I Am RA - We Wish to Welcome You to 2013I am RA and I am here to assist you with your understanding and releasing of the old energetic ways to allow the new awakening of your True self to now step to the forefront of your life and world. As these changes continue to take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride of ups and downs just remember that all is of the light and you are simply making your swift change of removing the old system of doubts, fear and false belief structures. Some of that can be a bit taxing on your emotions and on your bodies but remember that the roller coaster will always come to an end of the ride and then it’s your choice to ride again or to just simply enjoy what you just experienced, learn from it and move on. This is a simple little explanation of what is happening majorly in your bodies at this time but we felt that you could understand it better being stated this way. At times you will notice that the words “I” and the words “we” are interchangeable in this message because “I” Amun RA is part of the “we” same as you. Of course, this English is not my first or foremost language which I’m sure most of you have figured out by now. However, my English language skills have improved drastically over the many years of channeling messages through my dear daughters who are now situated all over the planet, same as for my dear sons. They are many, many of my children who have agreed and are able to receive my messages from a clear and open channel perspective of which I am well pleased. We wish to welcome you to 2013, your NEW Year which begins a completely different and totally unknown previously from any of the preceding years. The planet and the cosmic at this time of the New Year has made many preparations to welcome all your beautiful crystalline light beings back into the understanding of your true forms; the loveliness of YOU. As we speak, this very moment, portals are continuing to be opened across the galaxy and across your planet to continue receiving the energies of 5th dimension energy work; and even dimensions further then the 5th. Some of you are ready for beyond the 5th. Some of you are ready for the 5th and many of you are still extremely happy with the 3rd and we say We Love You regardless of where you chose that is the most comfortable match to your vibration at this time. Every one of you are in the exact correct vibrational space that you have been prepared for through many nights of sleep time preparations and training. Most of you do not remember and will not remember much of your training but we say that you are trained and you are ready for your next step in the evolutionary cycle of life as your planet continues to build and grow. Same as the universal galaxies continue to build, change and grow. Energy is constant change, don’t you agree? So, of course, there is always change and growth in every little minute particle in your world and the universal galaxies. We will take you on a little journey now through the galactic systems and as you come with us on this journey, just remember to breathe, stay relaxed and clam and enjoy the time being spent with us as we escort you on your journey today. This is a special gift to those of you who will take the time to read this message. Today as you sit in your comfortable homes, or find yourselves in a position of which you are so disappointed, know that nothing is as it seems today. The veil of illusion is being removed and if you allow us to assist in the removal of your blinders, self imposed, I must say; you will be able to see past the illusion and know that you are Divine, all knowing, all encompassing light and power. Ah, this makes us smile as we feel many of you have sensed this as we wrote these words for you to read. Again this is energy and energy is always changing and the words of energetic vibration are able to morph into your body and consciousness, heart and all your chakras and a sense of “Truth and Knowing” emerges. Now take just a few moments and enjoy your feeling of truth and knowing and remember to breathe. All you ever need to do is ask for us or simply send a quick thought to us and we are instantly by your side in every situation. This has been forgotten for so long because you cannot see in the realm of which our energy exists but with the veil thinning as it is now, you will see and you will find us there anxiously awaiting to assist and be with you. So for now, we say do the pretend thing. Pretend as if you can see us, hear us and feel us and shortly you will no longer need to pretend as we will be visible to everyone across this planet as the transitions continue. There is no need for fear, guilt, remorse, sadness or anger about anything. There is only room for love filtered through all of us beings of light to you and we ask that you send that power of love back out to everyone you come into contact with from this day forward. This is a new day. A new year and a new dawning for planet earth and we are here to help you celebrate your true abilities of your true selves. We are Amun-Ra, Mother Mary, St, Germain, Merlin, Melchizedek Lord Michael, Sananda (Jesus to many), Isis, Encarta from the Pleiades and all the Ascended Masters and your Family of Light throughout every galaxy system now known and even unknown to you as humans. We are love, we cover you in our love and we honor this transition that we have witnessed for each and every one of you. Channeled to and Copyright of Madalyn Kennedy , all rights reserved Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it is not altered in any way and authors websites are clearly stated http://www.belovedessences.com http://www.ancientheartstravel.weebly.com
We are of the group called the Andromeda and we are very glad to be able to speak with you today. As you hear some much of late that things are happening to your lovely planet, we are simply going to mention that of course things are happening. Nothing is ever stagnate and things happen all the time.
In this case, of your beautiful planet, the things that are happening are very unique and are the result of many many eons of changes over the course of different civilizations and different species and different star systems. This Jewel of a planet of which you now occupy is the major star for all the star systems to view her miraculous changes that have occurred already and will be coming more and more in a very short time frame of earths timeline. New life is being born on your planet with will be the keepers of your lovely Jeweled planet; new life if being born of the jewel itself. All is coming to newness and we are present in every instance to provide support. We ask simply that you understand and recognize changes are upon you and all around you and to welcome them with open hearts. That’s all you truly need to know. Welcome all these changes with open heart centers and we and the other masters and teachers will be able to do the rest of the transformation with love and grace. We are here for you. We are the light beings from Andromeda and we are joined by all the others of which you are not even aware of their names, but they are aware of all of you. We send you our love. We have said all this before over and over again and we will continue to say and send our messages of love to you for eternity because we will never tire of telling you that we love you, we are here for you, to call to us for help and that we have the ability to ease so much off away from your human way of thinking that you would be so totally in awe and live in complete bliss with our understanding of all things.
