Earth’s Ascension and How The Event Will Unfold a Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 9, 2016Greetings! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin speaking to you from The New Jerusalem. At dawn on January 9, 2016 Venus conjuncts Saturn with Antares nearby. Venus is known as the Planet of Love and is the Sister Planet to Earth. Antares is a way station for Souls as they transition on. Those who come from Venus are known as The Kumaras. The seven Holy Kumaras are known as the mind-born sons of Brahma. This means they were conceived in meditation and never born through a body. They are known as the Lords of the Flame and that refers to the Violet Flame which is love and only love. It burns like a fire and can be used as an Energy for healing. When Earth fell into denser and denser dimensions, from the 100th to the 12th to the 5th and down to the 3rd, the transcendent Beings, the Holy Kumaras, pledged to remain on Earth until the Grand Experiment ended. This is unfolding now and is also referred to as the Ascension Event. Many millions of years ago the Extraterrestrials who were of the Reptilian species, as well as those of the Alpha Dracos species came to Earth to control the resources here. Earth has always been an experiment of diversity. That is one of the main issues Earth is dealing with at the end now. It is used as a basis for war. Millions of refugees are fleeing because of their religion or the color of their skin. Earth was founded by refugees of the Orion Wars. This is the story told in the Star Wars movie which is very accurate to the true story and why so many yearn to watch the movie over and over. These advanced Beings used cloning technology to alter their own DNA and reduce the number of strands down from 12 to as little as 2. The 11th strand of DNA governs emotions and the 12th strand governs the ability to love. Without these, the advanced Reptilians and Draconians were able to commit unspeakable atrocities and unable to forgive themselves. Some of you ARE these Beings who warred endlessly and that is why your DNA has been repaired. You decided to return to love.This is a millions of years old story on Earth. The 5th Dimensional Beings, the Reptilians and Draconians, came to Earth and raped the 3rd dimensional Earth women to have hybrid babies. This is spoken of in your Bible when the (lessor) gods slept with the daughters of lower dimensional humans and had children by them. This broke Cosmic Law. It is against the law to mix the DNA of species. We have thousands of modern day accountings of malevolent Reptilian Extraterrestrials kidnapping human women from their beds, beaming them on to Ships, raping them, impregnating them and stealing their hybrid babies from their womb. The hybrids then finish their gestation in an incubator aboard their Ships. Many woman now recall having several babies this way. The wheel of karma playing itself out as the memories are storied on the DNA and carried from lifetime to lifetime. The traumas are hard to shake. There has been endless war and control on Earth and now it ends. The Holy Kumaras never fell from being 100th Dimensional Beings. They have never been born into a body. They are able to manifest a human body at will. They are like the most advanced Yogis of India or the high Buddhists priests who are able to pass extreme tests and develop their senses to a level of putting down their human body at will. Sanatka, Sananda, Sanatana, Sujata, Kapila, Sana and Sanat Kumara have been spoken of in all the ancient civilizations on Earth. They never left Earth. These are the Ancient Astronauts, the benevolent Extraterrestrials which you see in your art, architecture and ancient texts still today. They have taken on physical bodies within every religion on every continent through the ages teaching the Highest Teachings of Cosmic Law. They also take on lives as royalty, in government and in any way that will help the development of what was the 3D humans to get back to a 5D reality. Many times they appeared in their Light Bodies and are known in ancient texts as The Angels. Extraterrestrials and Angels are one and the same. The Kumaras are an Angelic Force. We are there now. Venus is the only Planet in this Solar system which spins clockwise. This is because it has a powerful Magnetic Force. Earth has an electro-magnetic Grid which is much weaker magnetically than its Sister, Venus. This strong Magnetic Force will conjunct Saturn today which is home to the Solar Tribunal. This is where those indicted in Earth’s World Court go to stand trial. It is similar to ‘appealing all the way to the Supreme Court.’ It is different in that when One is guilty at the World Court they must appeal Higher because in these cases they must also be tried for intergalactic crimes. These Ones are involved with the Secret Space program and keeping all their illegal activities secret to the populace and that also breaks Cosmic Law. It is a kind of mass psychological attack to keep Souls from evolving. It keeps them as slaves. This is why there must be a legal or political solution to end the embargo on truth regarding government’s involvement with Extraterrestrials. Just as you have heard stories of those like Valiant Thor, there are many Extraterrestrials today working in roles within governments all over Earth. They are adept Beings fully telepathic with each other. They keep in close contact with the malevolent Extraterrestrials in governments and power and our Plan to take them to Saturn for trial is now in play. Venus is 15 million years in evolution ahead of Earth. This close conjunct to Saturn involves Extraterrestrial technology you cannot yet comprehend. Your science cannot define it for you. This conjunct or Union as we like to say, because it is a return to Oneness by using technology, between Venus and Saturn is preparing our Solar System for the sudden changeover on Earth . The very next day, January 10, 2016, Mars conjuncts the asteroid called Juno. Juno is the asteroid of Love and Her Union with Mars (who is primed for some healing) marks the ReUnion of all Twin Flames to Union on Earth. This leads to a 5 Planets show in the sky from January 20th to February 20th. You’ll have the opportunity to view all five visible planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – in the same sky together. That hasn’t happened in 11 years. Eleven representing the One (Human) becoming One (with the Supreme). Within that period we will also have Chinese New Year. This is an open window for a formal disclosure of the Angelic Extraterrestrial presence on Earth and the Jubilee which will accompany it as Benjamin Creme has so well stated. He has said Sanat Kumara (whose other name is Kalki Maitreya) will return to Earth with gifts of all kinds for all of Humanity to have what they need to be completely FREE. It is a requirement of the Jubilee to make Humanity aware of Extraterrestrials living on their Planet because the Gold and the other Gifts like Free Energy from Our technology cannot be explained otherwise. To Free the Slaves we must have Arrests, Announcements and then Landings in that order. How the Event Will Unfold Arrests, Announcements and Landings, in that order. Announcements will be made beginning with President Obama. He will tell of the benevolent Extraterrestrials he has been working closely with including me, Ashtar. He will also announce the beginning of the Jubilee at the same time. Others will join him with their Announcements. This will be broadcast not only on TV but also the internet and will be able to be seen on every phone and in every remote area when it happens. Arrests may well happen at the same time the President is making his Announcements. Arrests will number in the 100s of thousands and every police force on Earth is part of the Plan. This is the permanent removal of the malevolent Extraterrestrials on Earth, the Reptilians and Draconians. Earth will Ascend and become a Planet of Peace. Those making war will be gone. They will be tried at the ICC, the World Court and then the Solar Tribunal. You will see these trials as they are conducted. This very likely could happen following a new mass psychological attack, a nuclear threat or the world economy collapse. This would empower St. Germain to come in and take over the world banking systems. It would happen in the blink of an eye. There will be a great deal of evidence presented as the populace of Earth heals and slowly learns of the truths which have been hidden from them. The floodgates will be open and the LOVE will poor in. Most Everybody will be relieved. They will not be afraid. They will say – I knew something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t have known it was this. Now that I know, things will be much better. Truth and Trust will be restored for All Humanity. Finally as we go through the initial progress of changeover it will make available what is needed for Landings. Earth will enter Zero Point with our technological assistance. All wars will end, weapons of all types will not discharge at Zero Point. The soldiers will return home. Non violent offenders will be released from jail. Mentors and Healing technology will be made available to every human on Earth. The terra forming of Earth will continue and the Zero Point Modulators will be at 100% power connecting with all the Pyramids, Obelisks, Portals and StarGates on Earth. The Wingmaker Ships and Pleiadian Ships responsible for cleaning up the Eco System of Earth will become visible overhead. The seas and rivers will become aquamarine blue. The skies will be clear. All of the environmental pollution will be cleared away by our helping hands. There will be many changes and too many to mention here. This window is a short period of time. Do everything in your power now to drop everything in your life which no longer serves you and work hard at bringing in the changes which most benefit your body, your mind, your emotions, your work, your family and friends. Pay Attention. Put down the fight. Be the Change. We are ever ready to serve you as Angelic Extraterrestrial Beings of Light. Happy New Year! You have never been alone. Salut! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 9, 2016. © All Rights Reserved.
