Every time you take a few moments and listen to a meditation or listen to your inner guidance system or feel our presences speaking with you is a blessing in disguise for you and for those who are connected with you because we are all one you see. Yes, the Three Musketeers slogan, One for All and All for one is very accurate description of how we operate from our dimensions with you in your 3D corporal bodies and in you light bodies that are capable of going, being, doing everything and anything anywhere at any time. So this slogan is a great one for you to use often. It means so very much on many levels of multi-dimensionality of which we and every one of you are. Use “One for All and All for One because We are All Part of the One”. Please post this on your websites and remember it daily. It will help many others to connect into us in their remembrances of which is being returned to the Hue-beings (Humans). We like the word Hue-Beings because everyone one of you is of the light, you are multi-brilliant, multi-dimensional light beings, hence Hue-Beings - -like the rainbow. See? -Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara, Sananda, The Council of Ornack, St. Germain, the Arch Angel and Angelic Realms, Isis, Mother Mary, and the White Brotherhood of Intergalactic Beings
Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, January 5, 2014 Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html http://thesmellyartist.blogspot.com
September 16, 2013 It is our delight to welcome you in our consciousness with an encouraging message enabling us to share a communication through this connection. With clarity in the current state of affairs unfolding on your world, we wish to bring you more information because of this clarity and also give you our point of view in these matters. Due to the fact that many shifts are taking place presently in the collective of humanity and in your personal reality, a certain number of deeper and more obvious things will arise in your awareness and in your consciousness that, up until now, you were rather reluctant to cope with let alone take it for truth. What we are referring to are the most natural abilities and the deeper insights which are nestling in your reality and which are making themselves known more powerfully. For a long time those issues seemed to be a mere dream or an illusion and for you it was difficult to just consider that everything that has been shared through our messages and our means of connection would ever become manifest in this life, let alone in this reality! It gradually dawns more and more in your current awareness that everything we talked about will definitely become your truth and your reality in the most subtle but nonetheless most powerful way. We advise you to welcome and accept these matters, to have an open mind about them and sweep all doubts aside whether they might just be fiction. It has always been a difficult concept to grasp for the brain and for the human self to accept as your reality those super abilities and those seemingly unnatural developments of your own real Self. That's the reason why quite some time has elapsed in order to put this into practice and to grasp it through the human brain throughout this illusion, throughout this duality. Step by step you arrive at the reflection that everything comes your way leading you to where you always worked so hard for to bring into manifestation and to prove to yourself what you are capable of in this reality and who your real Self truly is. Now we have arrived at an auspicious time in which many of you will be able to make use of inner changes unfolding in the heart and in the pure lightcells of your incarnation in order to put the first actual steps in the development of, for instance, earthly travel through the gift of teleportation or the development of the gift of channeling of very high frequencies which will give rise to a revolution in this Earthly duality. Activations in the brain are carried out extensively at present by our teams and by us because your brain has to be activated in order to manifest all of this within your reality. There are shifts in your hearing abilities and there is a speeding up of your notion of time and of frequency, which is absolutely the case and this gives rise to an intense shift within your reality. Everything is now in the process of speeding up considerably as to the pace and to the energies, in such a way that many hearts request an adaptation in this frequency shift to be able to exist in the current magnetic frequency because the heart will continue to serve as the engine of the body in which you dwell. However, everything is shifting in such a way within your physical body that a totally different frequency will present itself and will be felt within you as well as around you by others. This reality is litterally cracking in on itself and it is not quite clear for us how much longer this illusory reality can be maintained as it bursts of spirituality, awakenings, shifts and growth. This current reality will never be the same again, you will never be the same again. You will no longer be able to recognize yourself in such a short notice because what you will evolve into will be beyond your power of imagination. This all has to do with the fact that your evolution and your expansion will bring you to a completion in such a way that nothing, pertaining to this world of duality, will remain a part of yourself. You are now in the phase of the home stretch and the last ties connected to your physical body will now be released and you will be able to soar higher and higher in this new reality. We have now begun with the exploration of your abilities and the real development of them. Your innate abilities will far surpass your imaginations because you never considered them to be part of your reality. The more you can accept them, the bigger your evolution and your manifestation of them will become. Your reality can now begin expanding and evolving, for you have taken your first steps in this new reality, all together hand in hand. One person will find him/herself in a more refined world than another but there will be improvement to say the least and certainly no setback unless one does not feel nor create progress and growth and where the resonance on the current frequency vibration is the most comfortable for your being. No matter what the case may be, everything is perfect for you and perfectly matched for your being. Nothing is too less or too much for you because everything has to be precisely as it must be. In full delight and with gratitude, we are the Arcturians. As channeled by Méline Lafont, Mon, 09/16/2013 Lord Maitreya, Arch Angel Ariel, The Great Divine Director, Master Hilarion - Tick Tock, Tick TockÂ7/3/2013 Lord Maitreya "Your body is a gift and most humans do not recognize the importance of their gift of the body. It is good to work out, eat better and overall take better care of your gift. " I am Ariel, Arch Angel Ariel. It is my honor to be here. The Great Divine Director I am Master Hilarion and it is my honor to be here with you today. Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.July 3, 2013. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html
http://thesmellyartist.blogspot.com The Time Frame from June 10 – July 13 Call out to ALL Light Workers from Maitreya and Queen Tiye6/19/2013 Maitreya (King Tut’s Grandmother and wife of Amenhotep III) She pronounced is as Tyre even with no “r” in the spelling. Her energy is a blend of the grandmother image of King Tut, of the mer people (mermaid type), and an amazing star being of light. She is all of those combined and at times one or more energetic vibrations moves to the forefront for what is required for a particular situation.
