I was awakened from my sleep this morning with the words Council of Solace. I saw them written on a piece of paper in my dream/sleep state early this morning. I sat straight up and took a few minutes to meditate to see what was going on and then this message started to come in. So I stumbled to my computer and started typing and now I’m sharing with you guy. As always, take what feels right to you and resonates and discard anything that does not. Much love to all!
This is close to the end of your month of June according to your earthly time table and this is the scheduled and planned time for other activities to become noticed even more so than before. We are asking that you inform those who wish to be aware to not be confused, fearful or upset. Our reminder is to all humanity to only show love in your heart vibration and you will see a different unfoldment, we could say, than those holding fear in their heart. We know this might not be easy for some but we are mentioning this now just as a quick reminder that love concurs all. It sounds too simple to work but that is the truths of which this world was build upon in the very origination of its inception. Each of you are made from love of the Creator, Ultimate Prime Creator, and love is the only true activity that will help in the removal of the heaviness that is covering your beautiful planet and your beautiful light bodies and souls. So again we simply say, these changes will be coming. Some have already happened but more will come very soon. Place love in your heart for your Creator, for your fellow human being, for yourself, for all in your worlds with the animals, plants, birds; all in your world, even the air because all has feelings. All have vibrational and energetic impressions which we can call feelings so you better understand. All know when you are coming from a place of love and kindness toward them and when you are not. Humans are not the only creation of the Ultimate Prime Creator that has the ability to sense when something of a lower energy pattern is being projected toward them. All creatures, large and small know this also. All creatures and energies of any sort that you can think of can sense this. Think about something seemingly simple to you, like a piece of luggage or a desk. Yes, it is created and here to serve you but are you such a horrible master that you don’t even think about it with an impression of love for the service that is it affording you? This concept will make you look at the things around you differently. At least that is our utmost wish for you. Once you start to grasp the concept of everything is made from the creator with love, everything; you will be able to understand the Law of One, the Unity consciousness and unity of where all has come from in the very beginning. So today, your job is easy. Just notice everything, and we mean everything, as a gift from the creator made for you from Ultimate Divine Love and you will have wonderful day full of love, excitement and mysteries that unfold before your very eyes. You could say throughout your day today something as simple as: ‘Thank you Prime Creator for allowing me to be here to witness the awakening and enjoy the power and abilities of our love that brought us all together in the first place. We are nothing more than as a grain of sand in this all encompassing and expansive universe of worlds of which we reside and yet, we are grown to full capacity and power in your love that is shown to us in so many ways. We are grateful and open our heart centers to flood everything we can conceive of with full and complete, total love. So Mote It Be, in the grace of the aspects of the rosy cross and the grace of time’. We are the Unknown Masters of the Council of Solace and bring you this message on the waves of Love for all.” Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 29, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html.
Artwork copyright by the artist, Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy If you don’t see the video version here, they will be posted on my YouTube Channel - it's especially powerful when you can hear the words that were shared with me during the sessions. If you don't see it right away, please check back later and it will be there soon. - https://www.youtube.com/user/belovedessences
I am Guardian of the Essences along with RA and of this you are well aware. Simply put, when the earth’s vibration shifts and it is doing this most often now, when it shifts in preparation for its next dimensional experience so too the vibration and frequency of these essences that are blessed, protected and guarded over not just by us alone but with the energetic is each individual master, light form, kingdom being who has an essences which bears its name. Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 16, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html. Artwork: from Isis Oracle Card by Alana Fairchild. If you don’t see the video version here, they will be posted on my YouTube Channel – it’s especially powerful when you can hear the words that were shared with me during the sessions. If you don’t see it right away, please check back later and it will be there soon. – https://www.youtube.com/user/belovedessences
