We are the High Council of Ornack. We are here to help all who reside on Gaia at this time, “all who have ears to hear and eyes to see”, by this we don’t mean those two physical senses only. We mean psychically and intuitively through their abilities of accessing impressions, words & sight through their etheric and auric body fields. There is so much more to the statement of which Jesus spoke than the human 3D physical and mental has understood. ALL have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. They just have to be cognizant of which we speak. Once the awareness comes, then the sight and hearing has room to arrive to the humans way of understand also. Any time you hear or see a thing, take a moment and check it out psychically and intuitively. All humans can do this, even those of you who say you have not special abilities. These are NOT special abilities available only to a few selected ones. These ARE your abilities and have always been. You, most of you, just don’t recall them at all; much less think you can re-awaken and activate them for the purpose of helping and guiding yourself while you are occupying your current “home” on Gaia. Gaia and all of the deities and beings of light can easily communicate with you through your re-awakened abilities. We honor and always respect any choices or decisions you wish to make as human over shells that cover your light bodies. All is up to your own path of choosing. Just remember you, each of you, are here on Gaia at this amazing time of transformation, transformation for ALL because, again, ALL are connected. So if one of you accepts and re-awakens to your powerful and outstanding abilities, it assists others to do the same without much effort. You have chosen to be incarnated on Gaia now so that you will re-awaken and step forward into your full light awareness, your full knowledge of who you truly are. This we honor and send much love to assist you on your journey of returning home with your mission successfully completed. We and all the beings of light, along with Gaia, are grateful. We are The High Council of Ornack Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, March 1, 2014
Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html http://thesmellyartist.blogspot.com
We are the Light Brigade and we have much to share with humanity about what their assignments will be. We have been part of this earth plane for a long, long time, ever since its first existence because without us the light would not be around so prominently. Our job as the Light Brigade is to constantly flood light to every corner and crevice in the cosmic and in all it’s inhabitants. We take our job very seriously. The light is what carries the life force of the creator through to each and every one of you and to each and every particle of the cosmic. We want all to know that when troubles arise, no matter what they may be, if you remember to enfold it and seal the troubled issues in a bubble of light there is always a clear view coming toward you as to the best way to handle or move forward from the trouble. We hope you remember that light is everything that makes energy move. Love is the glue that makes is stick. Does this simplify if for you? We are totally and completely light and love and we are honored to be of assistance at anytime. Just ask for our help or just call for the light and we will be there in force to easy and change the problem. Thank you for taking the time to allow our message to come forth. Now those who take the time to read it will understand things even more differently because of the vibration that is place upon these very words that are written. We will move off to the side for now.. Aka Shaw Aka Shae . .Blessings to all.
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
Limited Edition Paperback