of Essences Required (any size)
- Set of 7 Ascension Collection $334.25
- Set of 6 New Earth Collection $ 286.50
- Set of 9 Chohans of the Seven Rays Collection $429.75
- Set of 10 Planets $487.75
- Reiki 2 Attunement or Re-Attunement $350- Optional along with Preferred Reiki Attunment
- 4 teleconference training with Dr. Kennedy $1,400
- $1,300 True Value of $3,288.25
- One Payment of $697 - Your own purchase of Essences Required (any size)
- Set of 9 Magical Realms $429.75
- Set of 8 Water Elementals $382.00
- Set of 5 Dragon Collection $238.75
- Set of 14 Galactic Essence Collections $668.50
- Reiki 3 and Master Attunement or Re-Attunement $350- Optional along with Preferred Reiki Attunment
- 4 teleconference training with Dr. Kennedy $1,400
- $1,300 True Value of $3,469
- One Payment of $697 - Your own purchase of Essences Required (any size)
- Set of 18 Egyptian Queens/Pharaohs God/Goddess Collections $859.50
- Set of 7 Anointing Collection $334.25
- Set of 14 Crystal and Stones Collection $668.50
- Karuna Reiki Attunement all Levels and Master/Teacher $425- Optional along with Preferred Reiki Attunment
- 4 teleconference training with Dr. Kennedy $1,400
- $1,400 True Value of $3,686.75
- One Payment of $697 - Your own purchase of Essences Required (any size)
- Sex Magic of Isis
- Set 10 of Romance Collection $487.75
- Set of 7 Star Systems $334.25
- Set of 7 Camelot Collection $334.25
- Understanding and Channeling Session on personal filters
- Discovery of Shekhem Healing $450- Optional along with Preferred Reiki Attunment
- 4 teleconference training with Dr. Kennedy $1,400
- $1,200 True Value Minimum of $3,006.25
- One Payment of $697 - Purchase of Essences Required (any size)
Level 7 and More: (Continuing Educational Training)
New collections, vibrations and training as they are constantly being revealed and presented my Guides.
New collections, vibrations and training as they are constantly being revealed and presented my Guides.
This line up is always subject to change. I'm open to my inner guidance and it very often that things change from the original plan and the change is always amazingly for the better.
- Returned Applicant Questionnaire
- Signed and Returned B.E.A.M.S. AmbassadorTraining Agreement-Contract Guidelines, Non Compete Clause and Integrity Contract.
- Representing Beloved Essences in any way without the express written consent of CEO/Founder, Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, is prohibited.

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