Friday, January 13, 2012
Welcome back! We are one with you again this morning. I am the Great Sphinx of Giza. I have guarded this land and its many treasures, some secret some not, for a long long time. My guardianship period is soon coming to a close because the duty I perform will no longer be required. This will be a wonderful day for all of humanity when this happens. I can raise up and walk the land with my brothers and sisters and all will be as it should be again. Until then, I wait, watch, protect, guard and keep silent of the secrets I know. I do speak. You are hearing me and as for your nose giving you a slight problem, it’s just my way of saying to you 'welcome to my world, my Egypt, my face'. See, my nose has given me a slight problem also even though we all are very serious about our work; we all have great humor within us. There needs to be humor, joy and laughter. Remember to enjoy your every breath as you occupy the human form of over cover. Joy, laughter helps you to relax and assimilate our love and messages. (*There was a lot of people and activity going on around me as I was sitting quietly receiving these messages and at one point I thought I would just go ahead and leave for the Isis temple but then this message came through) I am RA and I too am here to welcome and be with you. There is no outside noise or disturbance that can stop our work with you today. Float yourself into the sounds and you will find us there smiling. The Isis temple will be ready for you when you arrive so just breathe and be with us here at the sphinx for now. As of now, no one has noticed much change. However much has changed. Egypt rule has changed. there was a change across other countries that were much required. The period of now is only temporary. The changes will continue until the vibrations across the face of the earth planet have been raised to the levels necessary for our return without any harm to the human forms. The human forms are temporary and of which many of your messengers are well aware. It is only to contain your light bodies until the time for release is upon the whole planet. It is time now for us to begin again, but all is well. We have been working with you and others for a long time. Even at the beginning of time this period of working together was planned. For now you are an anomaly to the people walking and talking around you but you should know that they feel the energy flowing and are not sure why they are drawn to stand by you. They want to be close to the energetic vibrations that are coming through to you, that's all. (5 symbols) I am the Great Sphinx of Giza and I thank you for coming to listen to me now. We are all celebrating you because you are here and doing as your inner guidance requested. You are so loved! The Pharaohs of Egypt bow to you as you continue with your work to awaken the people to the power and key importance of Egypt. We will all help guide and advise you. You just need to listen and when you feel upset and sad, stop yourself and turn to us. Things will become clear to you shortly after that. Your communications with us will continue when you return to your home because the connection has now become solid and permanent with us from here. At ISIS - Temple (the outside ruins - there were two other temples with carvings and hieroglyphs) I am ISIS and I'm so happy you have come to my temples to remember much that has been forgotten. Again much is kept hidden and secret but as you are beginning to understand, all will be revealed soon. This temple was beautiful and still is in the invisible dimension connected here. When the great pyramid complex is shown, all of these temples will be shown also, just as they were planned in their completeness and wondrous beauty and power. Many adepts have passed through these temple corridors and those from the past, present and future will come together at this glorious time of awakening. Much happiness for all. (symbol) I am ISIS and you are always welcome here in my house and in all of my houses of magic and love. See everything was situated in close proximity to everything here and there was much activity. Different temples for different levels of my priestess. Much activity, learning, training and work went on here under the supervision of my most cherished high priestesses for me. They had my authority to act as I would in all cases and instances. They were honored, respected and loved and led with care and nurturing abilities. These days are to return soon, you will see. You are enfolded in my love and I'm thankful you have come. As was mentioned earlier your connection to us will remain strong now that you have returned to your roots. Much care is given to you, your co-workers and the mission you are on. We are guiding you completely. I am ISIS.
The second day I returned to write the messages I was to receive while sitting on a large ledge platform that had many carved images in it. It was smooth feeling but the markings were very prominent.