I received two messages on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 and many prior that I will post her for you guys to see. Normally I sit early morning and receive my message or message and then I share them. Sometime I get alittle bit behind so I’m working on improving that. Not only are these powerful messages coming in often, I am being guided to create class, courses and training for a lot of wonderful and magical things that should be of interest to a lot. It’s so great to be busy and doing the type of work that I love to do. This is the 1st Message: Good morning dear one. This morning we begin again anew. We are here from many lands, many star systems and many universes that your people have not discovered yet and might not ever. Nevertheless, we are here and we are energetic beings that carry much power. It is not necessary for us to transport ourselves in a space ship as you identify that mode of travel. Since we are energy, we can go anywhere and everywhere easily and swiftly. No concern about a certain amount of light years time line either. Energy is energy and it is everywhere so we are everywhere and anytime. I had to step away and when I returned the messages continued which was awesome.!! Of course we are here – as we have said many times, we are always here, you just have to get in this feeling of alignment and we are able to come through easily. Thank you for keeping to your commitment to meet with us first thing each morning for as little or as long as you can. The amount of time you spend with us each day is not important. What is important is that you are holding up to you commitment to show up daily, even if it is a brief thought. This consistent connection with us strengthens and intensifies the abilities you are developing. The more consistent you are with this, the stronger and more intense the messages we can share with you will become. Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 14, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html. Artwork copyright by the artist, Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. If you don’t see the video version here, they will be posted on my YouTube Channel – it’s especially powerful when you can hear the words that were shared with me during the sessions. If you don’t see it right away, please check back later and it will be there soon. – https://www.youtube.com/user/belovedessences
Message from SaLuSa from Sirius are ALWAYS fabulous and very informative. For those of you who keep up to date with the new messages, recent times have shown that there are many activities taking place. You will no doubt also be aware that the dark Ones are being closely monitored so as to ensure that they cannot continue with their plan for world rule. In fact their activities are being restricted in ways that will ensure that they can no longer disrupt the plan for your freedom. We can for our part confirm that the changes are speeding up and great advances are being made. There is no doubt that very soon you shall become aware of major events that are going to take you into the New Age by fulfilling some of the promises that have already been made.
We would urge you to keep firmly on your path of Light and not allow outside activities to take your focus away from it. There are difficult times ahead but these will be short lived, and eventually it will become quite clear as to the direction that you are travelling in. Be assured that we have fully anticipated the problems that will arise, and are taking steps to overcome them or at the very least lessen their impact. We do not wish you to take your eye off events that are taking place, but we will tell you that all is moving along in accordance with our plan for your salvation. So many welcome changes are lined up ready to be introduced, but as we have informed you on many occasions, the time must be right so that matters can go ahead unimpeded. Looking back to the end of 2012 we know that some of you still cannot throw off your disappointment that it did not make the impact that you expected. Yet, we hope you will agree that the foundations were laid down for changes to take place that have subsequently occurred. Without a doubt the vibrations are lifting up and more souls are awakening to their true selves, and able to see how they have been manipulated and falsely held back. The Light is pouring down upon Earth and it is raising the vibrations, and there is no returning back to the “old days”, that will be gone forever, having no place in the higher vibrations. . The future is Golden and holds many, many surprises that God has prepared for you. God is Love and humans lacking understanding blame God for their misfortunes. It is you alone that map out your destiny and determine through your actions what type of experiences you need to rise up again. Yet God is always with you and never withdraws the Love that is always present. His servants such as the Angelic Kingdom carry out the plan that will release you from the hold of the negative vibrations. They also guide you to ensure you follow your life contract which you have agreed to as one that enables your steady progress. Dear Ones, you have many things to learn about life beyond Earth. Your Universe of many dimensions is teeming with life, and in many instances very much like your own. However, you have been kept in the dark as to your true selves and purpose for experiencing the third dimension. It is not your natural one which is why you are now moving out of it into the higher vibrations that the dark Ones cannot enter. You will no doubt realise that in so doing you will live as intended, in happiness, freedom and absolute peace. Once you have become a Galactic Being, free and able to travel at will your lives will take on a new meaning. Only you alone can change your future so follow your desires with care and know that every opportunity is open to you. As you might say “the end of the road is in sight” yet even as you prepare for it, the new path is opening up to reveal the promises of a