CHANNEL FOR ISIS AND RA, Ascended Masters, arch angels and all beings of light,
Soul Awakening & Law of Attraction Master Coach and mentor
Seichim, Karuna, Angelic & Usui Reiki Master Teacher
GALACTIC BEING OF LIGHT Representative from the Council of Ornack

Blessed Egyptian Chakra Essences and Many More Blessed Essences
Multi-dimensional Channel and Spirit Guide Connection
Host spiritual healing journeys to Egyptian Sacred Sites
Intuitive Spiritual Healing as Directed by my Guides with Your Guides
Intuitive Spiritual Reading
Energy/Chakra Clearing and Balancing Vibrational Art Work
Emotional Freedom Technique-Tapping (EFT)
Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment (CCMBA)
Complete Cellular Soul Memory Clearing & Activation (CCSMCA)
Certified Angel Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Seichim Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Atlantean Healing Practitioner
Certified Master Soul Awakening Coach,
Certified Angel Reader, Angel Realm Reader, Fairyologist
Ancient Egyptian Numerology (Gematria) Charts
Personal Vibrational Essence Blends
Personal Healing Artwork,
At times, I like combining many energy and/or healing techniques which are always being directed by my higher level guides. These sessions can involve many different methods depending on your specific needs at the time. As you change, this too is always changing.
Multi-dimensional Channel and Spirit Guide Connection
Host spiritual healing journeys to Egyptian Sacred Sites
Intuitive Spiritual Healing as Directed by my Guides with Your Guides
Intuitive Spiritual Reading
Energy/Chakra Clearing and Balancing Vibrational Art Work
Emotional Freedom Technique-Tapping (EFT)
Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment (CCMBA)
Complete Cellular Soul Memory Clearing & Activation (CCSMCA)
Certified Angel Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Seichim Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Atlantean Healing Practitioner
Certified Master Soul Awakening Coach,
Certified Angel Reader, Angel Realm Reader, Fairyologist
Ancient Egyptian Numerology (Gematria) Charts
Personal Vibrational Essence Blends
Personal Healing Artwork,
At times, I like combining many energy and/or healing techniques which are always being directed by my higher level guides. These sessions can involve many different methods depending on your specific needs at the time. As you change, this too is always changing.
Services Include:
B.eloved E.ssences A.ncient M.aster S.pirit (B.E.A.M.S) Certification for:
My Office is at Spirit Quest Center in Spring, Texas
Office and Store hours can differ. Occasionally I am avail for walk-ins during Store hours but appointments are always the best way to be sure I'm in Spring
Office answer service: 866-792-4703 (please leave a message -I will return your call)
Spirit Quest Center (Old Town Spring) 303 Main Street, Spring, Tx 77373
Retail Store Pho:281.288.7815
Hours: Wednesday thru Sunday 11am - 7pm
Monday Tuesday 11am to 6pm
Other Locations:
Katy, Texas, Giza Plateau, Egypt
Office and Store hours can differ. Occasionally I am avail for walk-ins during Store hours but appointments are always the best way to be sure I'm in Spring
Office answer service: 866-792-4703 (please leave a message -I will return your call)
Spirit Quest Center (Old Town Spring) 303 Main Street, Spring, Tx 77373
Retail Store Pho:281.288.7815
Hours: Wednesday thru Sunday 11am - 7pm
Monday Tuesday 11am to 6pm
Other Locations:
Katy, Texas, Giza Plateau, Egypt
Testimonial - How Magical!!
I so enjoyed our session over the telephone with you and your Guides. How magical. The dots are beginning to connect, and whenever I "get" something, I laugh out loud. Thank you so much for everything, and please thank your incredible Guides for me as well. I browsed through your web site. I had no idea before I spoke with you, as to what you do... and WOW. :) I am checking in with my Angels and Guides as to the next steps on my Journey. It would be fantastic if I am able to come to Egypt. I will definitely keep in touch.
Thank you again and THANK YOU for the recording. I cried again while listening to it. I can't even begin to tell you how good and SAFE, I feel knowing that I am never alone-- not even for one second. Amazing. Sending much Joy, Gratitude, Love & Light. I am very grateful to be walking with you in the Light. Mahalo.