Jan 12, 2012 at Sphinx at the Giza Plateau in Egypt This IS ancient writing you are sitting on. Our people hid more message there. It is like a time calendar. All is changing as of NOW. Use your talents to share this information and messages with as many will listen. They all need to know that much of the better is coming for them soon. Remind all to not be afraid of any message they may be receiving from now forward even if they have not received any messages at all that they are aware of yet. We will be intensifying everyone’s ability to connect with us. Most will ignore these messages unless you prepare them for this to happen. (symbol was drawn at this point in the message) We are preparing many for this work and you are one of our important messengers. All are ready to assist you as need be so please understand that they are near you at our requests. Keep yourself calm and listen carefully. The ancients have already returned and they will start to make themselves known to you and those you align with for this work very soon. I Am RA and again I say to you that you are my daughter and we all welcome you to your sacred homeland of long ago. Under the far side on this sphinx here on Giza much will be discovered again. It was discovered before and then re-hidden as if nothing had been found. It cannot be hidden much longer. We will not allow this to happen. Isis is here now and wants you to understand the importance of this truth for all on the earth planet at this time. We have always been close even though we had to withdraw. We have sent many important messengers to return to this planet to constantly and gradually begin this awakening. Much more has been said in this last several years about unexplained and unseen beings of energy. This is the final stages of the "gentle" awakening reminders. Now we come in full force, full power and glory to reveal much to the people of earth. You, of course, were sent from us along with your Twin Flame and many from your group of present friends. More will come to all of you hungry for information. We will advise you on the best ways to start to uncover their eyes and awaken their minds. Depend upon us for this advice so the ego from the human body you currently occupy do not think it needs to do this. We are your guides for this work to be shared and experienced accurately and correctly. (two more symbols) Commander Ashtar is most certainly one of your direct contacts along with us. He is of course, with you because are not from this planet and he is responsible for your safety while you are in the world of heavy dark vibrations. The emerald tablets are no longer under this sphinx but the energetic imprint is here and is what you are receiving impressions from. The emerald tablets are safely in an invisible plane and again at a time we can determine is best, we will reveal them to the visible plane. There are many invisible "over pyramids" directly covering each of the existing pyramids and the same is for the sphinx. The invisible pyramids and sphinx are so much larger than the ones that you can currently see. They all are so large that they connect into one large complex with many of us light beings walking there. You will see this soon in dreamtime and then later in physical sight. Be prepared. Let others know as we say again, to not be afraid, as we have returned to you. Thank you for coming and lets stop here for today but we will be with you the rest of today, tonight and forever more. We love you dearly. I was told to go to the sphnix for three days in a row at 11:11 am beginning Jan 11. I was to sit, not stand because the energy would be too strong so I would need to sit quietly, on the right hand side of the paw, close to the knuckles but down just a piece from there. Look and listen and write. Go the 11th, 12th and 13th and on the third day go from the sphinx to the ancient Isis Temple on the Giza plateau and more will be shared with me. The Isis Temple was also for the balance of the male and female energies. The symbols are not posted but they might be revealed later.
Here is what I received on the 1st day andI'm to share this with as many as I can. Jan 11, 2012 at the sphinx right paw.We are here to show you secrets never before revealed. We buried much information in the beginning and now it is time to share with all of humanity. THOTH; RA; ISIS; MAAT; HATHOR; SEKHMET; OSIRIS; HORUS and many more have come to your side. Relax and we will begin. Ancient times were so different and not as backward as most believe. We are from a very advanced civilization and our skills and abilities from that time were enormous especially compared to your skills and knowledge of today. Never in ancient times were we unable to communicate with just our thoughts. Everything was formed with thought. then as thousands of years passed, man's abilities became darker and we had to remove much of what we used then. We ourselves had to withdraw until the proper time when man was again ready to become their one-ness of which we all are.The ancient times of which your history speaks of is the period after we withdrew and man was again totally without any special abilities or skills. THEN they had to learn from themselves what they had lost and figure a way to recover it and a connection to us. (4 or 5 symbols came through that drew on my paper) 7 to 9 dimensions - all more advanced then Earth, the school of experiments and tests. I Am RA and you are my child. Never doubt the messages you are receiving. You are receiving them from us accurately. We built this (the sphinx and Giza plateau) to help remind you that we are you and that we were here at the time that you remembered this. There is NOTHING that we can do that you cannot do also. Just as the avatar Jesus said in his cryptic messages to the then unaware populace. 'These things and MORE you can do'! (another symbol came through at this point). One more thing. Thank you for coming and believing in us and in your ability to communicate with us. Your twin flame is easily understanding because he has been through this already long ago. He has just been waiting for you to awaken again to your strengths, separately, alone and together. (Interesting note: I did have the shakes and tremors throughout my body as I prepared to leave and my personal escort had to support me for a while as we walked away until my strength returned and I stopped trembling.) |
![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
Limited Edition Paperback