Emergence: God / Source Grid Meditation by Sananda -- Ascension Time is Now -- We are All Spiraling Upward by Lord Sananda 1/27/14 To Begin TODAY, FOR THE NEXT 14 DAYS, AT LEAST 15 MINUTES PER DAY [*The GOD/SOURCE GRID: It is a Grid established by your conscious acknowledgment that ‘Something BIG’ is coming. You can'’t quite describe it or put your finger on ‘what’ that ‘something’ is but you feel it throughout every cell of your Being. That ‘something’, that Energy, that you feel to be coming is, my friends, quite simply ‘Creator’ or ‘God’, however you wish to express it. And so it is this Source Grid or God Grid to which you are connected, and it is your conscious connection to this grid that helps ease the integration of its Energies into the mass consciousness of Earth humanity and all grids in our Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe.] Salutations! I am Sananda, come to bring the new meditation to YOU, MY BELOVED STARSEEDS and LIGHTWORKERS. Can you feel the Solar Winds? They blow upon the Spark, the Flame, within the Heart of all sentient beings, both here and throughout the cosmos. The Breath of the Mother, you might call them, and they do, indeed, bring great change upon this beautiful planet. Before you do this meditation each day -- for at least 15 minutes per day, I am asking you to follow the protocol: Ground, Center, and State Your Intention for your meditation/s to join the energies of Project: Eagle Triad as they are sent out here and to the Cosmos. I am asking YOU to connect with what Archangel Michael has termed the *God/Source Grid, and it has previously been suggested to you to visualize this grid as a net encircling your globe, getting pulled tighter around the planet as the energies increase. And may I make a suggestion? Please visualize it as a net of Light and not, perhaps, an old, dingy fishing net, for that…Light…is the Truth of it. And within this grid are all the Divine Virtues, Qualities and Attributes of the Creator, all of the makings of what you think of as ‘Heaven’. I am asking YOU to do this meditation as a ‘group intent’, however, it might be quite interesting for all of you to compare notes, as it were, after a few days and discover whether or not you were visualizing the same thing. There is no ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ in how you visualize in this meditation, there are comparisons only, and hopefully new and enlightening perspectives that you, yourself, may not have thought of before. So, I am asking YOU to connect, through your intent, to the God Grid, visualizing it as a net that surrounds not only the earth but also every human. A ‘multiple’ of nets, so to speak. And I want you to visualize these nets slowing shrinking and getting closer and closer around both the planet and the peoples, enveloping them in all the Qualities and Virtues contained in this grid. You realize, of course, that as this God/Source Grid fully merges with each being, hearts and minds will open, war on your planet will cease, unity consciousness will reign, and all will awaken to their True Self, the Divine Blueprint of whom is also imprinted and contained within this Grid…so stay connected and bring Heaven to Earth. And so it shall be and is. I am Sananda. Good day. Channeled by Rev. Janisel of Sanandas Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad janisel @
Follow us: AshtarCommandCrew on Facebook Picture: painting by Marcus. Horus+Hatonn, 01-04-14
Wake up Call ~ Through Nancy Tate. Nancy: Why are there so many cloudships up in the sky here and over the Huachuca Mtns today? Horus: We are here to fix that which has been in disarray for millennia. It is a matter of being able to bring to harmony that which has been out of sync for so long. We are taking our time to make sure that it is all done in the way that will be most beneficial to not only those on the surface, but for those within the earth as well. As I told you earlier, if the Inner and Hollow Earth had not been in the fifth dimensions for this time of duality the planet would have disintegrated before now. Because we have kept the vibration strong and pure, it has been possible to keep the 3D duality experience in accord with the design that the Creator had, along with those of you who came here to have this experience. We are not only clearing out the portals that have required the clearing, but we are also beginning to reopen some of the portals that were shut down in order to maintain the 3D energy on the surface. There are two portals now that are ready for the transport of any of the surface dwellers who are ready to go within. They will be coming as soon as they get the signal, which shouldn’t be too much longer, as far as days are concerned. Also we are engaging in conversation with some of the people at the fort. They are assigned their placement there for this purpose, and beyond. It is the beginning of the opening of the doors to the public as far as what the actual truth is in many corners of the world. It is a matter of the people being in a position where they can no longer deny what is in front of their eyes, and that will speak to them of what they have been here on earth for, and what is coming for them. This is a development that will gradually take place as more and more of what we are about will be brought forth. There will be instances when we will bring about happenings that cannot be denied, for there will be reports made public that will set the tone for what we will be showing all over the world. First it is a matter of the various parts of the societies that have been in place all over the world to come into clarity, and to the truth of what has really been going on. When enough of that is exposed, then the people will be ready for the next pieces of news that will be backed up by the obvious truth that is before them. N: That sounds to me that it will be a matter of the people not panicking over news that is at this time fearful to them. Hatonn: Yes, that has been the idea for some time. We have seen how the people have been so programmed over the millennia and yet we have seen that as the vibration of the planet and the people who have opened to the truth have widened, there is an exponential increase in the numbers of people who are opening up and believing more of what they have