There are many at this time who are making their final transition and we are waiting to welcome them home. Much is happening on the earth plane and much is happening in the cosmic in tandem with all these shifts and current changes that you are experience in your human forms.
Know that we are with you. We are always with you and we are here to assist in ways that you are not even aware of. We ask constantly that you call to us and from your calls we will be able to do even more to help ease and relax you through the different feelings and changes that are occurring in your bodies and on your planet and through the cosmic. Every little movement, action or thought creates another that grows in magnitude as it perpetuates upon itself over and over again. Be sure that your thoughts are of peace, blessings and love at all times. And if not at all times, change your thought to peace, gratitude and love as soon as you can catch that you are not sending out a positive vibrational thought, feeling or impression. The human mind plays many tricks upon you but you are a light being of spirit and you are well equipped to handle these little tricks from the human ego mind once you realize your true strength and abilities and how to control yourself and all in your world. It is by thought, feeling and impressions. This is the only way that anything is ever created in your world and all around you. We ask that you take the time to reflect upon these our words and in your heart of hearts you will recognized their truth. We have much love for you dear ones and we are always here for you in any way that you will allow us to be available and known to you. Remove all doubts and fears. Replace them with trust, love and thoughts of freedom of letting your mind and thoughts soar for the highest possible impression that makes you feel completely as if you are made of light and air. We will lift you and you will feel like you are floating and thinking thoughts that are on beautiful wings. They are. They are on beautiful wings of love from us. We love you dearly. We are the Captains of the Light Brigade, Commander Ashtar, Amun-Ra, Isis, Arch Angel Metatron and the Collection of all the Beings of Light from the Eternal Source of Oneness.
Thought you would enjoy a few videos from Egypt. See you can be here too. Want to join me? See, Welcome to Egypt
Hello dear one. We are here as always.
It is time for us to buckle down and get to work. We have much that must be said and shared with others about the upcoming changes in your beautiful planet. Now things are shifting daily. They are mini and micro shifts, most of them but some are major. So please do not be alarmed when you hear of such things. We are controlling and watching every little vibrational change that is happening constantly. I am AmunRa and know of what I speak. Humans have the tendency to complicate, exaggerate and confuse the simplest of messages so I will help to make this as plan as possible. WE are watching and taking care of this planet. We have assistance from you as light workers and from other Beings of Light who have embodied as humans at this momentous period for earths transition. All is moving into place for this transition and all of humanity is a major part of it. We have assigned different missions to many of you and when the time comes, you will be activated and will be able to perform your work effortlessly. There is no need for concern or worry as we have said many times before. We would really like for you to understand this most important part. There is no need for concern. Just remember that love in your heart is all that is required and the only things that we can sense from any point in the cosmic at any given time. Love is a major light force and protects and eases any and many situations that could possible arise. We are standing side by side with you, toe to toe and holding your hand through every phase of this transition. Please remove doubt, worry, upset, fear and disbelief from your mind and from your vocabulary. These only cause you more confusion. Your heart center is pure and strong enough to give you the correct guidance in anything that you do daily. Tune into that. Listen to your heart center, to your core being. All the answers will come to you and you will not have room for any of the worries we mentioned. We are all one. We are so connected that we cannot even tell you how or begin to explain to you in a way that would be understood properly of the many ways in which we are all connected. The energy field is so much more then you can imagine with so many more abilities then is given credit to at this current time. All will be revealed before too much longer and you, each one, will perfectly understand what we mean when we say we are all connected as one. Continued to send healing love and energy thoughts to all of the surface of this planet. Your combined thoughts and efforts are making a great change happen for the better. We thank you for the time you have spent with us today and we are, as always, here at your side. We enfold you in our love and are always ready for your calls at any time. We are AmunRa, Master Jesus, The Light Brigade, St. Germain, Lady Master Nada, Askara Ray, Mother Mary, The Cosmic Consciousness, Commander Ashtar and all the Beings of Light from the White Brotherhood that are always here with all of humanity. This message is how I received it and as I was typing I had the clear impression that I was to post the picture of the crystal grid map out there again. It's one of those things that when you get the strong impression you just need to do it. So thank you all you light workers for understanding that I have to post it again to go along with this latest channeling. In peace profound - Madalyn
I am Amun-Ra and we are going to speak about Egypt again. Many are hurt and many are lost. There is much that can be done to help these lost, hurt spirits. Start with the light workers; unite and mention to them that they can help heal this situation and any situation that is going on around the world and the cosmic at any time. They are very powerful together. It is interesting how humanity believe in certain ideals to a fault, which most are false ideals. But when we send a message that is direct from spirit, source energy; humanity wants to doubt it and say. “Oh, should I follow this or not”. Well, of course follow it. We are all loving, all spirit and all grace. We are here to help as are you. We are beings of immeasurable power but so are you and together there is nothing that cannot be changed, adjusted or created as it should be. The evolvement of this planet depends upon it. More and more changes will be coming so now is the time for the light workers to really unite and sent their combined energies out to the cosmic to help hold the vibrations of upliftment and healing, as we are doing the same. You are not separate from us. You are part of us incarnated on the planet to hold points of light as we hold points of light in the cosmic to make a complete surrounding grid of light. Do you understand. You, the light workers, and we light beings, are suppose to work together. That was and is the plan. That is our job together, all of us. I am Amun-Ra. We love Egypt as much as you do. It is all of our homeland, so to speak, for most of us in our realm who wished to be part of planet Earths development. It is also the ancient homeland of many of who are in human form at this particular period. We are helping to restore the balance that the planet must have in order to raise itself into its higher dimension that it is preparing to do. All will be settled soon and as we have said in past Discourses, soon to us can be 20 minutes or 200 years, but soon, very soon. Please, please relax about all of this. Your job is to send love, healing, and blessed energy to the planet and to that area of unrest at this time. Your job is also to remember to call to us for assistance and to strengthen and magnify the positive energies and vibration you send out in a concentrated focused effort to help ease all involved in this situation. Remember, do not allow yourself to think any negative thoughts, any limiting, and blocking thoughts or allow any disturbing energies of overwhelming sadness overtake you. Call to us through your free will and allow us to hold your hand to ease away any thoughts that are not of the highest good for all. Energy and vibrations through thoughts, single and especially combined thoughts, are projected into the cosmic and become manifested matter. These thoughts, depending upon your thought ideals, will either help to heal the earth or be reflected back poorly upon you, the thought sender. We are all loving and have unconditional love for all upon this planet and in the many galaxies we are working with. Every being upon the earth plane at this period is already a master of creation so the thoughts are extremely important. We cannot stress this enough. For many, the veil is drawn so tightly that they are unaware of their master abilities and status but for many others they understand their powers and can instantly heal and manifest health,, wealth, and blessings even upon areas such as the upheaval that is going on in Egypt now. Combine your efforts,, combine your strengths, combine your thoughts and only, only think loving, healing, easing, blessing and graceful thoughts when you hear of anything about this unrest. You have the power, even from all the way across the planet to help to ease any situation that you set your mind to. We are depending on you. This is part of what your job is. Part of what we have been telling you all along in past Discourses and meditations. You are light workers. Only send light, love energy to the land and to others. We know you understand the importance of this message through the guidance and acceptance of your higher self. We love you and we will be with you to intensify your blessed, protected, vibrations and energies as you send healing to the planet.
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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