Earth’s Ascension and How The Event Will Unfold a Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 9, 2016Greetings! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin speaking to you from The New Jerusalem. At dawn on January 9, 2016 Venus conjuncts Saturn with Antares nearby. Venus is known as the Planet of Love and is the Sister Planet to Earth. Antares is a way station for Souls as they transition on. Those who come from Venus are known as The Kumaras. The seven Holy Kumaras are known as the mind-born sons of Brahma. This means they were conceived in meditation and never born through a body. They are known as the Lords of the Flame and that refers to the Violet Flame which is love and only love. It burns like a fire and can be used as an Energy for healing. When Earth fell into denser and denser dimensions, from the 100th to the 12th to the 5th and down to the 3rd, the transcendent Beings, the Holy Kumaras, pledged to remain on Earth until the Grand Experiment ended. This is unfolding now and is also referred to as the Ascension Event. Many millions of years ago the Extraterrestrials who were of the Reptilian species, as well as those of the Alpha Dracos species came to Earth to control the resources here. Earth has always been an experiment of diversity. That is one of the main issues Earth is dealing with at the end now. It is used as a basis for war. Millions of refugees are fleeing because of their religion or the color of their skin. Earth was founded by refugees of the Orion Wars. This is the story told in the Star Wars movie which is very accurate to the true story and why so many yearn to watch the movie over and over. These advanced Beings used cloning technology to alter their own DNA and reduce the number of strands down from 12 to as little as 2. The 11th strand of DNA governs emotions and the 12th strand governs the ability to love. Without these, the advanced Reptilians and Draconians were able to commit unspeakable atrocities and unable to forgive themselves. Some of you ARE these Beings who warred endlessly and that is why your DNA has been repaired. You decided to return to love.This is a millions of years old story on Earth. The 5th Dimensional Beings, the Reptilians and Draconians, came to Earth and raped the 3rd dimensional Earth women to have hybrid babies. This is spoken of in your Bible when the (lessor) gods slept with the daughters of lower dimensional humans and had children by them. This broke Cosmic Law. It is against the law to mix the DNA of species. We have thousands of modern day accountings of malevolent Reptilian Extraterrestrials kidnapping human women from their beds, beaming them on to Ships, raping them, impregnating them and stealing their hybrid babies from their womb. The hybrids then finish their gestation in an incubator aboard their Ships. Many woman now recall having several babies this way. The wheel of karma playing itself out as the memories are storied on the DNA and carried from lifetime to lifetime. The traumas are hard to shake. There has been endless war and control on Earth and now it ends. The Holy Kumaras never fell from being 100th Dimensional Beings. They have never been born into a body. They are able to manifest a human body at will. They are like the most advanced Yogis of India or the high Buddhists priests who are able to pass extreme tests and develop their senses to a level of putting down their human body at will. Sanatka, Sananda, Sanatana, Sujata, Kapila, Sana and Sanat Kumara have been spoken of in all the ancient civilizations on Earth. They never left Earth. These are the Ancient Astronauts, the benevolent Extraterrestrials which you see in your art, architecture and ancient texts still today. They have taken on physical bodies within every religion on every continent through the ages teaching the Highest Teachings of Cosmic Law. They also take on lives as royalty, in government and in any way that will help the development of what was the 3D humans to get back to a 5D reality. Many times they appeared in their Light Bodies and are known in ancient texts as The Angels. Extraterrestrials and Angels are one and the same. The Kumaras are an Angelic Force. We are there now. Venus is the only Planet in this Solar system which spins clockwise. This is because it has a powerful Magnetic Force. Earth has an electro-magnetic Grid which is much weaker magnetically than its Sister, Venus. This strong Magnetic Force will conjunct Saturn today which is home to the Solar Tribunal. This is where those indicted in Earth’s World Court go to stand trial. It is similar to ‘appealing all the way to the Supreme Court.’ It is different in that when One is guilty at the World Court they must appeal Higher because in these cases they must also be tried for intergalactic crimes. These Ones are involved with the Secret Space program and keeping all their illegal activities secret to the populace and that also breaks Cosmic Law. It is a kind of mass psychological attack to keep Souls from evolving. It keeps them as slaves. This is why there must be a legal or political solution to end the embargo on truth regarding government’s involvement with Extraterrestrials. Just as you have heard stories of those like Valiant Thor, there are many Extraterrestrials today working in roles within governments all over Earth. They are adept Beings fully telepathic with each other. They keep in close contact with the malevolent Extraterrestrials in governments and power and our Plan to take them to Saturn for trial is now in play. Venus is 15 million years in evolution ahead of Earth. This close conjunct to Saturn involves Extraterrestrial technology you cannot yet comprehend. Your science cannot define it for you. This conjunct or Union as we like to say, because it is a return to Oneness by using technology, between Venus and Saturn is preparing our Solar System for the sudden changeover on Earth . The very next day, January 10, 2016, Mars conjuncts the asteroid called Juno. Juno is the asteroid of Love and Her Union with Mars (who is primed for some healing) marks the ReUnion of all Twin Flames to Union on Earth. This leads to a 5 Planets show in the sky from January 20th to February 20th. You’ll have the opportunity to view all five visible planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – in the same sky together. That hasn’t happened in 11 years. Eleven representing the One (Human) becoming One (with the Supreme). Within that period we will also have Chinese New Year. This is an open window for a formal disclosure of the Angelic Extraterrestrial presence on Earth and the Jubilee which will accompany it as Benjamin Creme has so well stated. He has said Sanat Kumara (whose other name is Kalki Maitreya) will return to Earth with gifts of all kinds for all of Humanity to have what they need to be completely FREE. It is a requirement of the Jubilee to make Humanity aware of Extraterrestrials living on their Planet because the Gold and the other Gifts like Free Energy from Our technology cannot be explained otherwise. To Free the Slaves we must have Arrests, Announcements and then Landings in that order. How the Event Will Unfold Arrests, Announcements and Landings, in that order. Announcements will be made beginning with President Obama. He will tell of the benevolent Extraterrestrials he has been working closely with including me, Ashtar. He will also announce the beginning of the Jubilee at the same time. Others will join him with their Announcements. This will be broadcast not only on TV but also the internet and will be able to be seen on every phone and in every remote area when it happens. Arrests may well happen at the same time the President is making his Announcements. Arrests will number in the 100s of thousands and every police force on Earth is part of the Plan. This is the permanent removal of the malevolent Extraterrestrials on Earth, the Reptilians and Draconians. Earth will Ascend and become a Planet of Peace. Those making war will be gone. They will be tried at the ICC, the World Court and then the Solar Tribunal. You will see these trials as they are conducted. This very likely could happen following a new mass psychological attack, a nuclear threat or the world economy collapse. This would empower St. Germain to come in and take over the world banking systems. It would happen in the blink of an eye. There will be a great deal of evidence presented as the populace of Earth heals and slowly learns of the truths which have been hidden from them. The floodgates will be open and the LOVE will poor in. Most Everybody will be relieved. They will not be afraid. They will say – I knew something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t have known it was this. Now that I know, things will be much better. Truth and Trust will be restored for All Humanity. Finally as we go through the initial progress of changeover it will make available what is needed for Landings. Earth will enter Zero Point with our technological assistance. All wars will end, weapons of all types will not discharge at Zero Point. The soldiers will return home. Non violent offenders will be released from jail. Mentors and Healing technology will be made available to every human on Earth. The terra forming of Earth will continue and the Zero Point Modulators will be at 100% power connecting with all the Pyramids, Obelisks, Portals and StarGates on Earth. The Wingmaker Ships and Pleiadian Ships responsible for cleaning up the Eco System of Earth will become visible overhead. The seas and rivers will become aquamarine blue. The skies will be clear. All of the environmental pollution will be cleared away by our helping hands. There will be many changes and too many to mention here. This window is a short period of time. Do everything in your power now to drop everything in your life which no longer serves you and work hard at bringing in the changes which most benefit your body, your mind, your emotions, your work, your family and friends. Pay Attention. Put down the fight. Be the Change. We are ever ready to serve you as Angelic Extraterrestrial Beings of Light. Happy New Year! You have never been alone. Salut! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 9, 2016. © All Rights Reserved.
--- Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - September 10, 2013.
"Greetings Beloved Family! We are ecstatic because you, Beloved Lightworkers, Ashtar Family members, and the World indeed, is speaking, and the voices are in unison! And the voices are saying, 'Peace Now! We’re done with war, we’re done with over 26,000 years of a cycle of vicious, dog-eat-dog, and even man-eats-child kinds of activities, brother against brother, and so on. We’re done - it’s over!!!' "And when I say 'we,' it is because we are joined with you, because you have asked us to come and fulfill our Mission which is to assist you, Beloved Ones, in coming into your own Divine realizations of Who You Really Are, and to make your Ascensions, which you promised to yourselves that you would do long ago and far away! "But first we have much to do. It has been only that we have been waiting for you to stand tall and raise your voices! Not that this group has not been doing so. We assure you we know Who You Are and we know that your Hearts and your minds have been together in this - some of you for all of your lifetimes upon this Planet - and lifetimes before this, to be sure. Some of you more recently have wakened up - it makes no difference - you are here! That’s what matters, that’s what counts, and you are joined by sufficient numbers of Humanity that you have prevailed!!! "You have anchored the Light and Love, and you have only up, up and away from 3D to go from here - but - We Are Together! And we have a certain game plan to follow, which is that certain steps need to be accomplished, because there can be no True Peace without the Truth coming out, so as to wipe the slate clean. There is a saying, and it is a true saying: 'You have nothing to fear except fear itself.' And we shall say this: 'You have nothing to fear except your own self-judgments!' "Whether you have judged yourself or whether you have pronounced judgment upon some or all of Humanity - this must be cleared!!! Beloved Jeshua/Sananda says that Forgiveness is the absence of judgment.** So we can say to you that it must all be forgiven! "There is a milestone in the history/herstory of Planet Earth and it is called 9-11. And 9-11, depending upon where you are in the World, is either today or tomorrow, and it is most important that the Truth about 9-11 come out, because with it will unravel the contemporary lies. In other words, it’s all very well and good to tell you that King Herod, for instance, was a member of the illuminati group, or even that some of the previous popes - most of them - were put into power by that part of papacy which you are not as familiar with, which is called the 'black pope.' "But what is really going to bring it home, particularly to the in-between generations - they may be Indigos but they’re not Crystals and they aren’t all-knowing and they don’t have all of the information. You have it because you’ve opened up your wisdom eyes and you’ve found the Truth! This in-between generation is perhaps busy climbing the corporate ladder - not all of them - a lot of them, younger than you, but not as young as the youngest ones, the Crystals. "Their contemporaries, beings of their lifetimes - you realize that those who are in their forty-somethings don’t even remember JFK, for instance, who was a Light of Love. And so how can they possibly have familiarity of, and remember, World War II, World War I, the creatures from Jeckyl Island, and so on. They don’t. They can read about it, they can hear about it, they can watch movies and youtubies, and all of those kinds of things, but they don’t have it in their own personal experiences of this lifetime! "And so to really bring home the Truth, so to speak, which is the forerunner of the Homecoming for all who choose to take up Lifestyles in the Higher Dimensions, it is so important that the Truth of 9-11 come out!!! And it is. We assure you it is. It is already out there for so many. It is perhaps the people of the United States of America, and Canada, who are least in the know of this particular Truth. Because when this unravels - all of the lies and deceptions that have been perpetrated against the people in regard to this heinous event - it will make clear all of the other Truths, going back 26,000 and some years, if you will, or perhaps to the 1800’s when the Illuminati, the Bankers, set forth their goals, and so on!!! "Pick a time - there isn’t a time in your history/herstory where there hasn’t been some influence by this group. They had help, of course, and that help is gone - pretty well gone - they still have some strongholds - but they are not strong anymore! That’s the Truth! They may think they are - a few of them are still delusional, but not many of them. They are starting to understand! "And what they are doing is - because they are so much in fear -they are wanting you to be in fear and so there is all this talk about Assad did this chemical bombing of his own people. He did not, and you know it - you already heard it from Beloved Tara and Rama,*** and we’re telling you again. Remember who did it, it was a black op operation carried out by the most elite