been reading, and hearing. They also are seeing what is before their eyes in a different way, a deeper way. We would also like to tell you of an oncoming event that is to take place, and that is that many more people will see their world shift and that will represent that the energies are in the in-between, time and no-time, space. That will mean that there are some who will feel that they are still living in the world they are used to, and others will see their world as that which they are remembering it can be. The next step in that process will be remembering the way their world was at one time, and that it can be that way once again. They will see that it is beginning to be that way, and that will increase as each time it is more obvious to them, their view of it will too expand. This gives a whole different meaning to the word event, does it not? It gives an expansion to the idea of how time can be manipulated with the intent to experience it in a way that is new and interesting. It can be that one thing that used to take an hour or two can now take a minute or two. That is an example of what you are all returning to, at your own chosen pace. So the event that so many are speaking of is in process. There will come a point at which it will be in front of everyone’s face, and it will be interpreted in the way that any individual will allow themselves to see it. It will be a turning point in everyone’s lives individually. N: Thank you for this information. Is there anything else that you have to tell us? Horus: We would like to say this before we close for the time being. We would like to see many of you take the feelings that you have been having with the utmost sincerity. We feel that you are at the edge of the understanding of what is in store for the world and for you each in a way that is not only spellbinding in many ways, but eye-opening in a way that speaks of the truth of what you are feeling, and what you are seeing and hearing as well. We know that this is a pivotal time in your lives and that there is much that is being laid on the table for for-thought and then the realization of what it all means to you. There are some people who will see it as truth in their own interpretation and they will be correct. There are others who will see it as truth in a way that may not seem to agree with others, however, that is also correct. What we see from our inner vision is interpreted by what is in our knowingness, and experience. It is always the correct vision and knowingness for one and all. You have seen examples of that in your lives here on the surface, and that is the example of which we speak, pertaining to the individual interpretation of anything. None of it is wrong; all of it is correct and in keeping with our Oneness. N: That is all very interesting, I am very grateful for this information and for how you and so many other beautiful beings are with us, and assisting us any time that we ask. Thank you dear Horus and dear Hatonn, Love, Nancy Tate More from Nancy: tate Every time you take a few moments and listen to a meditation or listen to your inner guidance system or feel our presences speaking with you is a blessing in disguise for you and for those who are connected with you because we are all one you see. Yes, the Three Musketeers slogan, One for All and All for one is very accurate description of how we operate from our dimensions with you in your 3D corporal bodies and in you light bodies that are capable of going, being, doing everything and anything anywhere at any time. So this slogan is a great one for you to use often. It means so very much on many levels of multi-dimensionality of which we and every one of you are. Use “One for All and All for One because We are All Part of the One”. Please post this on your websites and remember it daily. It will help many others to connect into us in their remembrances of which is being returned to the Hue-beings (Humans). We like the word Hue-Beings because everyone one of you is of the light, you are multi-brilliant, multi-dimensional light beings, hence Hue-Beings - -like the rainbow. See? -Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara, Sananda, The Council of Ornack, St. Germain, the Arch Angel and Angelic Realms, Isis, Mother Mary, and the White Brotherhood of Intergalactic Beings
Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, January 5, 2014 Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: ...AND IT IS NOT QUITE CLEAR FOR HOW MUCH LONGER THIS ILLUSORY REALITY CAN BE MAINTAINED
September 16, 2013 It is our delight to welcome you in our consciousness with an encouraging message enabling us to share a communication through this connection. With clarity in the current state of affairs unfolding on your world, we wish to bring you more information because of this clarity and also give you our point of view in these matters. Due to the fact that many shifts are taking place presently in the collective of humanity and in your personal reality, a certain number of deeper and more obvious things will arise in your awareness and in your consciousness that, up until now, you were rather reluctant to cope with let alone take it for truth. What we are referring to are the most natural abilities and the deeper insights which are nestling in your reality and which are making themselves known more powerfully. For a long time those issues seemed to be a mere dream or an illusion and for you it was difficult to just consider that everything that has been shared through our messages and our means of connection would ever become manifest in this life, let alone in this reality! It gradually dawns more and more in your current awareness that everything we talked about will definitely become your truth and your reality in the most subtle but nonetheless most powerful way. We advise you to welcome and accept these matters, to have an open mind about them and sweep all doubts aside whether they might just be fiction. It has always been a difficult concept to grasp for the brain and for the human self to accept as your reality those super abilities and those seemingly unnatural developments of your own real Self. That's the reason why quite some time has elapsed in order to put this into practice and to grasp it through the human brain throughout this illusion, throughout