We fathom that you are of the mindset that things must only be applied in a certain way however we are aware of so many other ways to apply and achieve what your narrowly visioned mindset wants to achieve. You make things so hard on yourselves and we realize that this is part of why you chose to come to the earth plane in the first place. However, part of the original plan was for you to find your way back to the understanding and the realization that was so powerful which you left behind when you incarnated upon Mother Earth. Now that the planet is shifting so miraculously and the veil of illusion is thinning more and more each hour, as time is put in human thought framework, you are coming closer and closer to the alignment of your whole being and the veiled impressions are starting to lose their power over you. We are working from our dimension to help you understand more and more clearly that there is so much more waiting for you. So much more that you have already created and completed and left behind waiting for you to discover again. You have everything you could ever possibly need already finished, created, waiting and gathering momentum as it waits for you. We have been very proud watching each one of our beloved brothers and sisters as you graduated from level to level of understanding within your consciousness and your heart. We truly are very proud and are filled with so much love for you that it is impossible to describe in human terminology which would transfer the accurate emotion. We send our information and impressions and feelings in thought form that is so powerful and instant which cannot be carried over into human words as beautifully or as quickly as we are intending our message to be. We are light energy, we are thought energy. We move, act and function with the speed of light and thought speed is immeasurable for the range of human words and emotion that is currently understood. You will see soon as you become more and more your original light being forms again. With the movement of energies which is now being focused upon your planet, many are already understanding our messages on a much deeper level. Everyone who reads our messages will receive the healing, loving energies which are imbued for you with our love. We work in many mysterious ways to assist you on this journey that each of you has chosen to take. You have chosen this journey because you are the strongest of the strong, wisest of the wise and have the truest hearts of all in the cosmic. You are the Masters of the Universe and we, the Ascended Masters in the Cosmic Realms are here ONLY to assist you. We are your co-workers, your agreed upon sidekicks, so to speak, your help mates upon which you can depend always and forever. Why so many humans are insisting on keeping their faces covered so to speak with their heads in the sand. There is much happening to your planet now and this is not the time to continue in your veiled ideal of what is happening and what your part is during this shifting of energies. We love everyone on your planet and this is why we are asking such a strong question now. We are hoping that somehow our question will help to bring a different point of view into your consideration. We are very powerful but you in your human forms are extremely powerful also. Even in your human forms where so much of your extraordinary abilities are kept secret from your consciousness. Even with that, you have powers beyond your imagination. So we ask again. Why?
Listen to your heart centers. Listen from your heart, not your head. The human mind is only working at a small percentage of its total capacity. Why place all your trust and belief systems in something it is not working at full capacity? Your heart however does have the capacity to work at its full ability, so we say trust your heart center. We know that you know the truth and that times are changing. This change is for the better and the extreme benefit of the planet and all upon it. The higher level light beings have been waiting for thousands upon thousands of years for this period and now if it finally here. You have helped to plan these coming changes in your light body forms. You all are part of us and part of the current changes. We are here to continue to encourage you to breathe deeply, close your eyes, relax into your center core and listen to the messages from your heart center. They will not lead you astray. We are ultimate unconditional love and that is what we have to share with you. We know that once you truly reach into your heart center core you will recognize all this for truth and you will be aware and ready to assist in this elevated shift of human consciousness and of the planet. We say no longer is there a need to keep yourself veiled from the fundamental truths that we are speaking to you now. There are strong vibrations placed upon these words and as you read them, you will begin to make small simple shifts in your consciousness remembering this truth. We are here for you and for all the magnificent kingdoms on your beautiful planet. Hello dear one. We are here as always.
It is time for us to buckle down and get to work. We have much that must be said and shared with others about the upcoming changes in your beautiful planet. Now things are shifting daily. They are mini and micro shifts, most of them but some are major. So please do not be alarmed when you hear of such things. We are controlling and watching every little vibrational change that is happening constantly. I am AmunRa and know of what I speak. Humans have the tendency to complicate, exaggerate and confuse the simplest of messages so I will help to make this as plan as possible. WE are watching and taking care of this planet. We have assistance from you as light workers and from other Beings of Light who have embodied as humans at this momentous period for earths transition. All is moving into place for this transition and all of humanity is a major part of it. We have assigned different missions to many of you and when the time comes, you will be activated and will be able to perform your work effortlessly. There is no need for concern or worry as we have said many times before. We would really like for you to understand this most important part. There is no need for concern. Just remember that love in your heart is all that is required and the only things that we can sense from any point in the cosmic at any given time. Love is a major light force and protects and eases any and many situations that could possible arise. We are standing side by side with you, toe to toe and holding your hand through every phase of this transition. Please remove doubt, worry, upset, fear and disbelief from your mind and from your vocabulary. These only cause you more confusion. Your heart center is pure and strong enough to give you the correct guidance in anything that you do daily. Tune into that. Listen to your heart center, to your core being. All the answers will come to you and you will not have room for any of the worries we mentioned. We are all one. We are so connected that we cannot even tell you how or begin to explain to you in a way that would be understood properly of the many ways in which we are all connected. The energy field is so much more then you can imagine with so many more abilities then is given credit to at this current time. All will be revealed before too much longer and you, each one, will perfectly understand what we mean when we say we are all connected as one. Continued to send healing love and energy thoughts to all of the surface of this planet. Your combined thoughts and efforts are making a great change happen for the better. We thank you for the time you have spent with us today and we are, as always, here at your side. We enfold you in our love and are always ready for your calls at any time. We are AmunRa, Master Jesus, The Light Brigade, St. Germain, Lady Master Nada, Askara Ray, Mother Mary, The Cosmic Consciousness, Commander Ashtar and all the Beings of Light from the White Brotherhood that are always here with all of humanity. |
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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