I AM Arch Angel Metatron You are always in the right place and the right time. Many are under the illusionary impression that this is not correct; however, it is very true and accurate. There is no other place you are to be other than where you are at this very moment. There is no other thing you are to be doing other than that which you are currently doing at this very minute. This is part of understanding the “Now” concept that has been presented and spoken of so many times before. Be in the NOW moment with all that you are and that is all you have to do. When you are in the NOW moment with all that you are, you are not distracted with any nagging thoughts of ‘I must be doing this or going there.’ As you fully savor the NOW moment with all your being, you will instinctually move into the next NOW moment and then that will be the correct thing and place for you in that NOW moment. It is not so difficult to comprehend. Just relax, breathe and enjoy this wonderful “gift” you have that you call ‘living your life.’ If you truly want to live your life, then live it. Be in the NOW with each and every action, place and thing you are thinking of. Right when I got to this part of the message from Metatron, I was taking in a breathe as he mentioned, and I noticed suddenly a uh ... .not so good smell. I turned around and directly behind my desk chair my Chihuahua, scampering away, had decided to leave me a stinky present. The smell was overwhelming and fresh so of course I go to get some tissue to pick it up feeling not very happy with having my channeling disturbed. Then, when I retrieved this lovely present and was holding it in my hand I heard Metatron again about moving into the next NOW moment and to enjoy my gift of life. It made me laugh out loud. What a way to bring a message home to today’s world. Why do we have to hold on to doo-doo (pardon my French) to get a message across to us sometimes. So I recognized and appreciated being in my next NOW moment and it didn’t bother me at all that I had been disturbed. It was an instinctual move to appreciate my next NOW moment. Arch Angel Metatron is just way too funny sometimes. Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, January 29, 2014
Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html http://thesmellyartist.blogspot.com
![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
Limited Edition Paperback