With Love,
Tasnim M
Thank you again and THANK YOU for the recording. I cried again while listening to it. I can't even begin to tell you how good and SAFE, I feel knowing that I am never alone-- not even for one second. Amazing. Sending much Joy, Gratitude, Love & Light. I am very grateful to be walking with you in the Light. Mahalo.
With Love,
Tasnim M
$25.00 Email Special |
Perfect way to receive a high level ascended master channeled answer for your pressing question.
I will confirm i have your emailed question once PayPal notifies me. IF your personal email for your question is different than on the paypal statement, please put the correct email address in the comment section in your paypal invoice. hugs :)
Individual Services as listed below
by appointment
Atlantean Healing
This healing energy can be used as a hands-on technique or can also be sent from distance. An Atlantean Healing™ session can take from 40 - 60 minutes depending on the needs of the client and practitioner’s inner guidance. The Atlantean Healing Energy though, will continue working and balancing the energy field of the client for several hours. This way there will be no sudden shifts that or outbursts of release caused by the treatment. The highest good of the client is always the core intention for each session.
The sessions are conducted by Rajenaira - Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, an Atlantean Healing Practitioner™ and all the Atlantean Angels, who will be facilitating the application of the energy and healing process as well as any other beings of light and high level frequency who will show up for your session. Atlantean Healing™ sessions are designed to balance the energy field as Atlanteans believed disease was a manifestation of the imbalance in the energy field. Rajenaira-Madalyn will work with you aura fields and “listen" to these physical conditions of all your body fields to find out their channeled messages and discover their root causes when it’s possible. The energy is very powerful, yet it feels gentle when receiving it. At times, she will be guided to removed old, past life bindings or shackles that have been holding you back and in some session even reattach etheric body parts that were lost at an earlier encounter, all of which you are more than likely unaware of and causing you to be unable to step fully into your power.
Angelic Reiki
Sessions can be done in person or remotely.
All are powerfully and effectively done remotely. You don't have to be here in person for any type of Reiki healing session with me. |
Amazing and Powerful Angelic ReikiAngelic - is the pure Divine vibration that is brought to you through the Angelic Kingdom. The comfort and healing vibration feels noticeably different to that of any other modality because your team of angels and guides are doing the work through me and my team. It can be a large group of angels and guides who send their loving and healing energies to benefit you. I'm just the clear and open channel to transmit their energies to you. Benefits can help to clear the stagnate energy which may be deep as the cellular level, in your past, or in your ancestral lineage. A sense of total wholeness and connection with spiritual, emotional, physical and mental bodies is felt. You do not have to have a belief in the Angelic Kingdom for the energy to work, just be open to receiving your healing however it needs to show up for the most pressing situation or issue in your life currently.
Multi-Dimensional Traveling (Galactic Portal Openings and Healing Downloads with Crystals)
Portal Opening Galactic Downloadsthrough the use of Crystals, Chakra painting and Essence. Super, Super Powerful. You will need to relax just a bit before you can drive.
Madalyn’s Energy paintings contain vortexes and portals to different galaxy systems and stars. When connected through her crystal she can download information and messages specifically for you. This new healing modality was given to her through her guides. Madalyn will be directed by your guides, her guides and as always Lady Goddess Isis and Sun God RA. $220.00
Your Personal Oracle or Tarot Card Reading
with Explaination and Reading from My Guides
Guided & Intuitive Spiritual Card Reading
Click Here and See Before and After Layouts
You select a few cards from several different sets of cards and they tell a certain story. We place them in the order drawn. Then I tune in and bring in the guides and they rearrange the cards and give you the reading and their messages. You may record your session and take photo of your layout. I have found this very helpful because as always during a reading, it's hard to remember exactly what you heard accurately.
Readings are amazing accurate over Skype, thought Email or over the phone. You do not have to be with me in person. Energy is Energy and it will always carry through.
Click picture to add to cart and order now. You can also Call me or email to schedule an appointment. Once Paypal notifies me of your payment, I will call to schedule a time that works best for you. Make sure you give me your correct phone number. $150.00
Healing Strategy Discovery Sessions CAN Include a Combination of the Following that is the Best for YOU Session!!
Mulit-Dimensional Traveling
Application of the Beloved Essences
Personal Messages from the Masters including the Arch Angels
Guided Intuitive Card Reading
Application of the Beloved Essences
Personal Messages from the Masters including the Arch Angels
Guided Intuitive Card Reading
Healing Strategy Discovery Session
It's important to learn how to spread your wings and fly. Much is changing in our world and at times, it's hard for us to handle or understand. You will leave your session feeling safe and renewed.