this duality. Step by step you arrive at the reflection that everything comes your way leading you to where you always worked so hard for to bring into manifestation and to prove to yourself what you are capable of in this reality and who your real Self truly is. Now we have arrived at an auspicious time in which many of you will be able to make use of inner changes unfolding in the heart and in the pure lightcells of your incarnation in order to put the first actual steps in the development of, for instance, earthly travel through the gift of teleportation or the development of the gift of channeling of very high frequencies which will give rise to a revolution in this Earthly duality. Activations in the brain are carried out extensively at present by our teams and by us because your brain has to be activated in order to manifest all of this within your reality. There are shifts in your hearing abilities and there is a speeding up of your notion of time and of frequency, which is absolutely the case and this gives rise to an intense shift within your reality. Everything is now in the process of speeding up considerably as to the pace and to the energies, in such a way that many hearts request an adaptation in this frequency shift to be able to exist in the current magnetic frequency because the heart will continue to serve as the engine of the body in which you dwell. However, everything is shifting in such a way within your physical body that a totally different frequency will present itself and will be felt within you as well as around you by others. This reality is litterally cracking in on itself and it is not quite clear for us how much longer this illusory reality can be maintained as it bursts of spirituality, awakenings, shifts and growth. This current reality will never be the same again, you will never be the same again. You will no longer be able to recognize yourself in such a short notice because what you will evolve into will be beyond your power of imagination. This all has to do with the fact that your evolution and your expansion will bring you to a completion in such a way that nothing, pertaining to this world of duality, will remain a part of yourself. You are now in the phase of the home stretch and the last ties connected to your physical body will now be released and you will be able to soar higher and higher in this new reality. We have now begun with the exploration of your abilities and the real development of them. Your innate abilities will far surpass your imaginations because you never considered them to be part of your reality. The more you can accept them, the bigger your evolution and your manifestation of them will become. Your reality can now begin expanding and evolving, for you have taken your first steps in this new reality, all together hand in hand. One person will find him/herself in a more refined world than another but there will be improvement to say the least and certainly no setback unless one does not feel nor create progress and growth and where the resonance on the current frequency vibration is the most comfortable for your being. No matter what the case may be, everything is perfect for you and perfectly matched for your being. Nothing is too less or too much for you because everything has to be precisely as it must be. In full delight and with gratitude, we are the Arcturians. As channeled by Méline Lafont, Mon, 09/16/2013
Master Serapis Bey - So as Shakespeare once said all the world is a stage and we are the players. That is so true and the more that humanity discovers that they are just play acting in a roll on a stage in an illusionary platform, an illusionary world, because each one has created their own world as they wanted it to be, the ascension will be obtained for each and every one. I am from Andromeda - We have come from far to be a part of this magnificent change that is going on in this beautiful planet. It was beautiful in the beginning, then it was not so beautiful, and now it is returning to its full beauty. We are here not only to observe but to assist. So it is simply, I stating to all of humanity, that we from Andromeda are here. And we are willing to be part of assistance for anyone who asks, anyone who calls. The only way they can call to us is to send us a mental vibration of an image of call, from their heart center. That is how you will show up. That is how we will notice you. Your heart will call to us and we will be there instantly. The planet will become spectacularly, exquisitely, beautifully known throughout all of the areas of the cosmic, through all different galaxies and solar systems because you see this, in this exact way, has never happened before and we are here to cheer it on. And we are here to hold the head of Mother Earth as she goes through her grieving and to ease her pain in the process of mother earth and her children upon the planet. Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.June 29, 2013. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: Thank you Besim Pira for sharing this wonderful message from Greg Giles
-- I see you gathered in the streets, in protest of the long series of wrongs which have been done to you and your families in the name of greed and power. These were done in an attempt by those who have been consumed by greed and darkness to control you and imprison you in a world of their own creation, to further their corrupt reign of insatiable desire for more money, more power, and more control. You have succeeded in breaking free from these shackles of tyranny. It is time to celebrate and put all these trying times behind you. You are just moments away from embarking on an incredible voyage that will see you pulling away from the dock which has been your three dimensional world of separation and illusion. The members of this dark cabal were used to help facilitate your learning and advancement. All was deemed necessary for your upliftment. We, the Galactic Federation, along with the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchies have been working feverishly to help free your world from the clutches of these darkworkers for some time now as their part in this grand production is no longer required for your benefit. This endeavor has been an enormous challenge, but we tell you all is now