of the black operatives - the same ones who carried out 9-11. They weren’t the planners or the initiators, but they carried it out -different folks perhaps, a different group of operatives, but nevertheless, the same organizations. "Remember, 'Al Qaeda' started out as a CIA file. We won’t say any more about that other than to say, as always, that they are to be forgiven and welcomed to the Light - all of those who would come! But we are only wanting to illustrate to you why it is so important that the Truth come out. The Truth shall make you free! How can you have Peace in your own Hearts when you know that the lies and the deceptions are still out there, or worse yet, still continuing - well, there won’t be much continuance!!! "Do you remember, and we are talking about gamesmanship here, and gameswomanship, because there are the dark hats and the white hats - and some are pretending to be dark hats and some are pretending to be white hats - but do you remember the chess board in Harry Potter? With real live beings? Well, we’ve got multi-Dimensional chess going on here, and of course, the lowest rung, or the lowest level on the chess board is the 3D, and then it goes up and up and up. And as it goes up, and up and up more and more, the chess board is populated by the white hats. So you get up to the very top levels and there are no more sides anymore - the chess board is just full of wondrous beings of light, hugging, and dancing and singing, because the dark days are over!!! "That is the Truth in this now moment. Our Mission is to bring this reality, to anchor it in place. And so it is that we talk about Freedom, we talk about Truth, and those are absolutely necessary components. Let’s put it this way: If the dark hats of the United States of America are still in charge of one of your alphabet agencies, which we shall not name, but the first initial is 'I' and the last one is 'S,' and there is one in the middle – if they are still in charge of that, how can you possibly enjoy your Abundance when you know that they are reaching out to take it all away from you? It makes no sense to receive it if they still have any sort of power, but their power is fast fading! "They are about to be another element in the history/herstory of Planet Earth, which was necessary in order for you to understand the completeness of the dark agenda! Now, this is not to judge or to be in any kind of fear of this organization or of any individual, there are many, many who believe that honestly your tax dollars are going to where you are told they are going, but that is not true. Your tax dollars have been going to the vatican and to the crown of England! You had a war called '1812' and after that war there was a treaty done – 'Please, please, please we are such a weak country do not attack us anymore because you are the strongest country in the world and we shall pay you tribute so that you shall never attack us again!' "Sounds kind of improbable, doesn’t it? But if you go back and put yourselves into 1814 or so, when this treaty was signed - we are not big on dates here as you know - when the treaty was signed the Unites States of America had had its capital city burned, and had been invaded by England, so that makes it rather easy to understand, does it not? "History/herstory is fascinating - don’t get wrapped up in it, don’t think that’s the way it always has to be, and do not be in judgment of any participants, because, guess what? Most of you were there at some time or other, and you’ve worn a dark hat at one time or other. Why? So you could experience it, so you could understand it, so you could come to this now moment and forgive it. That is what we are here to do! "How can you have Peace in your own Hearts, Beloved Ones, if you are angry, if you are carrying any kind of a grudge or a judgment? How can you have Peace throughout your World, for all of Planet Earth, if you don’t each have Peace in your own Hearts?!!! So here we are together on the Bridge of The New Jerusalem. We have our circle well formed. We welcome all of you, and we are so excited and delighted that you have come! The Lights that you are shining right now are so beautiful and brilliant!!! "We are in awe of you, and we say to you - and all of those who have spoken or who are about to speak**** - that without you, we could not be facilitating your Freedom, your Abundance, and your Peace on Earth, much less our arrival with our technologies, which will free you in so many ways - free energy, and your own, we shall say, 'George Jetson' type of shuttle craft - so that we can make it real for you - and so many, many simplifications so that you can be free to follow your passions, so that you can receive your Abundance and do as you wish with it! And yes, we know that when this group of beautiful, beautiful beings receives, you already have plans for sharing it - it’s not necessarily a requirement for most of you, but it is beautiful! It is your caring and sharing that are going to bring the realities of the Golden Age Lifestyles that much quicker to the totality of Planet Earth. "It is your willingness to accept and share; it