Greetings to All. We are here to advise you and to welcome you to your home which you left long ago. The time has come that we will be returning to the surface of the earth and walk among you in the 5th dimension vibration. We are excited to see the return our long missing family members just as you are excited to see our return. All of you and all of us have been waiting for this time period for many thousands of eons and now it is soon upon us. This is a time for celebrations, joy and excitement. This is not a time for worry and anxiety. All is well and just remember to keep your focus on your heart center of love and compassion and you will be in the correct vibrational space that you can see us when we start to return. We are your loving family that has waited for you for so long now. We are your true root structure, your heritage, your ancestors of ages past but we will be with you in the present also. Wonderful things go on in the 5th dimension that you will love seeing. Your thoughts instantly create your environment. If you want to have a particular home, you must think of it, in very exact detail and it will form for you out of the ethers. All things are formed in this manner in the 5th dimension. The earth and all of its inhabitants will be in such glory and peace from this dimension. There will still be activity in the 3rd , current, dimension but not as it is now. Everything will be different then what you see now in your current 3rd dimension reality. Much will change for you and very rapidly.
We have come to speak with you today to give you hope and send you our undying love. Things are not as dull as they seem. We are here to help soften the blow as much as we possibly can and many light workers and ascended light beings have already been doing this for some time now. Take heart and take heed. Watch your thoughts that are of negative vibrations and begrudgingly fashion. Once you discover that you are thinking in a way that you know is not from your higher self of unconditional love to all, do you best to correct and change your thought. If someone makes a statement to you that is against your understanding belief structure of holding positive vibrations of love and compassion, make a mental note to cancel that thought from our mind and release it to the light where it can be dissolved and reconstructed into a powerful positive thought form that will then roam freely across the surface of the planet effecting all it comes into contact with now in a positive manner. We hope that you can see and understand what we are saying here. Your thoughts are so powerful; please take note of them all the time. They are not just nonsensical chatter in your head. They will actually either create good or they will create damage for you and all others. We are part of the group from the ancient city of Lemuria speaking with you today and we thank our beloved Saint Germain for helping us to make this contact this day. We are grateful to him, to you and to our channel. We shower you totally and completely in our love as we excitedly participate, wait and watch for the time to come when we will all be together again.
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![]() Rajenaira (Dr. Madalyn Kennedy) - Guided, Clear Channel for Goddess Isis, Ra, many Great Masters, and Ascended Beings; A Spiritual Intuitive, Healer and Soul Awakening Coach. Works with High Vibration Egyptian Essences & her Channeled Chakra Painting to help balance your 5 bodies, emotional, physical, etherical, spiritual and casual.
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