We are Askara-Ray. This is the first that we have come that you have allowed us to speak. We are part of the ancients from way, way, before any of the ancients are even named or known. We are part of the beginning, you see. You received information through ATON earlier, it is Askara-Ray. Again it is different from any name you have heard before. Our galaxy is not anywhere near here. It is many, many, many light years away; however, since you are a multi faceted light being a part of you are always there with us. So you have the ability as all humans and all of us, to instantly be wherever you need to be in the cosmic. At any given time you can be in more than one place at once, very simply.
We have come to let you know that things are going to change again very rapidly. Part of what is going on in the earth plane now is just a precursor of what is coming. The humans that are on the earth plane, we are watching how they are handling these little tiny different, unusual nuances that they do not expect. What will come, and very soon, is something major that they don’t expect either. So your job is to remind everyone to reach back inside of themselves and become; just as you had the impression when you were going through this last attunement earlier this evening, and you saw as was written in the book from St. Germain, the big white tiger coming upon the person sitting on the land. And that person at this time was you. Your thoughts were two fold, to be frightened, or sit calmly and send love and non judgment. And if you are to be the meal for this beautiful animal that is crouching, approaching you very viciously, then so be it. Sending love, you allow yourself to be the meal. And on the other part, the same time, sending love, you suggest to the crouching tiger that possibly you could be of help to him finding other meals instead of just devouring you at any moment. Once you came to the decision, the conclusion of whatever will be will be, stopped any resistance, only sent love, is when the tiger came and laid down beside you. Where you could scratch behind his ears and put your head in his fur behind his neck and love on him and pat on him, returning love, each one of you, to the other. This is what you need to remember when things start to be a little different in your world and the world of the others that you live with here on this plane. Set yourself down, reside yourself to the fact that whatever it will be will be, release resistance, and just send love. Even though there are two options, release resistance on both, send love; and you will be surprised with the outcome. It’s a very important vision that you had, a very important impression. You need to keep this impression with you. You need to share this impression with others. It is a great lesson here, a very great lesson. So in the midst of all the turmoil, any turmoil that you have, any, anything that you view that is detached from you or you cannot send it love and you cannot view it unconditionally; it’s the same as the approaching crouching tiger that is danger. It can be easily changed as you easily change your thoughts, your vibrations, your feeling, your impressions and your ability to accept, release and send love. Love is the most important thing. As Askara -Ray we will step away from you now, but we do believe you understood our message. We thank you for the time you spent with us and we send you our love.
![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
Limited Edition Paperback