is your willingness to help bring about the cleansings, the clearings, the detoxings, and the replicators, the 'George Jetson' vehicles, and if you want it in red, like a little red sports car, it is perfectly all right - that’s Mother Sekhmet’s vehicle of choice - and so on, and so on! As you rise up into Higher Dimensions you won’t have any disabilities! As you achieve your higher levels of living within your physicalities, your physicalities are going to just absolutely bloom with health, rejuvenation, opening of your DNA, with your wisdom eyes wide open to receive, and your telepathic capabilities and all of your gifts – that’s what we mean when we say blooming and blossoming!!! "Much different lifestyles from what you look out upon Planet Earth and observe in this moment, but it is already in place. It is only to claim it!!! And thanks to you, we shall say this about President Obama’s speech - he heard you! He is listening with all of his capabilities and he is a multi-Dimensional being already. He walks with the Ascended Ones– KOS is with him, St. Germain, Sananda is with him, as you know, and so many others!!! "He receives regular counseling, shall we say, and he shares his wisdom and his questions in these counsels, and he says everything that he can possibly say to show who he really is. But he is the absolute, quintessential chess player and he is moving the players around the chess board - figuratively speaking, but on some levels it is true! He is playing the games that must be played in order to bring about the checkmate once and for all of the dark hats, the thirteen families, the illuminati, the black pope, everybody who has ever wanted to control Planet Earth out of greed or any other fear-based basis!!! "What they need to understand is that they are being welcomed to the Light, and some of them have come and more of them will come, but we are getting down to the wire, so to speak. There are very few moves left that need to be made, and that is the Grand News for you, Beloved Ones, because you have spoken!!! "Obama, and we, are listening, so let’s keep our channels open and stay tuned to each other, because together, the finish line is in sight! Now is the time more than ever to let your voices be heard in a multi-Dimensional way!!! We shall momentarily be speaking from the Highest Levels that we can possibly rise to together, and that’s very, very high. "But do not forget the lower levels - send your messages, send your emails, send your letters, make your phone calls, do whatever, to let Obama and your representatives, if you choose to, know that you know the Truth – that is very important, let them know, 'We know who did it' – that’s all you need to say. 'We know the Truth,' or, 'Announce the Truth about 9-11,' or ***- send them the link, let them know you’ve seen it. 'Announce NESARA now - Peace for the World now - We call it forth and We Are the Voices of Planet Earth. We Are the Consciousness and We Are the Consciousness in Expression!!!' "Because, Beloved Ones, You Are the New Majority! So we congratulate you and we thank you. Now let’s stand together and continue with this call this evening - or morning, as the case might be - and let us join together in bringing an even Higher Level of Peace and all that Peace requires, in order to be real and lasting for Planet Earth - and the Universe beyond is listening as well! "Mother/Father God thanks you! All of the Ascended Masters and the Angels, Mother Gaia and all of her kingdoms, stand and bow to you because you have succeeded! You Are the Majority and You Are the Voices of the Light of Love, and we love you beyond all words!!! And so it is. Salut!" * Ashtar was introduced by his chosen theme song, Come The New Jerusalem. ** The Course in Miracles. The Foundation for Inner Peace, 1975. *** The A&A Report from this call will be published when its transcription is complete. **** Ashtar was followed by Sekhmet and Sananda (audio recording at bottom of page here): ***** Transcription by Brian Coe. Given through Susan Leland, September 10, 2013. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. Lord Maitreya, Arch Angel Ariel, The Great Divine Director, Master Hilarion - Tick Tock, Tick TockÂ7/3/2013 Lord Maitreya "Your body is a gift and most humans do not recognize the importance of their gift of the body. It is good to work out, eat better and overall take better care of your gift. " I am Ariel, Arch Angel Ariel. It is my honor to be here. The Great Divine Director I am Master Hilarion and it is my honor to be here with you today. Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.July 3, 2013. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links:
Master Serapis Bey - So as Shakespeare once said all the world is a stage and we are the players. That is so true and the more that humanity discovers that they are just play acting in a roll on a stage in an illusionary platform, an illusionary world, because each one has created their own world as they wanted it to be, the ascension will be obtained for each and every one. I am from Andromeda - We have come from far to be a part of this magnificent change that is going on in this beautiful planet. It was beautiful in the beginning, then it was not so beautiful, and now it is returning to its full beauty. We are here not only to observe but to assist. So it is simply, I stating to all of humanity, that we from Andromeda are here. And we are willing to be part of assistance for anyone who asks, anyone who calls. The only way they can call to us is to send us a mental vibration of an image of call, from their heart center. That is how you will show up. That is how we will notice you. Your heart will call to us and we will be there instantly. The planet will become spectacularly, exquisitely, beautifully known throughout all of the areas of the cosmic, through all different galaxies and solar systems because you see this, in this exact way, has never happened before and we are here to cheer it on. And we are here to hold the head of Mother Earth as she goes through her grieving and to ease her pain in the process of mother earth and her children upon the planet. Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.June 29, 2013. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: Do not despair dear Beloveds. The time for change is now upon all of humanity and we have been waiting for this change for many eons. Much will be happening among all the races and kingdoms in the way of celebrations for the incoming new era and we ask that you allow yourself to celebrate too.
Every day is a new day and every moment is a new moment in creation, all of which you are creating as your walk and breath on this lovely planet you call Earth. We are anxious for the culmination of all the shifts and changes because we know the final end result and we are happy to share with you that it will be soon. Nothing will be more beautiful and more full of joy and bliss once you align and recognize the patterns set forth in this new era of love, peace profound, and abundance. We are with you and we are and have been always with you on each step of this marvelous journey into this time of awakening. We applaud your efforts and your strengths and we ask that you continue just has you have been. Many truths have been hidden from you but they will not remain hidden. These truths will help to arrange a new understanding and new policies across the lands will be implemented Nothing will be kept hidden. It cannot be any longer. So soon you will be part of the new world, the new earth and the new structure of life on this planet. All will be for the better of mankind and all will be protected as this unfolds. We are here to assist and we are always available to you anytime you call to us. Just listen and we will guide you. Much will change and your ability to hear us clearer will be one of the changes. We look forward to walking the earth plane with you again soon our dear Beloveds. We are Master Jesus, Lady Master Nada, The Great Divine Director and your friend, St. Germain. Channeled to Dr. Madalyn Kennedy October 10, 2012 Translated from the Language of Light writings given to me October 2, 2011 from the Austin Soul Expo.
(Thank you Rick). Message for All Light Children: Light Children everywhere Unite, Unite, Unite!! Connect through your crystalline bodies to the crystalline grids and tubes that sent you here to Mother Earth. The more often you all can connect the stronger your powers will become in all things that you do in your regular lives. Know your regular lives are nothing like the life work you each do as you return to your positions when you’re physical bodies rest and your true forms, your light bodies, start and return to their work. All is so much more simple and completed easily in your light body forms. You help others who are unaware of their true forms and are trapped and caught up in the stronger veil of illusion. You are here to help the lonely and lost children who need your love and comfort so much. You are here to hold the light energy across Mother Earth that helps to dissolve the strong negative vibrations that are constantly regrouping to hold their position of which they have controlled for so long of a period of times, and we mean times, many times over. You are there doing exactly what is needed of you my beautiful Children of Light. We are so grateful in your assistance of us, for all this and so much more that you do unawares. Also know that the Angelic Realms, All the Beings of Light, All the Masters of the I Am Consciousness, of the Christ Consciousness and of the Interplanetary Brotherhood are at your sides sending so much love, power, knowledge, understand & strength constantly. All you need to do is accept, recognize and thank. We are honored to assist in every way we can. In all ways which we can and in helping you to discover ways in which you can handle on your abilities. This is our greetings and gifts to all the Children of the Light; to know you are loved, honored, assisted and thanked. Adoni Adoni Adoni. All is One United. We are here to tell you to NEVER Give Up because we can help you in everything you decided to do. We are here to assist and we have said this many time before but it is mostly forgotten.