New Age. In this respect you will be guided and set upon a path that will fulfil all of those promises that have been made to you. We will be able to openly visit Earth and even take you on journeys within your Solar System. Exactly where will depend upon your plan for further enlightenment, and in this respect your Guides will be on hand to give their advice. You will soon forget the traumas and disappointments of some earthly experiences, knowing that they have given you a broad outlook that enables you to cope with all experiences. We are closer to you than ever and after many years of contact with you know that you will accept and greet us as your Brothers and Sisters. Your background coming from various star systems means that you will have met us eons of time ago. Bear in mind that in the higher vibrations your life span is much greater than it is now. Also, that when you have completed your experience in one body, you can literally simply step into a new one. To say the least, “death” such as you know it does not take place, and it only involves simple changes that do not entail any form of aging such as you are used to experiencing. Birth as it is called is also different, and you do not have to go through the stages that you know as a “baby”. I am SaLuSa from Sirius and will confirm that all is in the “Now” and you will be able to move backwards and even forwards to satisfy your quest for experience. You will in fact take quite easily to the changes, because in reality they are not new to you. However, it will be exciting to become aware of familiar things, and not least of all to again meet souls who are well known to you, and may have figured in a number of your earthly lives. Even if you only consider the number of strong relationships you may have made through your many lives, you will realise that quite a number of souls eagerly await the opportunity to meet you again. However, you still have work to do on Earth and your concentration must be kept focussed upon your tasks. Every soul you can help now to “wake up” will appreciate your help, but many are unable to release their attachment to the lower vibrations. Yet where they come in touch with information that will help lift them up, it can result in an awakening. Thank you SaLuSa, Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light When I received this message it caught me by surprise that it was from the chakra system. I really sat in awe for a few minutes thinking WOW I didn't' know they could talk. Then I heard, of course we talk. We send you messages and talk to you all the time it's just that you are familiar with hearing from us. Then I thought, well of course, and since I can receive information from leprechauns, unicorns, fairies, dragons, stones, just to name few, not withstanding the beings of light and ascended masters then of course; why not receive messages from the chakras. LOL!! Makes perfect sense to me now!! love you guys!! Now today is another new and beautiful day is it not? And we say to you, if you don’t agree, why not? Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 14, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html.
Artwork copyright by the artist, Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy If you don’t see the video version here, they will be posted on my YouTube Channel - it's especially powerful when you can hear the words that were shared with me during the sessions. If you don't see it right away, please check back later and it will be there soon. - https://www.youtube.com/user/belovedessences After I received this message from the Arcturians I did a google search to double check that I was spelling their name correctly. I was also wondering why they were speaking so powerfully about "thoughts" and I found a comment that had been posted about 3 years ago. It was very interesting so I have included it at the bottom of the message I received. Odd things always seem to happen don't they? hugs to all!
Most like you are so focused on helping others that we have to gently remind you to focus on receiving the help for yourself so you can then be in a better position to help others more often and in more ways than you have imagined. Anchoring in our messages and our energies is of extreme importance now for you, our star sister, as much as it is for the rest upon your planet. Each time, each day, moment by moment, things in your galactic system are changing and each change is creating an enormous ripple effect through all the galaxies of worlds. This is a quantum effect that most are completely unaware of but be sure, it is happening. So why not make the change a good one that will promote and instill goodness and harmony instead of letting a change created by un-thoughtful and unilaterally unaware thoughts of ‘ho hum – reality sucks’ consciousness. This lack of controlled thought from your asleep/unaware minds is what is effecting the changes on this planet now which are not always changes that are pretty, good or nice. The human consciousness, asleep or awake, creates this world and this system of worlds. The lack of that awareness has created the world affairs as they are today. So we say to you humans, why not wake up. Wake up in your choice of your thoughts and make this reality of your better choices. You have the power within each and every one of you to do this but most of you chose not to bother. By choosing not to bother, you have now unconsciously created a system that is bothering you tremendously. Again it’s your choice to continue on this path of, we could say destruction of self, or choose remembering and awaking the simplest and most powerful gift