October's Schedule
Click on the links for more details and information
• 10/16 Sunday 8 am Central time Book Club – 1st 2 chapters in Doreen Virtue’s The Angel Therapy Handbook.
• 10/22 Saturday 10-2pm Central time Crystal Workshop $80 receive vials of RA and ISIS Egyptian Essences FREE. Covers calling on higher realms teacher for knowledge, awareness, traveling, healing within. MUST rsvp with address by Friday 10/14 for delivery of essences.
• 10/22 Saturday 10-2pm Central time Crystal Workshop $80 receive vials of RA and ISIS Egyptian Essences FREE. Covers calling on higher realms teacher for knowledge, awareness, traveling, healing within. MUST rsvp with address by Friday 10/14 for delivery of essences.
Scheduled for 2012
- Rays of RA United
- ISIS Goddess Training