We want to remind you that we are here to help easy your pain, your worries, your concerns and your troubles. We are also here to elevate your joy, happiness, love and good times to a level that is unexplainable if you will just allow us We love you beyond words and if you just once spend time with us with an open and trusting heart and mind you will experience this for yourself. We are ONLY love, you see, so that is all you will ever experience from us. We will guide you in loving, gentle ways that will make you think that maybe, just maybe, you should handle that particular problem in a different way, from a different perspective. That is what we do. We give you little thoughts, nudges and impressions of doing or reacting in a different way than the way your ego based mindset would have you respond. We hope this is making sense to you. We are lovingly waiting for you to call upon us, all of us higher dimensional light beings, to shine the light on a new and right direction for you all the time. We can do this you see, but you have to ask. Many of you do not ask because you think that one time (blanket asking) is all that is required but this is not so. You have free will with everything you do and it is very powerful. Asking is simple. Just ask us to come help guide you daily and we will. It is the same that you need to do to ask for protection to surround you daily. We can do this also where only higher level light beings are guiding you every day. Without asking for the white light of protection from your higher self to enfold you daily, other vibrational energies that are not from the highest realms can influence you without you realizing this. You stand as a beacon of light and many can sense your light and want to be with you, some to even control you. Once you put on your daily white light armor of protection, so to speak, only your guides and teachers from the highest levels of the light will be able to be with you. We love you dearly and felt the necessity of giving you these gentle reminders of calling your white light of protection and asking for us to help guide you. As Mother Earth continues on her path of evolution, many light beings like you will experience much in the way of shifts, dizziness, ears ringing and the like. At the same time, lower energies will intensify their efforts to keep you confused and under control if they can. This is why we gave you these reminders today,to assist you in all ways possible until you yourselves become ONE with the Source of all light. We love you unconditionally and eternally. We are Amun-RA, Isis, St. Germain of the Violet Flame, Lady Master Nada of the Pink Ray of Love and Lord Sananda- many of you know me as Jesus the Christ. We have said all this before over and over again and we will continue to say and send our messages of love to you for eternity because we will never tire of telling you that we love you, we are here for you, to call to us for help and that we have the ability to ease so much off away from your human way of thinking that you would be so totally in awe and live in complete bliss with our understanding of all things.
We fathom that you are of the mindset that things must only be applied in a certain way however we are aware of so many other ways to apply and achieve what your narrowly visioned mindset wants to achieve. You make things so hard on yourselves and we realize that this is part of why you chose to come to the earth plane in the first place. However, part of the original plan was for you to find your way back to the understanding and the realization that was so powerful which you left behind when you incarnated upon Mother Earth. Now that the planet is shifting so miraculously and the veil of illusion is thinning more and more each hour, as time is put in human thought framework, you are coming closer and closer to the alignment of your whole being and the veiled impressions are starting to lose their power over you. We are working from our dimension to help you understand more and more clearly that there is so much more waiting for you. So much more that you have already created and completed and left behind waiting for you to discover again. You have everything you could ever possibly need already finished, created, waiting and gathering momentum as it waits for you. We have been very proud watching each one of our beloved brothers and sisters as you graduated from level to level of understanding within your consciousness and your heart. We truly are very proud and are filled with so much love for you that it is impossible to describe in human terminology which would transfer the accurate emotion. We send our information and impressions and feelings in thought form that is so powerful and instant which cannot be carried over into human words as beautifully or as quickly as we are intending our message to be. We are light energy, we are thought energy. We move, act and function with the speed of light and thought speed is immeasurable for the range of human words and emotion that is currently understood. You will see soon as you become more and more your original light being forms again. With the movement of energies which is now being focused upon your planet, many are already understanding our messages on a much deeper level. Everyone who reads our messages will receive the healing, loving energies which are imbued for you with our love. We work in many mysterious ways to assist you on this journey that each of you has chosen to take. You have chosen this journey because you are the strongest of the strong, wisest of the wise and have the truest hearts of all in the cosmic. You are the Masters of the Universe and we, the Ascended Masters in the Cosmic Realms are here ONLY to assist you. We are your co-workers, your agreed upon sidekicks, so to speak, your help mates upon which you can depend always and forever. We are simply going to ask that you enjoy your time here on this planet. It is limited and in the big scheme of things it vanishes in the blink of an eyelash. Each day as you are caught up more and more in the veil of illusion which has been dropped over Mother Earth, you find yourself acting and reacting as if it is completely and totally real and that this is all there is for each of you to survive in. We are here to tell you it is not.