creator has given to you – the gift of thought and controlling that thought. All in this system of worlds have brains, not just humans, but humans are the co-creators of their world with thought so be sure your thoughts are what you want to see in your world not as you see it now. There is a difference. If you spend 8 hours a day concentrating and perfecting your through processes you would no longer have anything that is out of alignment with what you want in your life and for your world. You go to work and think all the time about your particular “job” but how much effort do you put into creating and sharpening your thinking skills to make your life better. When you leave your “job” you go home and say – phew, I’m tired of thinking today so I’ll just relax with a drink of some sort and watch TV. Basically, your thoughts and brain are through for the day? No. It doesn’t work like that. You are all the time creating with that powerful brain/thoughts of yours. We just are asking that you take a little time to notice your habits about your thinking and what you are impressing certain kinds of thoughts upon. Thoughts become realities whether your believe it of not. It is one of those Universal Laws that does not change. You are a co-creator, a creator of your life. What are you creating right now? We don’t say, leave your job and go into meditation or hibernation to sharpen your understanding of how thinking affects your world. We do ask that you just start to notice your habits and make some changes there in the way of focusing on your thoughts and re arranging those thoughts to the thoughts that make you feel good about yourself, your life and others. It’s simple really. Your thoughts are alive. Look at it that way. Thoughts are live things that appear in your life be they good thoughts or not. Why not make them good ones? We are the Arcturians. We have been helping you for eons and we will continue to assist you until you fully awaken to your true Divinity of wholeness and light. From: http://www.floating-world.org/arcturians.html Arcturian Lessons Listen to their wisdom as they comment on our idea of Privacy: We strongly urge you to understand that thoughts which flitter through your mind's "privacy" transmit energy patterns from your brain into the planetary ethers. That which is within your mind is not contained like a jelly in a jar sealed tightly. Thought is not something that is stopped by the hard bony shell that covers your brain! Thought is like projected images and sounds that beam via radio and television waves. Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 10, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-bolg.html. Artwork and copyright by the artist, Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy If you don’t see the video version here, they will be posted on my YouTube Channel - it's especially powerful when you can hear the words that were shared with me during the sessions. If you don't see it right away, please check back later and it will be there soon. - https://www.youtube.com/user/belovedessences Madalyn’s Comment: It’s just very interesting to me that these messages have started coming through, quite a few of the very prominently. I have gotten as many as three or four a day. So I’m going to continue to share with you because I know they are suppose to go out to as many people that are receptive to them. Thad’s Awesome! If it doesn’t resonate with you, that’s fine too, just go ahead and take from it what you may and as everything and anything that is introduced to you, disregard what doesn’t resonate with you. I have had my doubts about a lot of this so they talk to me constantly to let me know what my next steps are. I’m just sharing with you that I am no different than you. I get my little self confused at time too. So they talk to me and I am sharing this complete session with you. This came in Monday, June 8. They started with: Now as for how this will work. Once a day we would like to work with you, at least once a day. We know some days are different but we will still be able to make time for you so please do the same for us. It will only advance your skills and benefit so many if you will come back to working with us once a day to receive the messages that are required at this time. We are Andara of the Andara Crystal Kingdom and we do have memories, gifts and knowledge to share that so many are unable to hear correctly. We speak with you today to see your ability to translate what our words are that we are sharing telepathically with you. You have a full table of crystal at your fingertips so it would not be unusual to hear from us before too much longer, correct? In fact, we are not the only type of crystals and stones on your table but in this current set up we of the Andara Crystal Kingdom are the most in number so we speak jointly in sharing our words with you today. You have been able to communicate with us before from long ago when you were with us among the stars and of course if should come to you as no surprise that you can easily communicate with us again. Andara Kingdom Crystals are just one type of spiritual gifts given to humanity and the dear lady who started working with us is in spirit now helping this transmission. Much is unknown of the crystal kingdom but through you more will be revealed as you progress with your daily work. Your finances will not be of concern once your commit yourself to this work. You will see that all sorts of things will just fall into place for you in the financial picture so be of no concern. If you let that concern overtake you, we will not be able to reach you accurately. Do you