September 16, 2013 It is our delight to welcome you in our consciousness with an encouraging message enabling us to share a communication through this connection. With clarity in the current state of affairs unfolding on your world, we wish to bring you more information because of this clarity and also give you our point of view in these matters. Due to the fact that many shifts are taking place presently in the collective of humanity and in your personal reality, a certain number of deeper and more obvious things will arise in your awareness and in your consciousness that, up until now, you were rather reluctant to cope with let alone take it for truth. What we are referring to are the most natural abilities and the deeper insights which are nestling in your reality and which are making themselves known more powerfully. For a long time those issues seemed to be a mere dream or an illusion and for you it was difficult to just consider that everything that has been shared through our messages and our means of connection would ever become manifest in this life, let alone in this reality! It gradually dawns more and more in your current awareness that everything we talked about will definitely become your truth and your reality in the most subtle but nonetheless most powerful way. We advise you to welcome and accept these matters, to have an open mind about them and sweep all doubts aside whether they might just be fiction. It has always been a difficult concept to grasp for the brain and for the human self to accept as your reality those super abilities and those seemingly unnatural developments of your own real Self. That's the reason why quite some time has elapsed in order to put this into practice and to grasp it through the human brain throughout this illusion, throughout this duality. Step by step you arrive at the reflection that everything comes your way leading you to where you always worked so hard for to bring into manifestation and to prove to yourself what you are capable of in this reality and who your real Self truly is. Now we have arrived at an auspicious time in which many of you will be able to make use of inner changes unfolding in the heart and in the pure lightcells of your incarnation in order to put the first actual steps in the development of, for instance, earthly travel through the gift of teleportation or the development of the gift of channeling of very high frequencies which will give rise to a revolution in this Earthly duality. Activations in the brain are carried out extensively at present by our teams and by us because your brain has to be activated in order to manifest all of this within your reality. There are shifts in your hearing abilities and there is a speeding up of your notion of time and of frequency, which is absolutely the case and this gives rise to an intense shift within your reality. Everything is now in the process of speeding up considerably as to the pace and to the energies, in such a way that many hearts request an adaptation in this frequency shift to be able to exist in the current magnetic frequency because the heart will continue to serve as the engine of the body in which you dwell. However, everything is shifting in such a way within your physical body that a totally different frequency will present itself and will be felt within you as well as around you by others. This reality is litterally cracking in on itself and it is not quite clear for us how much longer this illusory reality can be maintained as it bursts of spirituality, awakenings, shifts and growth. This current reality will never be the same again, you will never be the same again. You will no longer be able to recognize yourself in such a short notice because what you will evolve into will be beyond your power of imagination. This all has to do with the fact that your evolution and your expansion will bring you to a completion in such a way that nothing, pertaining to this world of duality, will remain a part of yourself. You are now in the phase of the home stretch and the last ties connected to your physical body will now be released and you will be able to soar higher and higher in this new reality. We have now begun with the exploration of your abilities and the real development of them. Your innate abilities will far surpass your imaginations because you never considered them to be part of your reality. The more you can accept them, the bigger your evolution and your manifestation of them will become. Your reality can now begin expanding and evolving, for you have taken your first steps in this new reality, all together hand in hand. One person will find him/herself in a more refined world than another but there will be improvement to say the least and certainly no setback unless one does not feel nor create progress and growth and where the resonance on the current frequency vibration is the most comfortable for your being. No matter what the case may be, everything is perfect for you and perfectly matched for your being. Nothing is too less or too much for you because everything has to be precisely as it must be. In full delight and with gratitude, we are the Arcturians. As channeled by Méline Lafont, Mon, 09/16/2013
We are coming to a time of rapid change and renewal. There is nothing to be alarmed of because all is according to the Divine plan and many of our lightworkers across the galaxies have come in mass to help buffer these changes. Instantly, when you feel something that will put you in a state of fear or shock, take in a few deep breaths and KNOW that we are ever near. Nearer now than ever is the most perfect way to put it. We are close, as close as your breath so when you breathe, you are in effect calling us in closer to help comfort, advise, shield and awaken you to your even more possibilities that are coming on the fast fly, we could say. Another interesting thing is that once we get a clear communication with you, you will not feel the need to have fear or panic or concern because you will know what is on the horizon and what you very next future time holds; its beauty, peace and Divine love. Love is the key that makes everything possible through all the universes and galaxies and there are so many. At this upcoming time of change and possible peril for others that you may know, just remember that we are always on the ready, we are always with you and we are here to help and advise you. You have free will. This is a free will planet and as long as you do not allow us to come through to help, we cannot impose. All is up to you, each one of you. We are your constant companions just waiting and watching and when the need arises and you ask us, we will be so happy to help by showing you a different way or by giving you a different ideal or impression or even by removing an obstacle which could harm your physical human bodies. You need to keep your physical human bodies because in your human form you can do so much more to help others and the planet. We love you and we are always here for you.
We have said all this before over and over again and we will continue to say and send our messages of love to you for eternity because we will never tire of telling you that we love you, we are here for you, to call to us for help and that we have the ability to ease so much off away from your human way of thinking that you would be so totally in awe and live in complete bliss with our understanding of all things.
We fathom that you are of the mindset that things must only be applied in a certain way however we are aware of so many other ways to apply and achieve what your narrowly visioned mindset wants to achieve. You make things so hard on yourselves and we realize that this is part of why you chose to come to the earth plane in the first place. However, part of the original plan was for you to find your way back to the understanding and the realization that was so powerful which you left behind when you incarnated upon Mother Earth. Now that the planet is shifting so miraculously and the veil of illusion is thinning more and more each hour, as time is put in human thought framework, you are coming closer and closer to the alignment of your whole being and the veiled impressions are starting to lose their power over you. We are working from our dimension to help you understand more and more clearly that there is so much more waiting for you. So much more that you have already created and completed and left behind waiting for you to discover again. You have everything you could ever possibly need already finished, created, waiting and gathering momentum as it waits for you. We have been very proud watching each one of our beloved brothers and sisters as you graduated from level to level of understanding within your consciousness and your heart. We truly are very proud and are filled with so much love for you that it is impossible to describe in human terminology which would transfer the accurate emotion. We send our information and impressions and feelings in thought form that is so powerful and instant which cannot be carried over into human words as beautifully or as quickly as we are intending our message to be. We are light energy, we are thought energy. We move, act and function with the speed of light and thought speed is immeasurable for the range of human words and emotion that is currently understood. You will see soon as you become more and more your original light being forms again. With the movement of energies which is now being focused upon your planet, many are already understanding our messages on a much deeper level. Everyone who reads our messages will receive the healing, loving energies which are imbued for you with our love. We work in many mysterious ways to assist you on this journey that each of you has chosen to take. You have chosen this journey because you are the strongest of the strong, wisest of the wise and have the truest hearts of all in the cosmic. You are the Masters of the Universe and we, the Ascended Masters in the Cosmic Realms are here ONLY to assist you. We are your co-workers, your agreed upon sidekicks, so to speak, your help mates upon which you can depend always and forever. |
![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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