September 16, 2013 It is our delight to welcome you in our consciousness with an encouraging message enabling us to share a communication through this connection. With clarity in the current state of affairs unfolding on your world, we wish to bring you more information because of this clarity and also give you our point of view in these matters. Due to the fact that many shifts are taking place presently in the collective of humanity and in your personal reality, a certain number of deeper and more obvious things will arise in your awareness and in your consciousness that, up until now, you were rather reluctant to cope with let alone take it for truth. What we are referring to are the most natural abilities and the deeper insights which are nestling in your reality and which are making themselves known more powerfully. For a long time those issues seemed to be a mere dream or an illusion and for you it was difficult to just consider that everything that has been shared through our messages and our means of connection would ever become manifest in this life, let alone in this reality! It gradually dawns more and more in your current awareness that everything we talked about will definitely become your truth and your reality in the most subtle but nonetheless most powerful way. We advise you to welcome and accept these matters, to have an open mind about them and sweep all doubts aside whether they might just be fiction. It has always been a difficult concept to grasp for the brain and for the human self to accept as your reality those super abilities and those seemingly unnatural developments of your own real Self. That's the reason why quite some time has elapsed in order to put this into practice and to grasp it through the human brain throughout this illusion, throughout this duality. Step by step you arrive at the reflection that everything comes your way leading you to where you always worked so hard for to bring into manifestation and to prove to yourself what you are capable of in this reality and who your real Self truly is. Now we have arrived at an auspicious time in which many of you will be able to make use of inner changes unfolding in the heart and in the pure lightcells of your incarnation in order to put the first actual steps in the development of, for instance, earthly travel through the gift of teleportation or the development of the gift of channeling of very high frequencies which will give rise to a revolution in this Earthly duality. Activations in the brain are carried out extensively at present by our teams and by us because your brain has to be activated in order to manifest all of this within your reality. There are shifts in your hearing abilities and there is a speeding up of your notion of time and of frequency, which is absolutely the case and this gives rise to an intense shift within your reality. Everything is now in the process of speeding up considerably as to the pace and to the energies, in such a way that many hearts request an adaptation in this frequency shift to be able to exist in the current magnetic frequency because the heart will continue to serve as the engine of the body in which you dwell. However, everything is shifting in such a way within your physical body that a totally different frequency will present itself and will be felt within you as well as around you by others. This reality is litterally cracking in on itself and it is not quite clear for us how much longer this illusory reality can be maintained as it bursts of spirituality, awakenings, shifts and growth. This current reality will never be the same again, you will never be the same again. You will no longer be able to recognize yourself in such a short notice because what you will evolve into will be beyond your power of imagination. This all has to do with the fact that your evolution and your expansion will bring you to a completion in such a way that nothing, pertaining to this world of duality, will remain a part of yourself. You are now in the phase of the home stretch and the last ties connected to your physical body will now be released and you will be able to soar higher and higher in this new reality. We have now begun with the exploration of your abilities and the real development of them. Your innate abilities will far surpass your imaginations because you never considered them to be part of your reality. The more you can accept them, the bigger your evolution and your manifestation of them will become. Your reality can now begin expanding and evolving, for you have taken your first steps in this new reality, all together hand in hand. One person will find him/herself in a more refined world than another but there will be improvement to say the least and certainly no setback unless one does not feel nor create progress and growth and where the resonance on the current frequency vibration is the most comfortable for your being. No matter what the case may be, everything is perfect for you and perfectly matched for your being. Nothing is too less or too much for you because everything has to be precisely as it must be. In full delight and with gratitude, we are the Arcturians. As channeled by Méline Lafont, Mon, 09/16/2013
Wonderful message channeled to my dear friend Rosalie Muir in Australia from Isis. I am Isis, Beloved Ones, I know a lot of you have had a time of great changes within your body temples, your relationships and even your Life purpose however without these changes Ascension would not be happening. I wish for you all to look back 1 year from now and think seriously if those changes have been for your benefit ,if they haven't then relook at your original intentions for yourself and turn it around. Your journey is yours to create and at all times be your true self because if you alow others to dictate how you must be then you lose touch with your soul's purpose. Your intuition is at it's peak right now and the Universe is whispering to you , so learn to listen to the signs ,they are your signposts to your path. Your time in this moment now on the earth plane is like no time as time can place limitations upon you and there is an end to any limits or separations, realise you are part of the collective consciousness ,no longer a singular entity.The time has come to end all feelings of being alone for we are guiding you along the way if only you will stop, still your mind ,get out of the way and allow us to be your guiding star. As Lightworkers its of great importance to keep your light shining bright letting nothing or no-one dim your light, this is why you have come to be here at this time of ascension , to be in the light and work from the light ,to be a help to those who may be lost and have allowed their light to be taken. Your body temples are just not from this time, it has come from many times and as you are at one with all your lives there comes a time to heal & integrate these lives into one before ascension is complete. You, along with Mother Earth has much to comlete and as with any transformation there are rumbles and clearing for the greater good of the people and planet that must be cleansed of all that is not serving the collective divine purpose. Reach out to each other and be a steady rock for others to cling to in times of uncertainty and conflift, each f you are travelling the same road yet all must do so in their own time. There is no better or worse, good or bad ,there is simply an Isness to each one of you. The animals are noticing the changes not only from the earth's energy but also of your changes & this is why they are seeming to be very clingy at times ,it is just the uncertainty they are not understanding and yet there is a knowing of your unconditional love that they feel safest with. Listen and watch your children as they are the advanced appretices of Lightworkers and future Leaders of the new Earth, they have much to teach you as their conditioning is not as set in as most of the human race that have experienced this lifetime and their rememberance of times they have shared many lifetimes with you before. As you look for the same soul family amongst you, they will start to appear in many different forms such as parents before, Sisters and Brothers of before and the true love that you have been searching for will now start to appear like no other time so that you may ascend together in bliss to enjoy the new Earth of no separation, Law of One once more. Look forward to these final steps and reap the rewards for your diligent hard work that has not gone unnoticed by us in the higher realms.We nurture those who will trust and allow us to keep you moving forward to a celebration of Oneness like never before in the history of your Planet. I bid you farewell till next time we speak which will be as much as you are willing to accept from us as we are all one in spirit as you are on earth.My blessings of Love & Peace we wish to all, Yours in sevice always,I am Isis, Written and channeled by Rosalie muir @The Crystal Gateway Please share and keep the message as written,Namaste Rosalie www.thecrystalgateway.org We are of the group called the Andromeda and we are very glad to be able to speak with you today. As you hear some much of late that things are happening to your lovely planet, we are simply going to mention that of course things are happening. Nothing is ever stagnate and things happen all the time.
In this case, of your beautiful planet, the things that are happening are very unique and are the result of many many eons of changes over the course of different civilizations and different species and different star systems. This Jewel of a planet of which you now occupy is the major star for all the star systems to view her miraculous changes that have occurred already and will be coming more and more in a very short time frame of earths timeline. New life is being born on your planet with will be the keepers of your lovely Jeweled planet; new life if being born of the jewel itself. All is coming to newness and we are present in every instance to provide support. We ask simply that you understand and recognize changes are upon you and all around you and to welcome them with open hearts. That’s all you truly need to know. Welcome all these changes with open heart centers and we and the other masters and teachers will be able to do the rest of the transformation with love and grace. We are here for you. We are the light beings from Andromeda and we are joined by all the others of which you are not even aware of their names, but they are aware of all of you. We send you our love. |
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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