“Mostly we are just showing up because of the conversations about changes across the planet and the adverse changes that are happening to the beings who are occupying human form that a soul less who are in high alert to perpetuate fear across the face of your planet. Fear is the only way that they can continue a tight lock down on the human species as it is really struggling and managing to achieve the information they are looking for survival, ascension and development. There will be many, many, many more things happening. We want to remind you that it is basically not real. It is an image on a screen that you are calling life at this very now point in time. We are only saying this so that the things that you see happen on the screen will not affect you so adversely. It is the same, at any time you are in a movie, when something is showing you don’t like you can walk away. You can get up and leave the movie. However, most of humanity do not realize that they can get up and leave the movie that they are calling their life, their calling their world, their calling their reality; when they can get up and leave the movie. They just need to go into themselves, connect with us and get up and leave the movie. How simple is that? It’s very hard to take it in as truth but truth always comes in the simplest form. We have always been here, have always been close. We watch very carefully what all is happening, not just necessarily on this planet but on all the other planet, galaxies and star systems because one thing, one action, creates an action and reaction in another place and time and dimensions. We are asking that you hold dearly to the knowledge that you are created from love. You are love. You wanted to be here for part of this experience; however, you do not have to necessarily be caught up in it all. We will step off for now. And off is up and out and all different directions, but never away.” Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy with Monica Morris 8/21/14 Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html.
I asked for a meditation to share with the Discourse group today and this is what that graciously shared. It is so much more than a meditation and then again it's probably a perfection meditation. Wouldn't you know it!!
"Close your eyes. Relax. Gently breathe in and breathe out. Release all the concerns that you have with you as you came into this meditation. Let them drop away from you. They do not serve you anyway. Concerns are only doubts and fear. Doubts that are self imposed and fear is fear of self. All so unnecessary because we are with you and when you allow our assistance and recognize that there is a larger ideal of what you can grasp, your doubts and fears will vanish. We make that happen for you once you let us. Fear and doubt is mistrust. Mistrust that we are guiding you incorrectly. which of course we never are. As Ra has said to this channel, when you doubt or mistrust, you are not doubting you but you are doubting US. Why would you even let yourselves get in such a conflicted state. Your energetic bodies flow clearly and smoothly when you just relax, release, trust and allow. We are always and only here to assist, help and guide you in the best possible way for you. At times you do not like the impressions we are sending you or the ideas or words you are hearing, but once you give up this resistance covered in doubt and fear all will flow to you through ease and grace. Enjoy your over shells of the human body you occupy. Appreciate the body’s ability to adapt to all circumstances of which you subject it to. You are so comfortable in your human over body that you even forget that it is like a jacket that will be changed once it becomes un-wearable any longer. The more your worry and fear the quicker your jacket will have to be changed. Your human body over shell is precious, valuable and so necessary for you to accomplish the particular work and understanding, lessons we could say, that you have come here to experience. Please give yourself the chance to follow your hearts desires and learn your lessons you signed up for. The illusion of fear and worry is just that, an illusion, as well as the space totally surrounding you. It’s all in your consciousness, illusionary and holographic. You are the most amazing creator. Notice what you have created in this lifetime, enjoy each and every thing that you have created that calls to your attention. There is no good or bad about anything that has influenced your life time here on this planet. All is as you planned it and all is very good. Once you learn to notice, accept and recognize the good in EVERY thing, big or small, that interacts within your own personal vibrational space, your own vibrational world, your own personal impressions and body experiences; the more your will be able to recognize your true power and your ability as a being of light. You are you know. A marvelous being of light full of love, joy, bliss, excitement, grace, stillness, expansive energy, space and so much. All these are part of the true you. We hope we have helped you to recognize yourself as powerful and recognize that you have chosen to walk this wonderful path on Mother Earth at this time of amazing transformation; transformation for you and all on this planet and through the whole of creation. You are our torches, our lights showing others the way so they will not get lost and confused and caught up in their doubts and fears. It is so amazing what you are doing and what you can do. We are grateful that you have opened yourself for this transmission and we wish to reinforce the impression that we are here. We are here to help and assist you and all ways. We have many secrets, tricks, shortcuts and lessons learned that we are eager to share with you. In order for this to happen, you must remember to call to us. To ask, allow and then receive. We are here for you and we love you dearly. So breathe, in and out, start to feel yourself return to the room, keep breathing, wiggle your toes, your fingers and when you are ready open your eyes. We love you and we thank you. " There are many at this time who are making their final transition and we are waiting to welcome them home. Much is happening on the earth plane and much is happening in the cosmic in tandem with all these shifts and current changes that you are experience in your human forms.
Know that we are with you. We are always with you and we are here to assist in ways that you are not even aware of. We ask constantly that you call to us and from your calls we will be able to do even more to help ease and relax you through the different feelings and changes that are occurring in your bodies and on your planet and through the cosmic. Every little movement, action or thought creates another that grows in magnitude as it perpetuates upon itself over and over again. Be sure that your thoughts are of peace, blessings and love at all times. And if not at all times, change your thought to peace, gratitude and love as soon as you can catch that you are not sending out a positive vibrational thought, feeling or impression. The human mind plays many tricks upon you but you are a light being of spirit and you are well equipped to handle these little tricks from the human ego mind once you realize your true strength and abilities and how to control yourself and all in your world. It is by thought, feeling and impressions. This is the only way that anything is ever created in your world and all around you. We ask that you take the time to reflect upon these our words and in your heart of hearts you will recognized their truth. We have much love for you dear ones and we are always here for you in any way that you will allow us to be available and known to you. Remove all doubts and fears. Replace them with trust, love and thoughts of freedom of letting your mind and thoughts soar for the highest possible impression that makes you feel completely as if you are made of light and air. We will lift you and you will feel like you are floating and thinking thoughts that are on beautiful wings. They are. They are on beautiful wings of love from us. We love you dearly. We are the Captains of the Light Brigade, Commander Ashtar, Amun-Ra, Isis, Arch Angel Metatron and the Collection of all the Beings of Light from the Eternal Source of Oneness. |
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
Limited Edition Paperback