Egyptian God Bes or Hapi/Happy
You will find a carving of him at Hathor's Temple in Dendarah and not many other places eventhough in earlier Egyptian times, he was a mainstay in every household to bring the family happiness. This one is my personal statue that was gifted to me when I was in Egypt last.
No one form is more important than the other. Each of you is like a Being encoded in the earth. In the rain-forest everything, what you call the ecosystem, is of supreme value. There are many things alive in your ecosystems that you have no idea exist, from material to non-material. Imagine that forest if one of those would no longer function. You believe in a limited way that the elimination of animals on the planet is degrading. We are here to tell you that it is by choice that that is happening. Because what is being made available is space and functionality of new beings that are in formation now. You may grieve and miss those that are leaving however, it is all part of an organic evolution, so that what is non-material may have the opportunity to come into form. We will help you to remember that if it were not for the voluntary sacrifice of what you call dinosaurs there would not have been room for you to take up space here. Please do not resist the organic and non-material evolution that you have agreed to be part of. One more thing-We want to let you know that your dear Gaia is not at risk. Her consciousness has agreed to everything that is happening. In your limited ability to understand, and only follow things in a linear fashion, you see things coming and going and it grieves you that she is somehow on the path to destruction. She is on her path to Evolution. You were instrumental. If you choose to see it as loss only, you slow her growth. If you go, ‘oh no, we have to stop this', you interfere because of your energetic wanting to rearrange things. She is organically and vibrationaly aligned in her own growth pattern of which, at the human level, you cannot fully comprehend. Have no fear she is fine. Channeled from Rajenaira-Madalyn Kennedy's Guides through Raven, Elizabeth Prosapio
Copyright ©Rajenaira-Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. Channeled through Raven, Elizabeth Prosapio March 17, 2018. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not altered it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: Blessings of the Sun Falcon Blessings of The Sun Falcon, the Divine Son Child, Horus, Son of Isis and Osiris flow to you now beloved initiate. It Is time to allow your life to flourish without limits, to let your light burned bright and without veil, just like the Midsummer Sun burning without contest in the Egyptian desert! Blessings of the Sun Falcon Harold the time when your Divine Legacy is being born. It is your time to burn bright. Finally as our Divine Feminine and Masculine unite within our bodies, a new golden consciousness is born – this is the Sun Child , Horus with an Eye that is the Moon and an Eye that is the Sun, representing the perfect balance of masculine and feminine in harmony with each other. The Divine Son Child is the new self, filled with love, light and power in the world it is the authentic self living the inner truths in the outer world, as an agent of healing on this planet, and inspiration for others to be bold, brave and vivid enough to walk their own path to eventually receive the same blessing. Incantation to the Sun Falcon Horus, Falcon of the Golden Sun, My creative energies have begun To shine bright and strong Help my creative projects along To fulfillment and completion pure With your will and light so sure Horus, Falcon of the Golden Sun, My success in winnings now come! -Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild
ENTER THE CHAMBER OF THE DARK GODDESS The Dark Goddess calls you to Her inner chamber where She holds a test and a gift for you. The test is your willingness to meet and release the fears within that have been secretly holding you back,. The gift is freedom, peace, opportunity and prosperity in all its forms. Will you accept Her call? Your time for deeper initiation is here. The Incantation below can be repeated several times, gaining speed as you get used to the words. Feel the energy in the words as you speak aloud. It is most effective if you take one moment to be in your heart, perhaps even placing your hand on your heart, when repeating the Incantation. Isis Sublime Isis Dark and Sweet Through you my hidden self I meet I honour this self and accept No longer do I fear, shame or reject You gift me with my self complete Sublime Isis Dark and Sweet --Isis oracle by Alana Fairchild
All creatures (beings) of Gods Kingdom (The Universe) get to go through Ascension and Transformation when they are ready. There is a lot of beauty in middle earth inner earth that we are gradually becoming aware of.4/11/2018 |
![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
Limited Edition Paperback