I just wanted to share my experience of how and why this particular message came through. I was sitting with a Face Book post from someone that took me to a link about 5 main extraterrestrials that are to be here now. The more I reflected on what that article said the more I began to feel that stronger connection of getting ready receive a message or a download. I'm going to add the first part of my message that I left off this post because I thought it would make sense to me only. Now I feel that we are all on this journey together and that maybe by sharing my thoughts, impressions, experiences and questions might resonate with you too as we occupy this wonderful planet together and grow together in our awareness of what all that means or could mean. So here is the link to the article to: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/the-5-main-extraterrestrial-races-in-contact-with-earth-right-now/ More and more information keeps coming through each day and I will continue to share with you as quickly as I can. So here is the beginning paragraph of the rest of the message that is posted on June 12th. Message: "Now we can actually take some time to be with you. We are glad you did keep the page open that discusses some of our brothers but there are many more on your planet than the 5 groups, we should say categories, that were mentioned. You do not need to go deeper into theta, as you humans refer to that semi consciousness state, you are already there the majority of your waking time that your moving throughout your day as such, each day. So no need to scold yourself for not meditating enough, you are constantly in that state-just with a flip of your conscious thought being sent to us you see. It is part of the agreement that you are so very aware of and it is also easily obtained for you because your vibration is always there. You have practiced already for very long periods of times in the past so that the agreement could be fulfilled without you making a long drawn out effort to get into the right vibrational space for us to connect. As we already said, you are there always. So know just listen to us because you are aware of this ability even more so than you even thought about before. Original post begins:
Once we arrived here there were other beings that wanted to control all the riches of your soil and infrastructure and had they continued your planet would have been a dead planet. The possibility of our “rescue” planet being a dead planet in a very short spanse of time was not what we wanted for the planet nor for ourselves. We would not be able to survive on a dead planet. We had to leave such a place to be here on Earth so we put our efforts together to protect the beauty and riches of our new nourishing home. The other beings were very unhappy with our efforts and there was a long period of who would be the winners and therefore the controllers of your planets future destiny. We fought valiantly for millions of years in your earth time language and we were close to losing when another race from a galaxy system we were not familiar with came to assist us. With their assistance we won and were able to protect and preserve this beautiful orb you now call Earth. Shortly we discovered we have been tricked and they were drone type of beings that were well disguised. Once they were aligned with us in victory, they started to overtake us and the planet to now have control. They created a false holographic image that portrayed to all the other races that we were the beings that were wanting to rape and pillage the earth and the galactic protectors now showed up to destroy us. Many of us were destroyed and many of us took underground and hid for thousands of years. Some of our brothers were so incensed by the injustices perpetrated upon us that they actually became that type of being of which we were accused of being. But others of us were not bitter, callous or revengeful. So there you have it. A difference of our reptilian history and evolution that most are unaware of. Now we are here to assist and some are still here to create harm. We work tirelessly to protect our hybrid human brothers and sister so no harm comes to you but you are still afraid of all of us reptilian race beings. We know you will be able to see us for the true when the hologram that has been overlaid on your planet has been completely destroyed and removed. Many of the galactic fleet nations are aware of the holographic imprint also and are helping to dissolve the old thought patterns that all reptilians are evil and dangerous. We are grateful and thankful for the time you have spent with us today so we can share this message with you. I am Drolawark General of the Reptilian Formation Movement. We send you our love, honor and respect for your willingness to work with us in this very important mission for your planets, and all of our, ascension is upon us now. Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 6, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages.html.
6/12/2015 11:00:42 am
Wow amazing Madalyn! How can one help?
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Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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