being returned to a world of love and light, and soon you will bask in the warm glow of your new and exciting lives. Do not ever be afraid of these changes. This is why you are here. To experience for yourselves firsthand the incredible ride which is ascension of a people and a planet into a higher dimensional state. You all jumped at the chance to be here at this time, and that time has come. Get ready for the thrill ride of a lifetime. You all have earned this moment as you have worked so hard in so many areas you can have little idea, but we tell you that you have earned all this, and you will receive the blessings we speak of very soon. Much is happening behind the scenes and we do try to give you a glimpse of the secret goings on from time to time. We feel the more you know about what is happening, the more excited you will become about the changes. Your joyous excitement raises your collective vibration and helps facilitate the necessary changes. All of you have done your part. You all deserve such a warm thank you from us, your family from afar. Please remember, you all have gotten here together. You are all one, one in the name of the Creator, one in the name of love. Treat each other with kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. Each is your brother, each is your sister. Treat them and respect them as such. We have been keeping tabs on all the dark’s maneuverings and we are very happy to report that their once very powerful organization is in tatters. They are now barely functional, and will not be able to mount any substantial objection to your ascension to the higher realms. This has been our main function here at this time. Ascension is a natural blessing from the Creator and your universe. Ascension is not our invention and we, the Galactic Federation, are not the overseers, if you will. The Creator is the overseer to these proceedings, we are merely helpers, sent by the decree of the Creator to assist you at this time as it was foreseen that much resistance to your journey would be created by the dark cabal. We know their game, and we are far better prepared to handle their attempts than you could be at this time. Many Earth allies have also contributed to the demise of the Illuminati and their band of misguided minions, and much gratitude is owed to these brave men and women of your world. As we have said, many of these individuals will be made known to you at the proper time, and we look forward to meeting you at the proper time as well. This time is approaching rapidly. You may have seen several messages and predictions circulating the internet at this time, and all we can tell you is to use your wise judgment and your powers of proper discernment when assimilating the many avenues of information. Does the author of the information resonate with you personally? Does he or she send forth waves of love and light, or do you perceive other motives, other intentions. It is all up to you. Do your best to feel the messages signal. Feel its radiance. You have heard ‘The proof is in the pudding’, taste their pudding before buying what they are selling. We are not saying all of the information you may be reading regarding upcoming events are falsehoods. We are merely suggesting you be discerning in what you accept as messages coming from sources of light. We wish you all to know the end is drawing near, which will open a new door to a new beginning. Never doubt for a moment your safety and well being is not being cared for every step of the way, for indeed it is. You are our children, our brothers and sisters. How would we ever let any harm come to you? You have so much to look forward to. All your hopes and your dreams for a better world are just moments away from materializing in the most incredible of fashion. Many of you have never experienced such a gorgeous display before in any of your previous incarnations. This moment will surely be remembered by all of you throughout your blissfully eternal new lives. We promise you magic and wonder, delectable delights for all your heightened senses. Remain calm and composed. Try to experience the rush of joy without losing your composure and becoming overwhelmed. Step into your new lives confidently, the gift is yours because you have earned it. There can be no other way. So it is. We await your arrival at our doorstep with great anticipation and excitement. What a joy it will be to see all your shining faces again. It has been such a very long time. We will be together so very soon. Until then, we love you. We are your Star Family. As channeled through Greg Giles There are rapid changes over your planet so all need to continue to be vigilant in their emotions and feelings to bring forth the power of LOVE and COMPASSION solely. These are the healers of the universe and these are the truest form of ascension. Connect the two emotions and you will sense vibrations stronger than any you have sensed before. From this strong vantage point you can work many great things in many ways and ideas to heal this planet and continue its evolution. Concentrate on this. Combine Love and Compassion. Let those feeling grow in your heart center and then picture them flowing out to bubble the planet Earth. Soon you will notice that bubble has grown to cover everything in the cosmos and it’s coming from you. Just think, if all on the planet projected this forward and out, just think how strong that bubble of Love and Compassion would be; everyone adding more and more to it. There is strength in numbers and love is the all healing vibrational power for anything. Add compassion and your complete in assisting with your own ascension and for all else that is everywhere in the cosmic realms. We would hope that you would give this a thought that you could send out to the planet at least once daily. It will begin to heal so much if you will just allow yourself to believe and be a part of these changes by accepting your task and send this love and compassion vibration from you on out everywhere. We are glad you are willing to help and we love you dearly. No more bystanders wondering “what am I to do?” . .Do this. This is the most magnificent start that any human could do. We are grateful. |
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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