There are a few things you need to know about what is coming. We are always with you and everyone and you will need to remind the population of that. Part of the cleanse is due to manmade instances and part is because it’s time for the evolution of your beautiful planet so it would be normal for changes to occur across her system anyway. Please know that no one is ever in any danger even though it may look like it to the human way of thinking. You are our children and we are helping you to understand this on a deeper more important level than ever before. Nothing is the same from day to day and this is what you will need to remind yourself of as you go about your work. Each and every one of you are part of us so we are extremely aware of your thoughts and your feelings of what and how things should be for each of you. We are in a realm of unseen at this moment but the unseen will be seen by all soon enough. Much preparation needs to come before that can happen and still much preparation has already been completed. The light workers of this planet have been banding together and holding the light space of love and humanities masses will have the benefit of their work. Many are totally unaware of any of the light workers work efforts and unaware of our assistance also. But the unaware will become very aware in due time. Metatron Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, July 25, 2014
Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links:
I am Metatron and your vibrational thought of me has brought me forward to speak with you today. I am also part of the group of the Ancients and as always we have been close to Mother Earth and its inhabitants for eons; for such long periods of time that we cannot even try to count in numbers. The most important things I would like to share with you today is that it is true.
The Earth star is raising her vibrations. All occupying space on the lovely Earth Star is having a raised vibrational effect of feeling somewhere or somehow within their individual bodies. We just want to say that if you focus on your breath, in and out, calmly, focus on your breath and bring yourself back into that focus of your center when you are experiencing pain of that disconnected feeling or that feeling of something odd. Focus on your breath to calm yourself and connect with your inner Divine guidance, the ill effects will be eased from you. Do this as often as you need. Each time you catch yourself feeling pain or out of sorts so to speak, focus again and breathe. This will help center you and help to release any old pent up emotions or memories that need to be removed from your physical bodies. Picture a Blue bubble descending down through your higher chakras all the way through your body and out surrounding your body and then breathe that marvelous blue light into your heart center and relax. All will be well dear ones and the ease will come to you very fast if you will allow yourself to do this simple practice. I and all the beings of light love you immensely and I am grateful to share this message with you today. I am Metatron and I’m always with you. We understand there is much going on for your planet. We are part of this to help raise earth vibration to become the light form that it is to be. All on the planet will experiences shifts and changes either massively or subtlety but all will experience these vibrational shifts and they will continue through and past 2012. As we have consistently reminded to all who will hear, as these changes occur and you become aware of them, please, please, only view them with love in your heart and with the knowingness of all is well, because it is. As this transition and it’s occurrences become more and more frequent you will catch yourself trying to add fear and worry to the cosmic consciousness which will only create more turmoil. BUT if you stop yourself from projecting off fear and worry and grief and change your projection to love, gratitude and understanding and allowing for all things to follow their chosen path, you will feel an ease in your heart center and you can then send that ease and love and gratitude feeling with true emotion out to the cosmic consciousness and the collective will transfer that vibration back to the planet. We hope you are understanding this. We are not saying that you do not have sadness and are missing any loved ones who could be a part of this change. We are simply saying that they have not left you at all. Their spirit is never gone and they are now in a happy blissful state and able to assist in sending love and healing energies back to those of you still on the earth plane and to the earth itself. We are Metraton and all the Beings of the Light Brigade and we are here to ease and assist in this transition. Please heed our words and remember that love is the only key to purity.
Fairy Messages: We are of the fairy realm and we know that we have much work to do to replace the negative vibrations and the sorrow energy that has encapsulated the earth. We are very powerful and our work is extremely important to help return happiness and healing energies to our “charges” we could say; all the vegetation, flora and fauna here on earth. We are happy to do this and we want to ask for your, mankind’s, assistance. Please replenish what has been depleted. Please replant, re-nourish and revive mother earth. Go into your yards, your ground spaces, your mountains, all the places that you can go and stand in quiet gratitude for a few moments. Send love energy and healing to the earth plane and we can then take that “extra” loving energy and apply it to what we do. Things will improve rapidly if all could allow themselves to take just a few moments as often as you can to do this. We are grateful for your love and your help and we will be flitting around doing our work and some of you could even see us. And when you do, just smile and send us your love and we will return it to you more than 10 fold. Blessing to you all dear spirits of Earth. |
![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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