There are a few things you need to know about what is coming. We are always with you and everyone and you will need to remind the population of that. Part of the cleanse is due to manmade instances and part is because it’s time for the evolution of your beautiful planet so it would be normal for changes to occur across her system anyway. Please know that no one is ever in any danger even though it may look like it to the human way of thinking. You are our children and we are helping you to understand this on a deeper more important level than ever before. Nothing is the same from day to day and this is what you will need to remind yourself of as you go about your work. Each and every one of you are part of us so we are extremely aware of your thoughts and your feelings of what and how things should be for each of you. We are in a realm of unseen at this moment but the unseen will be seen by all soon enough. Much preparation needs to come before that can happen and still much preparation has already been completed. The light workers of this planet have been banding together and holding the light space of love and humanities masses will have the benefit of their work. Many are totally unaware of any of the light workers work efforts and unaware of our assistance also. But the unaware will become very aware in due time. Metatron Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy, July 25, 2014
Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links:
Lord Maitreya, Arch Angel Ariel, The Great Divine Director, Master Hilarion - Tick Tock, Tick Tock7/3/2013 Lord Maitreya "Your body is a gift and most humans do not recognize the importance of their gift of the body. It is good to work out, eat better and overall take better care of your gift. " I am Ariel, Arch Angel Ariel. It is my honor to be here. The Great Divine Director I am Master Hilarion and it is my honor to be here with you today. Channeled through Dr. Madalyn Kennedy.July 3, 2013. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice links: Wonderful message channeled to my dear friend Rosalie Muir in Australia from Isis. I am Isis, Beloved Ones, I know a lot of you have had a time of great changes within your body temples, your relationships and even your Life purpose however without these changes Ascension would not be happening. I wish for you all to look back 1 year from now and think seriously if those changes have been for your benefit ,if they haven't then relook at your original intentions for yourself and turn it around. Your journey is yours to create and at all times be your true self because if you alow others to dictate how you must be then you lose touch with your soul's purpose. Your intuition is at it's peak right now and the Universe is whispering to you , so learn to listen to the signs ,they are your signposts to your path. Your time in this moment now on the earth plane is like no time as time can place limitations upon you and there is an end to any limits or separations, realise you are part of the collective consciousness ,no longer a singular entity.The time has come to end all feelings of being alone for we are guiding you along the way if only you will stop, still your mind ,get out of the way and allow us to be your guiding star. As Lightworkers its of great importance to keep your light shining bright letting nothing or no-one dim your light, this is why you have come to be here at this time of ascension , to be in the light and work from the light ,to be a help to those who may be lost and have allowed their light to be taken. Your body temples are just not from this time, it has come from many times and as you are at one with all your lives there comes a time to heal & integrate these lives into one before ascension is complete. You, along with Mother Earth has much to comlete and as with any transformation there are rumbles and clearing for the greater good of the people and planet that must be cleansed of all that is not serving the collective divine purpose. Reach out to each other and be a steady rock for others to cling to in times of uncertainty and conflift, each f you are travelling the same road yet all must do so in their own time. There is no better or worse, good or bad ,there is simply an Isness to each one of you. The animals are noticing the changes not only from the earth's energy but also of your changes & this is why they are seeming to be very clingy at times ,it is just the uncertainty they are not understanding and yet there is a knowing of your unconditional love that they feel safest with. Listen and watch your children as they are the advanced appretices of Lightworkers and future Leaders of the new Earth, they have much to teach you as their conditioning is not as set in as most of the human race that have experienced this lifetime and their rememberance of times they have shared many lifetimes with you before. As you look for the same soul family amongst you, they will start to appear in many different forms such as parents before, Sisters and Brothers of before and the true love that you have been searching for will now start to appear like no other time so that you may ascend together in bliss to enjoy the new Earth of no separation, Law of One once more. Look forward to these final steps and reap the rewards for your diligent hard work that has not gone unnoticed by us in the higher realms.We nurture those who will trust and allow us to keep you moving forward to a celebration of Oneness like never before in the history of your Planet. I bid you farewell till next time we speak which will be as much as you are willing to accept from us as we are all one in spirit as you are on earth.My blessings of Love & Peace we wish to all, Yours in sevice always,I am Isis, Written and channeled by Rosalie muir @The Crystal Gateway Please share and keep the message as written,Namaste Rosalie Thank you Besim Pira for sharing this wonderful message from Greg Giles