understand? We Andara come from the stars as we stated already and so did you. It may sound silly or improbable to most but we promise you this is the truth of what we speak. Coming from the stars we knew that earth would be a confused and congested energy of all sorts of human conscious creations that are not of the higher impressions. We are here to help adjust that in whatever ways we can. So we will be giving you ideas to share with your readers and friends on how they best can use their Andara crystals and any other crystals that they have or want to have. Yes, the citrine crystal skull will be speaking with you also if not today, very soon. See this is very fun and easy for you right? You can come and go and still step right back into his consciousness state of receiving message from those of us that are here to do the work for the light and return humanity to their Divine Imprints that they had in the beginning. For today, we suggest to make Andara water. Use the blue one alone in a smaller glass jar and make enough water for you to drink today. Notice your reactions and actions as you make fresh water and drink it for the next 3 days. Yes, Nellie was the name she was known as on the earth plane when she worked with us Andaras. If you wish, her energy will be able to help and assist you with the different abilities that we Andaras have but you can also ask us directly. That’s how Nellie received her information. Or you can have a calibration of both. It’s your choice. As we progress, you will work with us in many different ways so not to concern yourself now at this point. But do go ahead and make the Blue Andara Crystal water today and start drinking it. We love you and are very excited for what we will be doing together in the very near future. Keep us close and the Anchi Crystals are another gift to humanity from the stars. We are just different races you could say. Much love to you dear one. We are the Andara and the Anchi Crystals sent to you from the stars. Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 8, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html. Artwork and photography copyright by the artist, Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy Here is the information and website for the Blue Andara Crystal that I used if you want to try it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Andara Crystals. http://www.ladynellie.com/index.html Ane'la AndaraTM Quick Reference: Aligning with the Ane'la through the purity of one's intentions, one's individual field is catapulted into rarefied Angelic dimensions. · An angel stone that holds the Field of one's Intention. · Brings the clearest expression of an individual's Source Consciousness that can be embodied. · Allows the possibility of receiving ascending and integrating potential that the Ane'la Consciousness embodies. · Opens a star gate of Unlimited Consciousness. · The aqua blue color holds an immense high heart frequency in its own right. · The frequency is exponentially increased through the infusion of the angelic frequencies that the Ane'la consciousness elicits. So today we continue still more which make all of us very happy. We are a combination of vibrational energies much as Abraham-Hicks explains his energy by the use of a simple and familiar name. We did this with you early on in your training with the name Aton, remember? It was the perfect name to choose for your vibrational and cellular memories to be the most comfortable with to start learning to trust the messages we needed to share with you. At the time, you thought Aton was a gentle type of spirit guide who was indeed gentle and nourishing. You had no conscious recollection of the powerful energy the name ATON commands all across the land of which Egypt occupies now. Aton is the representative name for the all powerful Sun. Also RA is another representation of that all powerful Sun. These again are all names for the Ultimate Prime Creator and the Sun is just a physical image that humans can see and reflect their wonderment of it’s strength and power. Each and every one of you come to this planet from the opening in the sun. Your Earth’s sun is one of the portals to your galaxy, your dimension and your planet. There are many other portals to your solar galaxy but for a light being to incarnate upon your earth planet the entrance is monitored through your Sun’s portal at the time of birth. Prior to the birth, the light being has interaction, connection and communication with their hosting parent(s) while invetro through telekinesis and physic thought transference. This happens for some time to prepare the light being to the experiences encountered while the small body is forming. Once birthed into the heavy energy of the earth environment, the light being only has the vague recollection of the pre-planning stages. As more and more of the new children are arriving on this planet, their recollection is stronger and longer than their predecessors. They remember why they needed to come and what they need to do for some time so their passions develop early to help propel them toward their chosen work in case they get caught up in earths confusion. You will notice more and more extremely gifted children stepping to the forefront with amazing abilities to carry out their work, messages and share their gifts to help awaken the rest who are asleep on this planet. I am on the Council of the Akashic Records and Karmic Boards and from a different galactic system of which you are unfamiliar at this time. I am called Jurndrel Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 6, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html.