This is just a little hologram so to speak of a fragment of your life and of your beings existence. You are so much more than you are aware of and we are here to help you awaken to this deeply hidden knowledge and passion that you have and are by being a direct descendent of All That Is; of the One Source for all, your God which is replicated within you as your Higher Self. You are, each one of you, God’s walking on this earth plane. Every place your feet touch the Mother Earth a footprint of extraordinarily vibrations is left imprinted in the earth and its atmospheric field. Each movement, each thought, each and every word coming from you has this same powerful influence in the magnetic field and the cosmic. This combined consciousness is what helps some to love, heal and manifest and others to be destroyed within their own minds. This energy is pliable and mold-able and it’s up to you which way you intend to mold your life and experiences to be. We hope we have painted a clearer picture of how co-creation now works. It is a combination of you, us, the magnetic fields and your higher God self. Meditate upon these words and you will get much clearer about all of this. We say to enjoy yourself and enjoy your explorative journey that you have chosen for yourself at this time. We love you and are here to remind you of how powerful and expansive you truly are. We are the Pleiadians. Things are not as they seem at this time. It is tragic and devastating that humanity is only seeing current happenings and taking them at face value. This is not a “true” face you see so why would anyone be satisfied with taking it at face value.
The death of any human, loss of any life before their time is tragic. We understand that in you, human mind, have a division of “good” and “bad” guys when in reality all are from the exact same source energy of light and love. The human shell that one puts upon their spirit body when an incarnation is chosen is only for the karmic lessons and path that must be experienced, recognized and then moved forward from. No good or bad here. Only chosen karmic lessons and opportunity for spiritual growth and development. We hope this is making sense to you and you are able to read these words without any personal judgment or feelings of right or wrong, good or bad, offensive or defensive. It is none of these or all of these depending upon your perspective and level of understand of the universal laws. All will be righted for Mother Earth, her children and her inhabitants and only a clear mind, vision and fortitude will show the success that is ready to be won. As our time grows shorter and shorter, or messages become stronger and stronger. This is another wake up call. Please wake up before it is too late to do so. You cannot say we have not warned you often. In fact, over and over we have mentioned things to be on the lookout for and we would be very happy if you were able to do so. As always, we are at the ready to answer your questions, help you to understand the view from your higher self perspective, as we see it, and to send you our undying, unconditional love. There are many messages, messengers and channels and we simply say, see where the common denominator is in all the messages and follow that. You will find a common thread of love, compassion, and the outstretching of our hand to offer any help that is needed. We are glad you will read this message and we thank you for doing so. The energy placed upon these words is powerful enough to begin to make an impact and a difference if enough read them. We are St. Germain of the Violet Flame, Lady Master Nada of the Pink Ray of Love. Lord Sananda, the Christ Consciousness deliverer, Lord Lanto of the Golden period of times, Askara Ray from the Akashic records and St. Jude, Patron Saint of Protection. We, all of us and you, are travelers on a mystical journey of adventure, excitement, love, happiness, joy and bliss. Don’t stop midstream. Don’t stop until you discover your truth. It’s always with you, deep inside. Let that part of you soar with us and you will discover all you ever need is already prepared and waiting for you to just open your eyes and heart to see it. We love you dearly. |
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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