Channeled to Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html http://thesmellyartist.blogspot.com I Am RA - We Wish to Welcome You to 2013I am RA and I am here to assist you with your understanding and releasing of the old energetic ways to allow the new awakening of your True self to now step to the forefront of your life and world. As these changes continue to take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride of ups and downs just remember that all is of the light and you are simply making your swift change of removing the old system of doubts, fear and false belief structures. Some of that can be a bit taxing on your emotions and on your bodies but remember that the roller coaster will always come to an end of the ride and then it’s your choice to ride again or to just simply enjoy what you just experienced, learn from it and move on. This is a simple little explanation of what is happening majorly in your bodies at this time but we felt that you could understand it better being stated this way. At times you will notice that the words “I” and the words “we” are interchangeable in this message because “I” Amun RA is part of the “we” same as you. Of course, this English is not my first or foremost language which I’m sure most of you have figured out by now. However, my English language skills have improved drastically over the many years of channeling messages through my dear daughters who are now situated all over the planet, same as for my dear sons. They are many, many of my children who have agreed and are able to receive my messages from a clear and open channel perspective of which I am well pleased. We wish to welcome you to 2013, your NEW Year which begins a completely different and totally unknown previously from any of the preceding years. The planet and the cosmic at this time of the New Year has made many preparations to welcome all your beautiful crystalline light beings back into the understanding of your true forms; the loveliness of YOU. As we speak, this very moment, portals are continuing to be opened across the galaxy and across your planet to continue receiving the energies of 5th dimension energy work; and even dimensions further then the 5th. Some of you are ready for beyond the 5th. Some of you are ready for the 5th and many of you are still extremely happy with the 3rd and we say We Love You regardless of where you chose that is the most comfortable match to your vibration at this time. Every one of you are in the exact correct vibrational space that you have been prepared for through many nights of sleep time preparations and training. Most of you do not remember and will not remember much of your training but we say that you are trained and you are ready for your next step in the evolutionary cycle of life as your planet continues to build and grow. Same as the universal galaxies continue to build, change and grow. Energy is constant change, don’t you agree? So, of course, there is always change and growth in every little minute particle in your world and the universal galaxies. We will take you on a little journey now through the galactic systems and as you come with us on this journey, just remember to breathe, stay relaxed and clam and enjoy the time being spent with us as we escort you on your journey today. This is a special gift to those of you who will take the time to read this message. Today as you sit in your comfortable homes, or find yourselves in a position of which you are so disappointed, know that nothing is as it seems today. The veil of illusion is being removed and if you allow us to assist in the removal of your blinders, self imposed, I must say; you will be able to see past the illusion and know that you are Divine, all knowing, all encompassing light and power. Ah, this makes us smile as we feel many of you have sensed this as we wrote these words for you to read. Again this is energy and energy is always changing and the words of energetic vibration are able to morph into your body and consciousness, heart and all your chakras and a sense of “Truth and Knowing” emerges. Now take just a few moments and enjoy your feeling of truth and knowing and remember to breathe. All you ever need to do is ask for us or simply send a quick thought to us and we are instantly by your side in every situation. This has been forgotten for so long because you cannot see in the realm of which our energy exists but with the veil thinning as it is now, you will see and you will find us there anxiously awaiting to assist and be with you. So for now, we say do the pretend thing. Pretend as if you can see us, hear us and feel us and shortly you will no longer need to pretend as we will be visible to everyone across this planet as the transitions continue. There is no need for fear, guilt, remorse, sadness or anger about anything. There is only room for love filtered through all of us beings of light to you and we ask that you send that power of love back out to everyone you come into contact with from this day forward. This is a new day. A new year and a new dawning for planet earth and we are here to help you celebrate your true abilities of your true selves. We are Amun-Ra, Mother Mary, St, Germain, Merlin, Melchizedek Lord Michael, Sananda (Jesus to many), Isis, Encarta from the Pleiades and all the Ascended Masters and your Family of Light throughout every galaxy system now known and even unknown to you as humans. We are love, we cover you in our love and we honor this transition that we have witnessed for each and every one of you. Channeled to and Copyright of Madalyn Kennedy , all rights reserved Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it is not altered in any way and authors websites are clearly stated http://www.belovedessences.com http://www.ancientheartstravel.weebly.com
This morning as I listened to our Opening to Channel meditation from class, Lord Lanto from the higher realms beyond the 5th dimension, Archangel Ariel and many others were with me and shared this message.
We are all here to help you and the beings on your planet to evolve as quickly as they possibly can. We ask that you call to us constantly for guidance and assistance because we are here just for that purpose. To guide, protect and assist any who will give a call or thought toward us. We are made up of pure love, totally and complete love. No conditions, no judgments, no strings attached to our love; just pure love for you and for all of the kingdoms that are upon this earth plane and through the entire universe and beyond. We have no expectations. All is your choice and free will so we wait and watch, wondering when you will ask for our guidance. We can so easily move everyone of you though any situation that can surface for your attention. Please ask us to come and help and we will of course always be at your side in a flash. You will sometime see us as a little spark or flash of light. When you see this little sparkle out of the corner of your eye, just smile in the knowing that it is us and we have come at your calling. This makes us so happy when we are interacting with you through the activities of your day. And if you will notice, your day goes so much smoother and is so much simpler if you have started your morning with your call to us. We love you and we are happy to share this information with you today. We hope it has been of service to many. To the many who are already sending their love and thoughts to us and to the many who have not as yet thought they would benefit from us, we are here to say simply , try it. Just give us a chance. You will see for yourself that you are a creator and you have created us to be your help mates in every aspect of this chosen journey on this earth plane. We gladly accepted this position and we always will. |
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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