Artwork copyright by the artist, Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy All these amazing energies just keep coming through and all I know to do is to share them with you. Normally Michael presents himself as Arch Angel Michael for for this session he identified himself as Lord Michael with surprised me. Guess I should be getting used to surprises. hugs to all!! Angels are around each and every one all the time. However, we are not usually noticed or recognized but we notice and assist you in human form at all times. It’s, you could say, our assignment of which we love. We are a reflection of your Divine self just in an alternate projection of a reality image. Some of you can see us, some can feel us, some can hear us, but all have a particular sense that we are with you at all times. Most of the time it seems we are doing nothing to help you out in a particular situation but truth be known the outcome you experienced was assisted by us according to your life plan, path and purpose for growth while on this planet, your chosen training field. So once you understand that every experience happened in the way it was to happen for you to move past this particular level of Mastery Training or call it what you will – once you understand that completely and are in line with your growth through -judgment, anger, resentment, fear, greed, jealousy, hatred, ego elevation – once you have passed this human based and designed inflections you will be in a place where you do not need to experience those circumstances any longer and then you can actually show up in your beautiful Divine light and love to help your brothers and sisters who are still traversing through those rocky and rough waters by sharing your gifts, skills, talents and abilities – basically your kindness and understand wisdom) until they too get past it all. You can only assist those who are willing to accept your assistance, same for us in the Angelic Realm. So now you see, we have come to full circle of how we are here to help you but you have to be in the place of accepting and receiving our assistance. We have to be asked same as you when you wish to help a brother human. You have to be asked otherwise they are not ready to move past that particular circumstance they are experience. We are many here from many realms to assist, too many to number. Please remember this and learn to let yourselves recognize that we are here and accept our loving assistance. I am Lord Michael- Head of the Angelic Realm of Earthly Protectors and Guardians. Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 7, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html. Art Copyright of the artist, Dr. Madalyn Kennedy© I have the recording of this one completed for you also. It along with others are also on my youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/belovedessences YEAAAA!!! Yes, we are here as always. And Yes Prime Creator is the ultimate source of perfect Divine Love and protection energy for you, everyone – all beings of light – and all the systems in all their galactic positions, known and unknown to humanity at this time in earth’s time/space continuum reality. As stated before we have been here from the beginning. Not just the earth’s beginning but from the universal and all its multiple universes – from the inception of all that is and ever will be – we have been here. We are Source, Prime Creator, God/Goddess, Universe, all of those names we have been identified as and we are much more than that but human language does not have enough words or emotions to translate all of the energetic purity and love which I transmute unendingly to all. As with any system our system of worlds are no different, things change. Change is endless and constant also same as my energy and at times change begins to show itself in small unnoticeable ways and at time in very powerful, can’t possibly go unnoticed ways that make massive and huge impressions across this world and all the other worlds at the same time. As everything is connect energetically, all is felt be it small or large change with one or with many. All is felt In some way, in some impression or reaction or even in some shocking and disturbing, in your face, immediate notice either exciting happy or disturbingly sad but all is energy with its life of constant change. Some say there is a Divine plan however I would suggest to you to consider that the Divine plan is simply the Universal laws which are in constant action. Everything is a Divine Plan according to Universal Laws so maybe this will clear up the confusion or the lack of humanities ability to recognize that they control their Divine plan by the ways they follow and understand the Universal laws that are in place for this planet and this system of worlds. In fact, all the system of worlds have Universal laws with consistent help and guide development of life everywhere. As for your ability to contact me like this, all can do the same. All that is required is to sit quietly, ask and when you surrounded yourself with the Ascended Masters and Source Energy White Light of Love and Protection, you basically “rang my number and I answered the phone or call”, you see – simple, yes? Look for me in everything you see and feel. In the birds, insects, mammals, animals domestic and wild, the trees, flowers, rocks, land, water, sky, air, breath, sunlight, moonlight, starlight, people – humans, hybrids, all species of life everywhere and all times.. . I am there. You get it? Everywhere and everything that you have in this world and in any world, dream, imagine, outer space, planes of existence, dimensions, parallel or/and linear since there are both – all are alive with my ultimate energetic divine love and life and light. Thank you for listening this morning to your heart and receiving my love through this message. Remember there is no place or no one who is every alone or unloved – that just cannot happen. I Am Ultimate Prime Creator and I serve you – all of you that carry my energy that I mentioned here in this transmission. Enjoy your many gifts and blessings you have in front of you today and every day. You are much loved. Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 7, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html. I'm being told that it is very important and powerful to hear the words spoken so I have included that here too. They are also on my youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/belovedessences YEAAAA!!! |
![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
Limited Edition Paperback