-- I see you gathered in the streets, in protest of the long series of wrongs which have been done to you and your families in the name of greed and power. These were done in an attempt by those who have been consumed by greed and darkness to control you and imprison you in a world of their own creation, to further their corrupt reign of insatiable desire for more money, more power, and more control. You have succeeded in breaking free from these shackles of tyranny. It is time to celebrate and put all these trying times behind you. You are just moments away from embarking on an incredible voyage that will see you pulling away from the dock which has been your three dimensional world of separation and illusion. The members of this dark cabal were used to help facilitate your learning and advancement. All was deemed necessary for your upliftment. We, the Galactic Federation, along with the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchies have been working feverishly to help free your world from the clutches of these darkworkers for some time now as their part in this grand production is no longer required for your benefit. This endeavor has been an enormous challenge, but we tell you all is now being returned to a world of love and light, and soon you will bask in the warm glow of your new and exciting lives. Do not ever be afraid of these changes. This is why you are here. To experience for yourselves firsthand the incredible ride which is ascension of a people and a planet into a higher dimensional state. You all jumped at the chance to be here at this time, and that time has come. Get ready for the thrill ride of a lifetime. You all have earned this moment as you have worked so hard in so many areas you can have little idea, but we tell you that you have earned all this, and you will receive the blessings we speak of very soon. Much is happening behind the scenes and we do try to give you a glimpse of the secret goings on from time to time. We feel the more you know about what is happening, the more excited you will become about the changes. Your joyous excitement raises your collective vibration and helps facilitate the necessary changes. All of you have done your part. You all deserve such a warm thank you from us, your family from afar. Please remember, you all have gotten here together. You are all one, one in the name of the Creator, one in the name of love. Treat each other with kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. Each is your brother, each is your sister. Treat them and respect them as such. We have been keeping tabs on all the dark’s maneuverings and we are very happy to report that their once very powerful organization is in tatters. They are now barely functional, and will not be able to mount any substantial objection to your ascension to the higher realms. This has been our main function here at this time. Ascension is a natural blessing from the Creator and your universe. Ascension is not our invention and we, the Galactic Federation, are not the overseers, if you will. The Creator is the overseer to these proceedings, we are merely helpers, sent by the decree of the Creator to assist you at this time as it was foreseen that much resistance to your journey would be created by the dark cabal. We know their game, and we are far better prepared to handle their attempts than you could be at this time. Many Earth allies have also contributed to the demise of the Illuminati and their band of misguided minions, and much gratitude is owed to these brave men and women of your world. As we have said, many of these individuals will be made known to you at the proper time, and we look forward to meeting you at the proper time as well. This time is approaching rapidly. You may have seen several messages and predictions circulating the internet at this time, and all we can tell you is to use your wise judgment and your powers of proper discernment when assimilating the many avenues of information. Does the author of the information resonate with you personally? Does he or she send forth waves of love and light, or do you perceive other motives, other intentions. It is all up to you. Do your best to feel the messages signal. Feel its radiance. You have heard ‘The proof is in the pudding’, taste their pudding before buying what they are selling. We are not saying all of the information you may be reading regarding upcoming events are falsehoods. We are merely suggesting you be discerning in what you accept as messages coming from sources of light. We wish you all to know the end is drawing near, which will open a new door to a new beginning. Never doubt for a moment your safety and well being is not being cared for every step of the way, for indeed it is. You are our children, our brothers and sisters. How would we ever let any harm come to you? You have so much to look forward to. All your hopes and your dreams for a better world are just moments away from materializing in the most incredible of fashion. Many of you have never experienced such a gorgeous display before in any of your previous incarnations. This moment will surely be remembered by all of you throughout your blissfully eternal new lives. We promise you magic and wonder, delectable delights for all your heightened senses. Remain calm and composed. Try to experience the rush of joy without losing your composure and becoming overwhelmed. Step into your new lives confidently, the gift is yours because you have earned it. There can be no other way. So it is. We await your arrival at our doorstep with great anticipation and excitement. What a joy it will be to see all your shining faces again. It has been such a very long time. We will be together so very soon. Until then, we love you. We are your Star Family. As channeled through Greg Giles |
Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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