A typical session can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours (normally allow approximately 1 hour) and can include one or a combination of work such as card reading, use of the essences, psychic impressions, clairvoyance, channeled messages, healing work, reiki, life and spiritual coaching and/or mentoring.
Personal Channeling and Life Changing Coaching Session from my Guides and Yours
Your Personal Channeling Session includes Guidance from RA, ISIS, Spirit, Higher-Self, Ascended Masters Guides, Arch Angels and Angel Realms & Any Light Beings coming in Specifically for YOU!!
Thank you so much for allowing me to experience your Guides. This came at a perfect time for me and I am unable to put into words how it has lifted me in a way that was much needed for me at this time. This has been a blessing and I look forward to being able to experience it over and over again with the recording. I also hope that soon I can travel to Egypt with you and make the connection I have desired for a very long time. After speaking with you, I can't imagine a more wonderful way to do so than on one of your trips. I am grateful we have connected! Thank you again so much! - Tammy B
One on One Private and Exclusive Healing with Guided Meditation with Energy Painting and Essences
Chakra Healing Guided Meditation Sessions using the Vibrational Healing Artwork and the Egyptian Essences. This is together and alone time. Your alone time is for quiet reflection and connection to your own higher self and guidance. Allow at least an 2 hours for this session.
We will work together with your guides and mine to determine which energetic vibrational chakra painting is needed for your current chakra clearing work and that will be painting and the essence used. During this session, the focus and healing will be for one chakra. Any channeled messages from the guides will be shared with you if you want to know. The painting is a large 30 X 40 canvas so HUGE energy waves will come from it to you. Pictured is for the 3rd Chakra, Solar Plexus and uses the Egyptian Essence of Jasmine. Nice, clean and surprisingly powerful. $330.00 - click picture to add to cart or order now. Once I am notified by paypal, I will contact you to schedule a convenient time for your session. Please make sure you include your preferred phone number in the comments section so I can reach you. |
One on One Private and Exclusive Healing with Guided Meditation with Energy Painting and Essences
Series (5 Session) Special with payment options
5 Consecutive Months is recommended
5 Chakra Painting Vibration and Essence plus Guided Meditation Sessions $900.00
1.5 hour each session 1 payment of $900.00 Click on picture at Left for this selection Regular Value $1,650 for $900.00 ($750 substantial savings - best option) See below for 2 or 3 payment options. Coaching Sessions for Channeling/Connecting to Your Higher Power, Relationships, Or Law of Attraction. You will be keeping a journal so please bring something to write in that you can treasure. |
Healing and Channeling sessions are done very successfully through personal connections over phone and over Skype. We do not need to physically in the same location. Healing energy and higher frequency vibrational information will always come through. Energy is Energy. It is everywhere.
Discover Your Channeling Magic Training - 2 ways to Learn
(1) VIP for 1 on 1 Exclusive and Personally Streamlined
(2) Group Classes
Going on Now!
Certificate for being a clear Channel at the end of this Training
Ancient Egyptian Numerology (Gematria)
The Spiritual/Psychology of the soul, which reveals the truest essence of a person and highest potential.Showing your life purpose which can be achieved in this lifetime and compatibility for personal or business reasons. Ancient Egyptian Numerology reflects your life number chart, shows your
Divine connection with the Universe and others on all levels. It helps
you to see why and how people behave the way they do and the role they
play in your life.
I only need the name on your birth certificate and your birth date to do your chart. You will receive your a detailed explanation of your chart, your personal numbers and colors.
Your year ahead outlook is included FREE Done through Email. Select which chart and click on the Isis picture to place your order. Personal Chart $120 Compatibility (2 Charts) $210 Family Compatibility each addt'l chart after initial 2 $35/ea |
Once I am notified by paypal, I will contact you to schedule a convenient time for your session. Please make sure you include your preferred phone number in the comments section so I can reach you.
Please allow for 7 to 14 days for the Ancient Egyptian Numerology Chart to be emailed to you after the session, as the process is very intricate and takes a bit of time.
Business and personal relationship compatibility charts available as well, which requires the full names and dates of birth of both people.
