I was awakened from my sleep this morning with the words Council of Solace. I saw them written on a piece of paper in my dream/sleep state early this morning. I sat straight up and took a few minutes to meditate to see what was going on and then this message started to come in. So I stumbled to my computer and started typing and now I’m sharing with you guy. As always, take what feels right to you and resonates and discard anything that does not. Much love to all!
This is close to the end of your month of June according to your earthly time table and this is the scheduled and planned time for other activities to become noticed even more so than before. We are asking that you inform those who wish to be aware to not be confused, fearful or upset. Our reminder is to all humanity to only show love in your heart vibration and you will see a different unfoldment, we could say, than those holding fear in their heart. We know this might not be easy for some but we are mentioning this now just as a quick reminder that love concurs all. It sounds too simple to work but that is the truths of which this world was build upon in the very origination of its inception. Each of you are made from love of the Creator, Ultimate Prime Creator, and love is the only true activity that will help in the removal of the heaviness that is covering your beautiful planet and your beautiful light bodies and souls. So again we simply say, these changes will be coming. Some have already happened but more will come very soon. Place love in your heart for your Creator, for your fellow human being, for yourself, for all in your worlds with the animals, plants, birds; all in your world, even the air because all has feelings. All have vibrational and energetic impressions which we can call feelings so you better understand. All know when you are coming from a place of love and kindness toward them and when you are not. Humans are not the only creation of the Ultimate Prime Creator that has the ability to sense when something of a lower energy pattern is being projected toward them. All creatures, large and small know this also. All creatures and energies of any sort that you can think of can sense this. Think about something seemingly simple to you, like a piece of luggage or a desk. Yes, it is created and here to serve you but are you such a horrible master that you don’t even think about it with an impression of love for the service that is it affording you? This concept will make you look at the things around you differently. At least that is our utmost wish for you. Once you start to grasp the concept of everything is made from the creator with love, everything; you will be able to understand the Law of One, the Unity consciousness and unity of where all has come from in the very beginning. So today, your job is easy. Just notice everything, and we mean everything, as a gift from the creator made for you from Ultimate Divine Love and you will have wonderful day full of love, excitement and mysteries that unfold before your very eyes. You could say throughout your day today something as simple as: ‘Thank you Prime Creator for allowing me to be here to witness the awakening and enjoy the power and abilities of our love that brought us all together in the first place. We are nothing more than as a grain of sand in this all encompassing and expansive universe of worlds of which we reside and yet, we are grown to full capacity and power in your love that is shown to us in so many ways. We are grateful and open our heart centers to flood everything we can conceive of with full and complete, total love. So Mote It Be, in the grace of the aspects of the rosy cross and the grace of time’. We are the Unknown Masters of the Council of Solace and bring you this message on the waves of Love for all.” Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 29, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html.
Artwork copyright by the artist, Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy If you don’t see the video version here, they will be posted on my YouTube Channel - it's especially powerful when you can hear the words that were shared with me during the sessions. If you don't see it right away, please check back later and it will be there soon. - https://www.youtube.com/user/belovedessences
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![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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