I AM Metatron speaking with you today. Today and from this day forward there will be many miracles that will be noticed, witnessed and undeniable. It is our honor to bring this message to all. Many are connecting to their Divineness, their higher consciousness, their own “I Am Presence” which is Source energy. More and more it will be noticed that this connection, this awakening, this new awareness is now a permanent part of the new thinkers, feelers; by this we mean healers, and all who are working with the highest good for all mankind in their hearts. This is more than “light workers” you see. The term light workers is an easy term for most humans to recognize so we are allowing the use of that wonderful phrase. By there is so much more than those phrases, light workers or light warriors or children of the sun or children of the light. You are all Divine and of course by being Divine you are completely and totally encompassed in light, love, and energy when you are living from your true divine nature. The human experience was to live for a period of time from ego and put the divine energetics to the side or back burner we could say, until the ego awareness, together with the human awareness and awakening was ready to accept the full power and authority of your Divineness again. Now it is that time and we congratulate you for being ready during this most pressing time of Mother Earth's evolution. Her evolution and your evolution is connected you see? It is hard for one to happen and not have effects on the other, either way you look at it. As for now, I Metatron, am part of this wonderful experience being shared jointly with you, mother earth, and all of us beings of light and love from many dimensions and galactic worlds. All is happening simultaneously across all the system of worlds and you should know that these changes have not gone unnoticed by so many. In support and guidance for you and your planet, we are here. In contrast to this support, other energetics still surrounds the ethers of your world and they are gradually being dissolved back into the beauty and oneness of love and light for the betterment of all. This dissolution has been gradual and it’s a constant re-do as many connected to the human consciousness is still putting forth the energies of lack, fear, worry, disappointment, hate, rage, judgment, and so for. We know you get the picture. So each time a layer of this darker feeling, of thinking and acting energetics is dissolves another layer is appearing and we wish to bring notice to this situation. As best you can, please always call to your “I AM Presence,” your Divine high self to solve any situation that is going on in your life. Once you create any worry, anger or a stress situation is when the darkness starts to gather in the consciousness of man. When you immediately notice what you are creating and you, with intention and consciously chose to release the disturbance to your “I Am Presence,” your Divine self or you may call it the Universe; when you release your control and know that it is handled in the best possible way for all by your Divine higher self- that is when the heavy darker energetics are instantly dissolved and in doing this yourself, you are adding to the strength for the dissolution of the already stored and stagnated, strong dark energies that are collected above your realm. So you see, the quicker your correct yourself in your thoughts and feeling, the quicker more and more of these strong dark negative energies are removed from you, your thoughts, and the thoughts and feeling of your fellow brothers and sisters on this planet at this time. In doing so, this in turn helps your mother, mother earth to have the heaviness removed for her also. All is connected. We cannot mention that enough. All is connected, be it good energies or be it not so good. And all is felt, so let’s blend together and support each other as we open the portals to the light and love of the ultimate divine creator. Many are speaking of the changes that will be coming this month of September. Changes are always coming but as it is well spoken of lately, the changes are stronger, more powerful and so much more intense. Each month coming in succession to the culmination of the total ascension will show a more and more energy level increase so you just need to expect it and be thankful for these beautiful energies that are being pulsed to your planet. They are for your assistance so take full advantage of this. If you feel extra tired, it is good. Just relax as best you can, breathe deeply and as you drink your water for your body, ingest the beautiful light and healing energy that you are feeling. It is much better to accept this and take it in then to let the body hold push back, confusion, resistance, and worry as the pulses are being experienced by you. September is a wonderful month of miracles and change. October is multiplied 10 fold with these energies, November 10 fold again so you see how this works. Once you accept and release your resistance that you feel is your protection, which it is not, you will do so much better. You will feel lighter, happier and much more excited each day. The resistance your think you need is from the ego part of you that is used to control and a little control is still alright. But release that control that would stop you from growing, expanding in your heart chakra, in all your chakra portals. That type of control is detrimental to your body’s physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health. It is not needed any longer to hold on to such control. You will understand once you start to experience how much simpler all the decisions, actions and interactions in your life become by letting your Divine self take the wheel for a while. You will not go back to the old way of how you handled things in the past because you will clearly see that it just did not work for you as well and as beautifully as what you are experiencing now by letting your Divinity step forth. I AM Arch Angel Metatron and I leave you completely surrounded with the love of all the Arch Angels and wondrous beings of Light. In Complete and Total Blessings Be. Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy September 11, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: http://www.belovedessences.com/messages-blog.html.
Metatron card from Angels of Atlantis oracle cards by Stewart Pearce - Illustrated by Richard Crookes
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![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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