Please allow for 7 to 14 days for the Ancient Egyptian Numerology Chart to be emailed to you after the session, as the process is very intricate and takes a bit of time.
Business and personal relationship compatibility charts available as well, which requires the full names and dates of birth of both people.
Madalyn is a gifted and guided multi-dimensional channel and healer who listens to inner guidance to help others. Her skills and talents include chakra clearing and unblocking with the blessed, high vibrational Egyptian chakra essences. Intuit healer and empath, conscious channel for many Ascended Masters including Master Kuthumi, St. Germain, the Great Divine Director, Lady Master Nada, Paramhansa Yogananda, Isis, Commander Ashtar, Master Jesus, Lord Maitraya, her personal guides Amun-Ra and ATON along with many, many others. The right guide or message comes through for each person as needed during your session.
Madalyn uses Ancient Egyptian Numerology (Gematria) as an added tool for your spiritual growth. Gematria, your life number charts, shows your Divine connection with the Universe and others on all levels. It helps you to see why and how people behave the way they do and the role they play in your life. Madalyn also offers a unique and personal vibrational blend of the powerful Egyptian essences selected exclusively for you by her guides. The regular scheduled hosted meditation trips to the Egyptian land of the pyramids is another way Madalyn offers her healing help through the assistance of her highly powerful guides. You may commission Madalyn for your own personal energy vibrational painting as a visual remembrance of the feeling of your healing and channeled guidance. Madalyn also offers CCMBA/CCSMCA which is claimed by researchers to be the most powerful ‘Hands-On-Healing’ Technique in the medical and spiritual fields today. Madalyn is an ordained minister and received her Doctorate from the Universal Life Church
Madalyn will help you to recognize and become the magnificent light being that you have forgotten you are. She will guide you, hold your hand and at the exact right moment, she will watch you soar in your own full and loving power.
Madalyn uses Ancient Egyptian Numerology (Gematria) as an added tool for your spiritual growth. Gematria, your life number charts, shows your Divine connection with the Universe and others on all levels. It helps you to see why and how people behave the way they do and the role they play in your life. Madalyn also offers a unique and personal vibrational blend of the powerful Egyptian essences selected exclusively for you by her guides. The regular scheduled hosted meditation trips to the Egyptian land of the pyramids is another way Madalyn offers her healing help through the assistance of her highly powerful guides. You may commission Madalyn for your own personal energy vibrational painting as a visual remembrance of the feeling of your healing and channeled guidance. Madalyn also offers CCMBA/CCSMCA which is claimed by researchers to be the most powerful ‘Hands-On-Healing’ Technique in the medical and spiritual fields today. Madalyn is an ordained minister and received her Doctorate from the Universal Life Church
Madalyn will help you to recognize and become the magnificent light being that you have forgotten you are. She will guide you, hold your hand and at the exact right moment, she will watch you soar in your own full and loving power.
All Services by Appointment
My Texas Office is at Spirit Quest Center in Spring, Texas
Office and Center hours can differ. Occasionally I am avail for walk-ins during Store hours.
Office answer service: 866-792-4703 (please leave a message -I will return your call)
Spirit Quest Center (Old Town Spring) 303 Main Street, Spring, Tx 77373
Retail Store Pho:281.288.7815 & Hours: Wed thru Sat 11am - 7pm
Sun 11am to 6pm
Closed Monday
Tue 11am to 6pm
Other Office Locations:
Giza Plateau, Egypt
Katy, Texas 77449
Email: [email protected]
Office and Center hours can differ. Occasionally I am avail for walk-ins during Store hours.
Office answer service: 866-792-4703 (please leave a message -I will return your call)
Spirit Quest Center (Old Town Spring) 303 Main Street, Spring, Tx 77373
Retail Store Pho:281.288.7815 & Hours: Wed thru Sat 11am - 7pm
Sun 11am to 6pm
Closed Monday
Tue 11am to 6pm
Other Office Locations:
Giza Plateau, Egypt
Katy, Texas 77449
Email: [email protected]
Check out the testimonials HERE
For More Testimonials Click Here
What a beyond wonderful experience this was!!!!
I could have spent so much more time with you and your guides. I can't tell you the peace I feel even listening to the recording. You have blessed my life and I thank you so very much!!!!!!! Have a wonderful time in Egypt and I know we will talk again.
With all my love and thanks,
With all my love and thanks,